"Shi Lei, what do you mean by this patriarch?"

When they got back to the courtyard, everyone went into Shi Lei's room and sat down. Fortunately, the room was bigger this time, with five of them staying together, they didn't feel bored at all.

Everyone held back for a while, Lu Fei spoke first, Xi Chuyu quickly nodded and said in agreement: "Yes, I also find it strange."

Shi Lei frowned and thought about it for a long time, but couldn't figure it out, so he shook his head helplessly.

"Shi Lei, hunting is very dangerous. Swords and guns have no eyes. Could it be..." Guo Jingyi narrowed her eyes and said in a low voice, "Don't blame me for conspiracy theories. People's hearts are far away, so we have to guard against it."

Lu Fei scratched his head when he heard the words, and said hesitantly: "Should...not be so? By the way, why did he..." Lu Fei stopped talking and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

The Xi brothers and sisters looked at each other, then looked at Shi Lei, Shi Lei shook his head and vetoed, "No, even if it's true, it would be more useful to keep us."

"Be careful that walls have ears!" Xi Chuyu reminded in a low voice.

No one spoke, and the room was silent for a while, and the air was a little dignified.

"That..." Luffy broke the silence, everyone looked at him, he scratched his head and said: "Anyway, I agreed, wait, let's make excuses first, make tools, if nothing happens, kill the prey, if something happens, Just save your life, don't get entangled."

Shi Lei nodded, seeing that the Xi brothers and sisters and Guo Jingyi were still frowning and thinking, interrupted: "Don't think about it so much, rest early today, recharge your energy, and listen to Lu Fei, as for the tools, we will start making them tomorrow. "

"Okay." Shi Lei spoke, and no one had any objections.

The next day, Shi Lei and Lu Fei went to look for Tatu together, Tatu was sharpening the scimitar, when he saw the two of them coming, he hurriedly greeted: "Why are you here, sit down quickly, and come and see how my knife is, isn't it good?"

Shi Lei took the bone knife that Tatu handed him, sized it up and nodded, and asked inadvertently, "Are you going hunting too?"

Tatu waved his hand, "I won't go this time. Hunting takes turns. For such a large-scale hunting, everyone has a chance once a month. The tribe holds it every half a month."

"Oh? Shi Lei, what do you mean? Interested?" Tatu didn't know that Shi Lei and the others were going to hunt, Shi Lei nodded, and Luffy explained. Tatu gave a thumbs up in admiration after hearing this.

Shi Lei returned the bone knife to Tatu, and explained his reason for coming, "Tatu, do you have any useless bones here? We need to make tools and animal tendons."

Tatu thought for a while and said, "Yes, wait, I'll get them for you. These things are all in the tribe's warehouse. Otherwise, you can come with me and choose by yourself when you arrive."

"Does it fit?"

Tatu said seriously: "Since the patriarch asked you to hunt, he regarded you as his own. Besides, there is nothing in the warehouse."

Shi Lei and Lu Fei looked at each other, still a little speechless, but when they arrived at the warehouse, they were dumbfounded, no wonder Tatu said there was nothing.

This is called a warehouse?Looking at the huge room from the outside, there is nothing inside, but looking around, there are piles of bones scattered in the corner.

Shi Lei and Lu Fei walked over, broke the bones with all their strength, tried the hardness, it was not bad, very strong, he asked while picking out the bones, "Tatu, where are the tendons?"

Tatu picked up a few dirty ropes from the side and said: "This is, this is for binding the prison cage. Since you broke free from the cage, the patriarch will not allow you to use it. No, put it here and eat it." Ash."

Shi Lei picked up the bones, looked at Lu Fei with a smile, and said seriously: "I'll lift the heavy ones, you take the light ones, don't be polite, you're both brothers." After finishing speaking, he quickly walked to the door and ignored Luffy's stare.

Luffy: "Friends are gone!"

He came out with Tatu carrying the dirty tendon, Shi Lei thanked Tatu, Tatu scratched his head embarrassedly, "It's nothing, it's just useful, the hunt is about to start, you guys hurry up and make it too, Otherwise it will be too late."

"Okay, then let's go." Shi Lei said goodbye, and the two went back with their things in their arms. With the materials, everything was easy to talk about, and the two women went to clean the animal tendons. Xi Chupeng asked Shi Lei: "What kind of weapon do you plan to make?"

"Hmm..." Shi Lei thought for a while and said, "spears, the ones with bayonets, bows and arrows, and sticks with sharp stones."

Xi Chupeng nodded and said: "I also want to make bows and arrows. The wood for the spear must be strong. There are also bows and arrows. These two are more troublesome to make. Luffy, how about you?"

Luffy said with a smile: "Let me make bows and arrows. My university is a physical education shooting."

"I make wooden sticks," Xi Chupeng said, "By the way, I'll get one for Chu Yu and Jingyi. It's easy to use. Shi Lei, you can make a spear."

Shi Lei nodded, division of labor and cooperation, wasting the shortest time, everyone came to the beach, used rocks to polish the bones, and made them into the shape they wanted. Shi Lei and Xi Chupeng were easier to do, and Lu Fei wanted to get some bayonets tied to bows and arrows. The bows and arrows are more troublesome to make.

On the day of departure, Shi Lei and the others had just finished setting up all the tools. After meeting the hunting natives, everyone was attracted by the weapons Shi Lei and the others had, and there was a lot of discussion.

On the way, Taya walked up to Shi Lei and said as he walked, "Your tools look very powerful."

Shi Lei nodded, but instead asked: "Taya, do you know where there are bears?"

"Naturally, a few days before the hunt, there will be people from the tribe looking for the black bear. Only when the black bear is found, the tribe will set off."

Shi Lei nodded and didn't say anything else. Taya glanced at the spear in Shi Lei's hand and walked away. After walking for a while, the team stopped. This time there were more than a dozen indigenous people, including Shi Lei and the others, they were mighty There are more than 20 people, very conspicuous in the forest.

"Shi Lei, look!" Xi Chupeng walked to Shi Lei's side, raised his finger to the side bushes, Shi Lei took a closer look, his face became serious, Xi Chupeng nodded, and affirmed: "There are carnivorous beasts here."

At this moment, everyone only heard a panicked native shouting in front of him: "Bear! The black bear is coming!"

Shi Lei and the others looked at each other, "Let's go!"

Taya glared at the screaming natives, and calmly ordered: "Surround the black bears!"

The aborigines had their backs and calmed down, while Shi Lei quietly observed the situation ahead, and whispered to everyone: "Jingyi, Chu Yu, don't move here, this is a big tree, if a bear comes towards you, You just climb up."

"Chu Peng, Lu Fei, the three of us stand in a triangle, keep an eye on each other's situation, be careful!" Shi Lei and the two touched their fists, quickly blended into the indigenous crowd, and surrounded the black bear with them.

The black bear let out a deafening roar, trying to scare the aborigines away. Seeing that the aborigines were motionless and waving weapons at him, the black bear was enraged and rushed towards the aborigines on the side.

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