The next morning, when Shi Lei got up early, he saw Xi Chupeng punching in front of the wooden house, and he couldn't tell what the method was, but it gave Shi Lei the feeling that it was more practical, and there were no fancy tricks.

Shi Lei didn't go up to disturb Xi Chupeng, but moved out a wooden pier from the wooden house and sat down. When Xi Chupeng stood still, he saw Shi Lei at a glance, picked up a cloth from the side, wiped his sweat, and walked towards Shi Lei.

"Chu Peng, I see that your punching style is clean and sharp, did you learn it from the army?" Shi Lei asked curiously.

Xi Chupeng nodded, looked at Shi Lei, and asked with interest: "Shi Lei, are you interested in learning?"

"Me?" Shi Lei raised his finger and pointed at himself, he couldn't believe it. Seeing Xi Chupeng nodded, he waved his hand and said, "Come on, even if I have learned your moves, what's the use? I can't improve my strength. It's useless."

At this moment, Xi Chuyu and Guo Jingyi also came out of the wooden house. When they saw Shi Lei, their expressions immediately became ugly. Shi Lei tilted his head inadvertently, and couldn't help blushing.

"Hey, two little aunts and grandmas, how long are you going to be angry? How could I marry that woman, let alone other things, as far as my temper is concerned, I can't get along at all."

Seeing the two women stop walking towards the fire, Shi Lei was overjoyed, knowing that there must be a door, he quickly struck while the iron was hot and said: "Yesterday's wine was all cheated by that kid Lu Fei, how do I know the rules of the natives?" , I am not specialized in studying history.”

"Really?" Xi Chuyu turned around, looked at Shi Lei and asked uncertainly, Guo Jingyi was still expressionless, but the frost in her eyes dissipated a lot.

Shi Lei promised again and again, and almost raised his hands to swear, the two women were satisfied, but just as Shi Lei breathed a sigh of relief, even the expressions of the two women changed suddenly, so dark that ink could drip out.

Who is looking for trouble?Shi Lei gritted his teeth, turned his head and saw that the person who came was none other than the native princess they were talking about, Taya.

Behind Taya, there are two people following, one is Tamai who talked to last night, and the other is Tatu who was stupefied by Shi Lei. In the hands of the two of them, there are also food baskets and a few bamboo tubes, which are probably water. .

Shi Lei took a deep breath, and suppressed the anger in his heart. Seeing them like this, they probably came to deliver something. After all, they are on other people's territory, no matter how angry they are, they can't put on a face, let alone they are giving them something. here.

"Chu Peng, why hasn't Lu Fei woke up yet?" Shi Lei thought, planning to ask Lu Fei to be an interpreter, but when he turned his head, he didn't even see a shadow of Lu Fei.

Xi Chupeng shook his head, scratched his head inexplicably and said, "It's strange, before this Luffy was the first to get up every time, but today I came out and said, is he still sleeping?"

"It's not right." Shi Lei shook his head. Seeing Taya and his party getting closer, Shi Lei quickly thought about the method, and after thinking for a while, he turned his head and said to Guo Jingyi: "Jingyi, you deal with Taya and the others. I'll go see the way. fly."

"Okay, don't worry." Guo Jingyi nodded.

Although Guo Jingyi didn't know aboriginal language before, she has an advantage that others don't have, that is, she learns things very quickly. No matter what she does, she already understands it when others are still in the introductory stage.

Although Lu Fei only explained the aboriginal language to them for a day, Guo Jingyi was already able to speak the commonly used aboriginal language fluently. Xi Chupeng and Xi Chuyu accompanied Guo Jingyi, although they were all worried about Lu Fei. gone.

Taya walked in front of Guo Jingyi and stopped. She said something to the two people behind her, probably letting go or something.

I saw Tamai and Tatu, looked around, then walked to the side of the fire together, and put down the things in them.Then he returned to stand beside Princess Taya.

"Thank you!" Guo Jingyi said in the native language.

Princess Taya didn't speak all the time, she looked at the few people standing there, frowned slightly, and said something in an aboriginal language with some dissatisfaction, although no one understood what Princess Taya said, but Shi Lei's name, no one could understand it. Will not listen to bad.

Guo Jingyi looked into Princess Taya's eyes, smiled faintly and did not speak, knowing that the other party could not understand her own language, communication has risen to using eye contact.

Xi Chuyu moved to Xi Chupeng's side, looked at the two women, and whispered, "Brother, do you feel a murderous aura?"

"They are fighting with their eyes." Xi Chupeng rubbed his chin and said inscrutablely.

Let's talk about Shi Lei's side, as soon as he walked into the wooden house where Lu Fei lived, he saw Lu Fei lying on the wooden bed covered with a quilt. Shi Lei walked to the bed, but Lu Fei didn't move.

This made Shi Lei feel weird. According to his observation, Luffy is usually a light sleeper. It stands to reason that someone entered his room, and Luffy could not have noticed.

What's more, Shi Lei didn't deliberately slow down his steps, thinking of this, Shi Lei's face changed, he quickly tore off the quilt on Lu Fei's body, raised his hand to check for Lu Fei's artery, and it was still beating, Shi Lei breathed a sigh of relief.

Shi Lei turned Luffy over and let him lie flat on the bed. After seeing it, Shi Lei noticed something was wrong. Luffy's face was too pale, but his lips were abnormally red, so he tested Luffy's forehead with the back of his hand.

The temperature was frighteningly hot, Shi Lei felt that the matter was too serious, he didn't dare to delay, he quickly turned around and ran out of the cabin, saw Guo Jingyi and Taya, before he had time to ask what was going on, he quickly called Xi Chupeng, and told about Lu Fei's situation.

Fever is a very dangerous thing on this small island that lacks medical care and medicine. Xi Chupeng asked Xi Chuyu to tell Guo Jingyi later.

The two of them rushed back to the cabin, Xi Chupeng saw this, and quickly said: "Shi Lei, first check Lu Fei's body to see if his wound is inflamed."

They had only known Luffy for a few days. Luffy had also experienced a battle before, and he was very likely to be injured. Luffy didn't have much clothes on him, and he took them off in a few strokes.

Shi Lei checked Lu Fei up and down, but it was all right, but as soon as Xi Chupeng turned Lu Fei over, Shi Lei saw a wound on Lu Fei's buttocks, not too big, but the flesh was already covered with pus.

Thinking of the cause, Shi Lei and Xi Chupeng looked at each other, neither of them knew what to say, Lu Fei didn't say anything, probably because he felt too embarrassed, but he couldn't lose his life because of this, right?
"Hey, I'll go get some cold water and wine to cool him down physically." Shi Lei coughed twice.

Xi Chupeng nodded, "Okay," as he said, he seemed to think of something, turned his head to look at Shi Lei's back, and reminded: "By the way, let Chu Yu and Jingyi not come in, Lu Fei is like this..."

Shi Lei made an OK gesture, signaling him to rest assured.

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