"Got... saved."

After Vijay came back to his senses, he shed two lines of tears excitedly, walked staggeringly, and knelt down on the ground with a plop.

He was seriously injured and weak, but he finally couldn't hold on anymore.

But I stood still, squinted my eyes, and looked at several armed men coming from a distance.

On the way up from the bottom of the tiankeng, I thought about opening this oil drum to see what was inside.

But the hardness of this thing is beyond my imagination.

No matter how hard I try, I can't shake this rusty oil drum.

One of the armed men glanced at me lightly, and then beckoned to the others to carry the oil barrel away.

"The mission is complete, follow us back to the camp, and start the evacuation twelve hours later.

After leaving a word, those people left without looking back.

In the same place, only Vijay, who was already unconscious, and me, who was completely exhausted, were left.

They didn't help us, or take us back.

This is what I expected.

All the people here who work hard for money are just pawns of the company. Now, they have got what they want, and the value we can be used for has become very small.

In such an environment, it is obviously an unnecessary burden to bring back two people who can't even walk, even if I almost risked my life for that oil barrel.

But it's not worth it for them.

Seeing the large troops gradually leaving, I sat down exhausted on the spot.

It's okay, anyway, my undercover work was quite successful.

But after touching that heavy oil barrel, I knew in my heart that not only did I have to take away Shimen this time, but also that oil barrel must not be let go. The difficulty of the task has risen to another level.

But after going to the only assisted fire monkey, how to take those two things away became a problem.

Feeling the gradual recovery of physical strength, I couldn't help but sighed.

Once it fails, not only will all previous efforts be wasted, but it will make a wedding dress for others, and even lose your own life.

This made me doubt whether it was right or wrong to participate in this mission.

It's a pity that no matter what the countermeasures are, there is no turning back. Even if there is a mountain of knives and a pan of oil ahead, we can only bite the bullet and go on.

After resting for nearly three hours, I stood up, looked back at the sinkhole not far away, then picked up Vijay on my back, and walked slowly towards the camp step by step.

When I left before the festival, I took more than [-]% of the camp staff with me.

The change below the tiankeng led to the death of more than 1000 people. I thought that this period of time should be a vacant period for camp defense, but what I didn’t expect was that when I arrived at the camp, what I saw was full of armed forces. personnel.

It seems that in this short period of time, they have recruited new people from the outside world.

It is estimated that before and after, they have injected tens of thousands of people into this world.

But in the end, how many people can get out alive?
With Wei Weijie in a coma on my back, I strode into the camp. The guards at the gate ignored me and just glanced at me before making way for me.

As soon as I entered the camp, I went straight to the tent with the red cross pattern on it.

"You are still alive?"

When the doctor saw me, his face changed slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but the first thing he said was, "Help him to the operating table, and help me get the medicine box there."

Next, I became the doctor's assistant, delivering medicine and scissors to him.

They watched him cut off the rotten flesh from Vijay's wound, and then performed a series of operations such as cleaning and suturing.

This process lasted for more than half an hour. After the completion, the doctor was already sweating profusely.

"How is his health?"

I stood aside, looked at the doctor who was wiping sweat and said.

"The medical equipment here is not complete, and my ability is limited. I can only treat his wound and inject him with some anti-inflammatory drugs."

"However, his physical condition is very unsatisfactory, and after the operation, he needs a long period of recuperation, and we will retreat in eight hours, when the time comes..."

The doctor didn't say any more, but the meaning of what he didn't say was self-evident.

A seriously injured person like Vijay is a burden to the team that is preparing to retreat.

And a company that is inhumane will never waste precious manpower and material resources for a burden.

When the evacuation operation starts, no one will take care of him as a seriously injured person.

At that time, whether he can survive can only be seen by himself.

I pursed my lips and said in a deep voice, "Anyway, let me thank you on his behalf."

"No, saving people is my duty, this is what I should do"

The doctor shook his head, and after being silent for a while, he asked again, "I'm curious, why do you care so much about a mercenary?"

"Because he's a good man."

I gave Vijay a good person card without hesitation.

Of course, I know that my behavior is a bit of a saint. After all, I am also a mud bodhisattva who crossed the river, so there is no need to bother for someone I meet by chance.

However, humans are emotional animals.

Vijay's deeds made me feel that he was very similar to me, and it was precisely because of this that I planned to help him within the scope of my ability.

It would be best if he could leave here safe and sound in the end.

If not, then I have tried my best, and I have a clear conscience.

"Good guy?"

After hearing what I said, the doctor picked up the water glass on the table, wiped the sweat from his forehead with two gulps, and smiled wryly, "Do you know how many good people there are in this world? But how many of them Is it a good end?"

"It's not worth it for you to do this, or you might risk your own life because of him."

"It doesn't matter."

I shrugged my shoulders and glanced at Vijay, who was lying on the operating table and hadn't woken up yet.

I don't care whether it's right or wrong, I just want to feel at ease.

In the scorpion's nest, I rescued him from a desperate situation, and then he came out alive with me at the place where thousands of people were buried.

Perhaps this is the fate arranged by God long ago.

"You are really a nice person."

The doctor lowered his head and laughed a few times, then got up and walked to the operating table, picked up an injection, and came to me, "Looking at the blood all over your body, I guess your injury is not serious, don't move, I will check it for you." one time."

"Just give me an anesthetic."

I knew he was a responsible and qualified physician, so when he approached me, I was undefended.

But it was my negligence at this moment that made me fall hard.

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