Noble God of War

Chapter 910 Staci is Pregnant

"Ke Leiji, you praise me so much, should I thank you?"

Staci asked calmly.

She was just about to say something more when she suddenly covered her mouth: "Ugh..."

Hearing the retching sound, all the members of the Garcia family present looked at Staci.

"Stacy, what's wrong with you?"

The middle-aged man sitting next to Staci immediately turned around and asked a question.

"Father, I'm fine, don't worry!" Staci raised her head and said slowly.

She raised her head and peeked at Ke Leiji, who also stared at her.

Among the entire Garcia family, if anyone is to say who is the greatest threat to Staci, it must be Corregie Garcia who is sitting opposite.

The future controllers of the Garcia family and the Moslan Group will definitely be chosen from Staci and Ke Leiji.

"Of course Staci is fine!"

Corregie stood up straight away.

He looked at Staci and his daughter with a smile on his face, and said:

"Am I going to congratulate Staci in advance on being a mom soon?"

As soon as Ke Leiji said this, everyone present fell silent.

Even Staci's father, Hughes Garcia, froze for a moment.

Then, he suddenly turned his head and saw that Staci was coming first.

"Stacy, pregnancy is such a good thing, why do you hide it, you should share the joy with everyone!"

Ke Leiji said with a trace of schadenfreude: "All of you here are your relatives, and they will definitely be happy for you."

Staci did not disagree.

The others all looked at Staci eagerly, waiting for her to speak.

"Stacy, tell me quickly, what's going on?" Hughes couldn't help asking.

"Father, I...vomit...",

Just as Staci was about to say she wasn't pregnant, she retched again.

She quickly covered her mouth and turned her body to one side.

The people present were immediately certain in their hearts that Staci was indeed pregnant.

Pregnancy out of wedlock is very common in many places.

However, if this incident happened in the Garcia family, it would be a big deal.

Because, the Garcia family absolutely does not allow unmarried pregnancies.

What's more, [-]% of the Garcia family's resources are in the hands of Staci.

If she had a child, would the [-]% of the resources be distributed to the man who made her pregnant?

"Stasi, now, are you still planning to not tell the truth?"

Ke Leiji gloated and said with a smile:

"Everyone here can see that you are indeed pregnant.

Even if you want to hide it, you can't hide it. "

Having said that, Ke Leiji paused for a moment, and then said:

"Actually, I know who got you pregnant. Isn't it Xinye Group, the man named Chen Zhou?"

Afterwards, Ke Leiji looked around and said loudly:
"Everyone here, you should have heard about it. The disappearance of the Longmeng Chamber of Commerce is related to the New Leaf Group."

"Stasi, don't you plan to introduce your child's father?"

In fact, Ke Leiji had already prepared in advance, just waiting for Staci to confess.

Not long ago, he got a wave of photos in his hand.

That photo can be taken as evidence.

In addition to Staci's current pregnancy, he is very sure that this matter is true.

"Craigie, what are you talking about?"

Staci took a sip of water, patted her chest, and said calmly:

"I just have an upset stomach, not pregnant at all!"

After finishing speaking, Staci stood up, bowed slightly to everyone present and said:
"I'm very sorry everyone. I'm not feeling well. I can't continue to participate in today's family meeting, so I will leave first."

Then, she walked directly outside.

However, Ke Leiji was faster than her and stopped Staci directly in front of her.

"Stacy, why are you in such a hurry to go back?"

Corregie smiled and said:

"You haven't told us yet, who is the child in your belly?

Tell me, is the child's father Chen Zhou from Xinye Group? "

As he spoke, he took out a few photos.

The content on the photo was exactly the photo of Staci inviting Chen Zhou to dinner that day, intentionally getting herself drunk, and Chen Zhou helping her to leave.

When Staci saw these photos, her expression suddenly changed.

That expression was full of tension and panic.

"Craigie, what do you want to do?"

Staci gritted her teeth with a gloomy face.

"What do I want to do? Shouldn't I ask you this?"

Ke Leiji's face froze for a moment, and he shouted:

"Stasi, have you taken the family rules of our Garcia family to heart?
You clearly know that Xinye Group is our competitor, and you are so close to that Chen Zhou, what is your intention?
Even now, there is that Chen Zhou's child?
Could it be that you want to give the resources of our Garcia family to that man in the Dragon Realm? "

After a slight pause, Ke Leiji said in a colder voice:

"Stasi, do you know that by doing this, you are betraying the Garcia family?
Can you bear the consequences of betrayal? "

The faces of all the people present changed when they heard this.

Especially Stacey's father, Hughes.

In the Garcia family, Hughes' status is still quite high.

On his side of the bloodline, the most likely heir is Staci.

Moreover, his offspring only has a daughter like Staci.

No matter how good Staci is, she is still a girl after all.

How could it be possible for a girl not to marry for life?

"Ke Leiji, stop talking nonsense!"

Staci's eyes widened and she said angrily, "Please get out of the way, don't block the way!"

Ke Leiji did not give way to Staci, but waved the photo in his hand with a triumphant smile on his face.

"Stasi, am I talking nonsense, let everyone listen to what happened in this photo, won't you be able to judge?"


Staci's face was gloomy, and she stared straight at Ke Leiji.


Hughes slapped the table with a slap, frowned, and said with a cold face:

"Today's internal family meeting doesn't seem to be about this matter, does it?
If nothing else, that's the end of the meeting! "

In the Garcia family, Hughes' words are still very important.

Hearing what Hughes said, Corregie didn't continue to entangle, but just glanced at Staci lightly, bowed and said, "Okay!"

Afterwards, he looked at Staci, with a victorious attitude in his expression.

He understood that, as his strongest opponent, Staci, made a fatal mistake!

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