The results are self-evident, today's tribe's food is sea urchins, Shi Lei said before that sea urchin meat is actually not accurate, sea urchins eat yellow when opened.

Finding new food on this dangerous island is definitely something worth celebrating. In order to thank Shi Lei, the patriarch specially ordered a banquet to be held at night.

Shi Lei taught the natives how to deal with it and how to cook sea urchin, and when they understood it, Shi Lei said his goodbyes and went back to rest first.

In fact, he was doing this to avoid the group of aborigines who turned into [-] whys. Seeing that Shi Lei was wiping his sweat, Tatu couldn't help but burst out laughing.

After sending Shi Lei back to the resting place, Tatu left. As soon as Shi Lei entered the small courtyard, the Xi brothers and sisters, Lu Fei, and Guo Jingyi surrounded them. Even though they were aboriginals, they passed the news very quickly.

"Shi Lei, how come there are sea urchins covered with yellow in this season?"

Shi Lei told everyone what happened, and when he was done talking, his mouth felt parched. Taking the opportunity, Shi Lei quickly took a big sip of water from the bamboo tube, and just after he swallowed it, he heard Guo Jingyi's question.

He raised his hand for a moment, feeling something was wrong, and Xi Chupeng said, "There are many plants that shouldn't grow in this climate along the way, so there's nothing unusual about that."

"Maybe I'm thinking too much." Guo Jingyi glanced at Shi Lei, wanted to say something, thought for a while, she shook her head, but finally didn't say anything.

Lu Fei touched his chin, he was concerned about another question: "Shi Lei, is the sea urchin you brought back enough to eat?"

"Don't worry, the way I told them is to make soup." Shi Lei raised his eyebrows, seeing Lu Fei looking at him expectantly, showing a flat smile, and bared his teeth shyly after he finished speaking.

Luffy: "Get lost! Are you going to waste things like this, ruining good things?"

Others: "..." Should I praise Shi Lei for being so witty?

Shi Lei chuckled, put the water glass in his hand, glanced at Danshui inadvertently, and suddenly thought of a question: "By the way, have you ever thought about making sea salt?"

"Salt?" Xi Chuyu curled her lips, grunted twice and said, "I haven't eaten a bite of salt since I got on the plane. Making salt is so easy."

Shi Lei looked at the other three people again, Guo Jingyi frowned thinking, she never paid attention to these things, seeing Shi Lei looking at her, she could only shake her head helplessly.

Xi Chupeng hesitated and said, "Shi Lei... do you want to use seawater? If we have iron, aluminum, and copper pots, as long as they are metals, we can use seawater to boil crystal salt, do you think you will mine and forge iron?" ? Or can you pinch it with your hands like the old naughty boy?"

"You go first!" Shi Lei rolled his eyes, "Luffy, what about you?"

"I've heard that the salt farms dry seawater to produce salt." Lu Fei said, raised his hand and touched his nose, and said with some embarrassment: "I don't know the specifics, but I heard someone say that."

Shi Lei nodded, not disappointed at all, if the matter is so easy to solve, the natives have stayed here for so long, have they not produced any salt?

"Tomorrow, let's go to the beach. There are quite a lot of rocks there. Find a few sunken rocks and put salt water on them. Let's go and see in a day. Whether it succeeds or not, we have to try." Shi Lei said. , took another sip of water, thinking about what to do these two days, he pondered for a while and said.

"Okay." No one had any objections, and no one had mentioned the matter of salt before, so no one paid attention to it. Now that it was mentioned, everyone remembered the importance of salt.

Shi Lei thought about the previous hunting scene and said: "Actually, I always felt that when exerting strength, I was a bit weak. Today I heard Tatu said that they need to rely on sea fish to replenish their strength, and I suddenly realized."

If a person does not eat salt for a long time, it is not just that they have no strength. The reason why the white-haired girl was called Baimao is because she has been hiding in the mountains, eating wild fruits and stealing tributes, so she has no chance to replenish salt.

Putting this matter aside, when Shi Lei returned from his busy schedule, it was almost dusk, and when everyone was talking about salt, the sky was already getting dark.

When night fell, the indigenous people came to invite Shi Lei and his party to a dinner party. The place where the party was held was still the place where the fire party was held before, but today a tent was set up, without the heat of the fire, and the cool wind blew past, making people feel uncomfortable. A shiver.

Shi Lei and his group walked into the tent, there were several rows of natives sitting inside, seeing them coming, the waiting natives led them to their seats.

"Huh?" Seeing that his seat was not with the others, Shi Lei hurriedly asked the native who led the way, "Where should I sit?"

The native didn't answer, and led Shi Lei a little further into the tent, then pointed to a seat and saluted, "Please take a seat."

Shi Lei glanced at the layout, the muscles on his face twitched, seeing the patriarch sitting above him looking at him, he smiled and sat down bravely, already having a bad premonition in his heart.

After a while, another person walked in from the tent door, Shi Lei turned his head to look, and saw Princess Taya walking towards him, and then sat on the side seat.

Taya tilted her head, seeing that Shi Lei was silent, she spoke first, "Thank you for helping our tribe."

Shi Lei breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and secretly scolded himself for being stupid, it must have been a misunderstanding after such a long time, shit son-in-law, no matter what the natives said, they would never find a foreigner.

Thinking of this, the stone in Shi Lei's heart fell to the ground, and he smiled naturally: "It's nothing, these are all easy to do, we are here to disturb you, and we should do something."

At this moment, the patriarch spoke, and she picked up the wine glass on the table in front of her, raised it up and said loudly: "Tashi tribe, today, Shi Lei, a friend of the tribe, found a new food for us, let's toast him together liquor!"

"Do it!" Everyone finished drinking and sat down. The patriarch said a few more words, and then let everyone eat.

"This is sea urchin soup..." Shi Lei took a sip of water, his face distorted, this time he knew why it was not tasty, he didn't add salt.

However, he couldn't help but drink it. Many native people around him secretly looked at him. Don't think he didn't see it. They dug a hole and buried it by themselves. Fortunately, there was not much soup.

After finishing the drink, Shi Lei quietly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking: This horse is better eaten raw, but the natives around are all praising the deliciousness of this soup, probably because they have never eaten anything with salt.

"Shi Lei, you are really smart." Taya said suddenly,
Shi Lei was startled when he heard the words, and then smiled, but his smile was a bit bitter, "If you think so, then so be it."

Taya looked at Shi Lei strangely, she didn't understand why he was suddenly sad, she suddenly wanted to comfort him, but she didn't know what to say, for the first time, she felt a little distressed for this man.

The next day, Shi Lei and his team dragged Tatu and walked to the beach to start the salt making experiment.

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