"Really leave with me?" Shi Lei was a little unsure, what it meant to leave, he believed that Guo Jingyi should know.

"Well! I trust you."

Guo Jingyi nodded affirmatively.

This sentence "I believe in you" not only believed in Shi Lei's character, but also affirmed Shi Lei's ability, especially the ability to survive in the wild.

She made such a judgment and choice not because she was in a rush. First, there was not much fresh water in the small puddle. They had to find a new water source to survive. Second, Lin Ziqiang's ability to survive in the wild was poor, and his character Very bad, if she stayed, Lin Ziqiang would probably do despicable things to her.

"Mr. Guo, you should think about it. If you follow this trash, you will have no water, no food, no fire, and no shed. Survival will be a problem." Lin Ziqiang sneered.

"You don't need to worry about this." Guo Jingyi replied coldly, pulled Shi Lei and wanted to turn around and leave.

At this time, Su Feifei suddenly stood up from the beach, grabbed the coat that Lin Ziqiang had torn, ran towards Shi Lei and Guo Jingyi, and cried, "I'll go with you."

"Okay!" Guo Jingyi nodded and said only one word.

"Stop! He can go, you two must leave one behind." Lin Ziqiang ran towards the three of them, blocked their way, and threatened Shi Lei with his saber.

Su Feifei was too scared to speak, she kept hiding behind Shi Lei.

Shi Lei was overwhelmed by this guy's blood, but Guo Jingyi was the only one with a calm face, and said indifferently: "Lin Ziqiang, your family is so rich, as long as you leave here, there will be countless beauties throwing themselves into your arms, such a beautiful life, you will be happy." Do you want to give up? If you force us, it will be a big deal, but you have to think clearly, do you still want those beautiful days in the future?"

"Yes, there is no law here, no one can restrain you, but there are three of us here, even if you have a saber, how can you guarantee a sure victory? During the fight, even if you are slightly injured and you are not treated in time, in this kind of Circumstances could kill you, too."

"Besides, this beach is left for you. There is fresh water, a stable source of food, and fire. It is easier for you to survive alone. You must know that there is not much fresh water. Keeping one more person means the consumption of fresh water. More."

Guo Jingyi talked cheerfully, telling the pros and cons one by one. Lin Ziqiang couldn't help hesitating after hearing this.

Yes, he was reluctant to part with the good life in the future.

"Okay, what you said makes sense." After thinking for a while, Lin Ziqiang sneered, turned and walked towards the shed.

Shi Lei and the other three also left immediately, and came to the beach on the other side of the island.

"Put on my clothes!"

Seeing that Su Feifei was having a good time, Shi Lei took off his shirt and threw it for Su Feifei to wear. He is really not in the mood to appreciate Su Feifei's figure now, "After decades of hard work, I returned to before liberation overnight", the shed is gone , the fresh water is gone, and the most exasperating thing is that the old godmother is gone.

"What's your plan next?" Guo Jingyi looked at Shi Lei and asked.

Shi Lei scratched his head, said with a wry smile: "Now we have nothing, there is only one road left."

He pointed to the forest. He had to go into the forest again to see if he could find a new source of fresh water.

After hearing the words, Guo Jingyi frowned slightly. There are wild boars in the forest, and entering the forest means risk, but there is no other way at present, it seems that this is the only way to go.

"Mr. Guo, why didn't you stay?" Shi Lei suddenly asked with a smile.

Guo Jingyi rolled his eyes at him angrily and said: "Do you want to leave behind the power to resist Lin Ziqiang? There is no one living here, and no one can control him. What should I do if the beast is so violent?"

"Can we take back that beach?" Su Feifei suggested in a low voice.

"No, Lin Ziqiang must be very vigilant now. He has a knife in his hand, so it's not appropriate to act rashly." Guo Jingyi thought for a while, then shook her head slowly.

Obviously, she also had the idea of ​​taking back the beach, but after careful weighing, she felt that doing so was too risky. First, they had no weapons in their hands, and second, Lin Ziqiang was physically strong and difficult to deal with.

"It's a pity that my old godmother is not willing to eat it yet!"

Shi Lei sighed, still thinking about those two bottles of Laoganma.

"Oh, my stomach hurts."

Shi Lei and Guo Jingyi were trying to survive, when Su Feifei suddenly frowned in pain, clutching her stomach and screaming, she couldn't wait to go to the small forest.


Within a minute of entering, there was a scream in the woods.

It was Su Feifei's voice.

Shi Lei and Guo Jingyi suddenly turned around and ran towards Lin Zi together. Could it be that Lin Ziqiang didn't give up and was following them secretly?
"Snakes, there are snakes."

As soon as I ran to the edge of the forest, I saw Su Feifei running out in a panic with her belly lifted. When she saw Shi Lei and Guo Jingyi, her legs went limp and she slumped on the beach, her face pale, and she looked quite frightened.

"Are you okay?" Shi Lei stepped forward and asked, there was a snake on the island, it was quite normal.

"I was bitten by a snake, will I die?" Su Feifei's body trembled slightly, and she trembled when she spoke.

"I was bitten by a snake, where is it?" Shi Lei was startled when he heard this, this is not a trivial matter, if it was a poisonous snake, it would almost be like a death sentence for Su Feifei.

"Here, here it is." Sophie Fei said, turning around with a flushed face, revealing her smooth back.

Shi Lei frowned, as far as his eyes could see, there were four small red dots, which should be the teeth marks of snakes, but there was no redness and swelling around the sides.

"It shouldn't be a poisonous snake!"

After reading it, Shi Lei came to a conclusion. In fact, he didn't quite understand it, because he didn't see the snake that bit Sophie Fei.


After hearing this, Su Feifei breathed a sigh of relief.

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