Noble God of War

Chapter 937 Could It Be A Website With Colors?

In less than a second, an image of three flying needles bursting out of the screen appeared on the screen, surrounded by blood red, which looked extremely terrifying.

Ye Qin leaned over to take a look curiously, and frowned.

She thought about it for a while, and asked, "Honey, you didn't open some colorful website, did you?"

"What are you thinking, this is not that kind of website!"

Chen Zhou glanced at Ye Qin speechlessly, thinking to himself, next time when Liu Jinyu comes over, he must have a good chat with her.

If you don't teach Ye Qinyi those things that you have and don't have, you will learn badly.

"This is the intranet page of the killer organization under Dongfang Zhen's name!"

Hearing this, Ye Qinyi widened his eyes in shock.

"Killer... Intranet?!"

Ye Qin knew about the killer organization before.

At the beginning, Chen Zhou selected ten outstanding young people, and one of them was pushed downstairs by the assassins who received the reward order.

It was only after this incident that Ye Qin found out that Chen Zhou knew the king of the killer organization.

And now, the king of the killer organization is recuperating in Fucheng.

"Since this is the internal network of the killer organization, why do you have an account to log in?"

Ye Qinyi looked at Chen Zhou curiously and asked.

After all, the opponent is a killer organization.

Normally, shouldn't it be tight?
"Oh, that was when I was wandering..."

Hearing this kind of opening words, Ye Qin pursed his lips for a moment.

What time is it to wander again...

Chen Zhou didn't know how much he said this before.

She was too lazy to say anything, and just stood quietly behind Chen Zhou, watching him continue to operate.

It didn't take long for all kinds of numbers and letters that looked like garbled characters to appear on the screen.

Ye Qinyi couldn't understand these at all.

Chen Zhou's hands were typing on the keyboard quickly, and after a while, a series of passwords were entered.

Then, hit the Enter key, and the page jumps immediately.

"Husband, you still say that this is not a colored webpage?"

As soon as Ye Qin looked at the redirected webpage, with the explicit cover and dazzling quotations, his face immediately turned rosy.

"Really, this is just a cover-up. After all, the killer organization cannot be exposed to the outside world!"

Chen Zhou said with a normal expression:
"This webpage was designed by Dongfang Zhen who was lying in the hospital.

He is just a low-level person, so it's not surprising that he can come up with these things! "

Ye Qinyi didn't say anything, but just nodded.

She was really embarrassed, so she could only turn her head away and not look at those pages.

Anyway, if Chen Zhou said it wasn't a colored website, she believed it.

"Okay, it's already jumped over!"

Chen Zhou tapped the keyboard for the last time, and the page jumped again.

At the same time, Chen Zhou also adjusted the language of the webpage so that Ye Qinyi could understand it.

"The latest A-level reward order..."

As soon as Ye Qin saw the name on it, his heart beat faster in an instant.

"Chen Zhou!"

Seeing Chen Zhou's name, Ye Qin clenched his little hand, feeling extremely nervous.

"Honey, why is your name on it?"

Chen Zhou smiled, and pulled down the list of the latest A-level reward orders.

On the 27th place, Ye Qinyi's name appeared.

The reward amount is 600 million US dollars.

"Even me on it?"

Ye Qinyi was dumbfounded.

She didn't understand, why did she appear on the killer organization's latest A-level reward order list?
Could it be that who hates her so much that he must kill her? !
"Honey, I let you see this, but I want you to understand that this world is not as peaceful as it seems on the surface."

Chen Zhou turned his head to look at Ye Qinyi, and said:

"Especially our New Leaf Group, which is developing so fast now, I don't know how many people are watching us behind our backs."

"Husband, what do you mean, we touched other people's cheese?"

Chen Zhou nodded, and said: "In a sense, we really touched other people's cheese.

Although the most fundamental purpose of our Xinye Group to make money is to help more people, but other chaebols are not like this.

They run companies and groups for profit.

Where do their interests come from?
Most of them are obtained by squeezing ordinary people!
And our New Leaf Group is getting bigger and bigger, which is equivalent to stealing food from other people's bowls. They don't hate us, so what the hell! "

Hearing Chen Zhou's words, Ye Qin's nervousness was not only relieved instantly, but also slightly excited.

"Honey, am I... really that good?"

Ye Qinyi's appearance stunned Chen Zhou for a moment.

He looked at Ye Qinyi for several seconds, and suddenly laughed.

Originally, he was a little worried that Ye Qin would be very scared for a while, and he would be more cautious in the future, but he didn't expect that the worry was in vain.

"You are really powerful now."

Chen Zhou said while pointing to the reward order and said with a smile: "Look for yourself, your reward is already 600 million dollars!"

Ye Qin curled his lips and asked, "Then, how much is your husband?"

Just now she only noticed that Chen Zhou was on the reward list, and didn't pay attention to the price.

Anyway, she vaguely remembered that behind the amount of the reward offered by Chen Zhou, there was a string of zeros.

It should be much more than yourself, right? !

Chen Zhou smiled faintly.

The amount on this latest A-level reward order is less than one-tenth of his previous one.

Fortunately, he asked Dongfang Zhen to delete his original information before, otherwise, his information would not be able to be uploaded to the killer organization's intranet.

Because, in this world, few dare to offer a reward for Chen Zhou's life.

Unless the other party is tired of life!
"Honey, you let me watch these, do you want me to be more careful?

But now, I'm really not that scared. "

Ye Qinyi said seriously and solemnly:

"Although I am not that courageous, I also understand what kind of responsibility is on my shoulders.

These responsibilities are my courage to persevere.

So, I'm not afraid at all.

I really hope that New Leaf Group will get better and better, and hope to do more things in the future! "

Chen Zhou also nodded seriously.

If this is Ye Qinyi's wish, then he is willing to spend his whole life to help Ye Qinyi realize it.

"My wife, don't worry, we will definitely do more things in the future to help more people!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Zhou closed the webpage.

He turned around, held Ye Qinyi's little hand, and said seriously:
"You just need to keep moving forward, and leave the rest to me!
Together, our husband and wife will definitely do these things! "

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