Amid thunderous applause, crowds of policemen began to pour in.

Listening to the dense footsteps, people finally interrupted the endless applause.Turning his head, he happened to see the police pouring in from outside.

Suddenly, everyone was whispering and looking around in confusion.

At this time, the leading male police officer asked in a particularly loud voice: "Who is Zhao Mingzhu?"

Mr. Zhao Mingzhu straightened his back and stood up.He turned his head to look at the densely packed policemen, and asked in puzzlement, "I'm Zhao Mingzhu. Excuse me, officer, what's the matter?"

"Zhao Mingzhu, when you were the deputy director of Hongqi Iron and Steel Plant, you were suspected of corruption and bribery. Moreover, you moved state land without permission to build villas and manors." The male police officer's voice was very loud, and he said sonorously: "Please follow me Go back to the police station for investigation. Here is my police ID and here is your arrest warrant."


Regarding Zhao Mingzhu's matter, the task force has already investigated clearly.So, now it's time to make a big move and arrest people directly.After all, there is ironclad evidence in hand, and the handling of the case is not ambiguous at all.

On Zhao Mingzhu's forehead, cold sweat broke out for a moment.

He looked at the police certificate in Officer Nan's hand and the arrest warrant in the other hand, and finally lowered his head.The whole body is like an eggplant beaten by winter frost.

Zhao Mingzhu was held in the middle by the police one on the left and one on the right, handcuffed, and walked forward slowly.

Through the crowd, from the familiar road of Huangtupo, the road gradually drifts away.

Looking at Mr. Zhao's back, Li Heng took the lead in applauding again, and said in a dull voice, "Come on, let's send Mr. Zhao Mingzhu off."

Listening to the sparse applause, snap, snap.

People turned their heads again, looking at the young people on the stage, they couldn't help sweating.

Throughout the whole process, Li Heng didn't make a move, and he didn't say a single serious word.In this way, the old man Zhao Mingzhu was praised to the highest point, and then, amidst thunderous applause, Zhao Mingzhu was sent to prison.

Only when Zhao Mingzhu was held to the highest place, and he fell, would he feel the unforgettable pain.

This is Li Heng. He looks smiling, but his back is bleeding.

Under the sun, Zhao Mingzhu heard the applause behind him, he turned his head and glanced at Li Heng.Those deep eyes were full of hatred.

Li Heng still smiled calmly, and patted his palms lightly, as if sending him off.

It's just that the demolition and relocation mobilization meeting fell silent in an instant.

There is no sound, and the needle drop can be heard.

Li Heng put down the tweeter in his hand, coughed lightly at this time, and said, "This is the way of the world. We thought that Mr. Zhao Mingzhu, as the deputy director of Hongqi Iron and Steel Plant, devoted himself to benefiting people. However, Unexpectedly, it would end like this. When we were still applauding him just now, how could we know that this would happen the next moment."

The voice seemed to have a bit of regret.

However, everyone knew that this incident probably had something to do with the young man on stage, Li Heng.

It's really killing without blood.

"It's like the land on the loess high slope. Everyone has lived in this dark and humid place all their lives. How would they know that the next thing they will encounter is this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for demolition." Li Heng spoke logically and eloquently: "It's like the Hongqi Iron and Steel Plant, which was very popular in the past. It went bankrupt when it said it was closed. However, when the Hongqi Iron and Steel Plant closed down, we still have to live, right? We still want to look forward, right?"

Li Heng's words were resounding and deafening.

People are deeply touched, and all of them are thoughtful for a while.

"I know that some of you are because of the feelings of the old Hongqi Iron and Steel Plant. If you keep this land, you can keep your dreams." Li Heng's voice was cadenced: "However, times are changing. If you still want to Stay here, want to hold on to your dreams, and want to drive our Sunshine Group out of Huangtupo. Then, think about your descendants, your children and grandchildren, and you hope that they will live in such a dark and humid place like you ? Do you live in such a place where educational resources are scarce? The price of your dreams is too high. You are selfish and do not deserve to be called dreams, do you know that?"

The eyes of the elderly men sitting in the front row turned slightly rosy.

"There are still some people who think they can hold on to this place and seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and want a high price." Li Heng looked at the dense crowd and said loudly: "People will never be satisfied. I can understand your feelings." I understand. However, I want to tell you that the land that Sunshine Group has demolished over the years is not the land of Huangtupo. You can inquire about the reputation of our Sunshine Group and whether the price is fair or not? Besides, as a local industry, our Sunshine Group, don’t you? Don’t you want to support our self-reliant local industry Sunshine Group? How many of your children, your relatives, are raised by Sunshine Group?”

These things are all facts.

In ordinary times, no one said it, and everyone was so blinded by interests that they never thought about it.

But now, Li Heng said it so blatantly, directly hitting people's hearts.

The crowd was silent for a while, and some people had tears in their eyes.

"There are also people who really ask for prices, and they often end up in tragedy." Li Heng sighed, and said: "For example, Mr. Zhao Mingzhu, God will naturally have a verdict. Everyone has seen it today."

Li Heng is very talented in speech, citing scriptures and allusions, and what he said is well-founded.

Now that both kindness and strength are being applied, everyone has made a psychological decision.

"Okay, I've finished what I'm going to say. I believe that everyone has their own decisions in their hearts." Li Heng raised his head and said slowly: "I respect everyone's decision. Whether or not this land should be demolished You decide whether to let Sunshine Group demolish or not. If you are willing to demolish, you can communicate with our staff to discuss related matters. If you don’t want to demolish, just leave. I guarantee that Sunshine Group will never forcibly demolish. "

After finishing speaking, Li Heng got up and left the venue.

Just like that, under the last ray of the setting sun, it disappeared before people's eyes.Driving that Phaeton, playing the song "Twilight", driving on the road in Nancheng.

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