"You also know what will happen if you disobey the order. Listen to my advice and put down the gun."

Facing the two dark muzzles, I didn't panic at all, and said extremely calmly.

But what I didn't expect was that these two people couldn't hear me at all.

"You only have two choices."

One of them said coldly, "Either give us an order to retreat, or prepare to die here!"

Although the other person didn't speak, his actions have already shown his attitude.

"it is good."

I smiled and nodded slightly.

"In this case, I can only establish my own authority."


After two gunshots, two more corpses were added to this area, and the remaining people also gave up the idea of ​​retreating, and looked at me with eyes full of awe.

Alas... why bother.

"You can do whatever you want, I won't stop you, but don't involve me."

I looked at the remaining seven people and said lightly.

The seven nodded repeatedly.

Then, we continued to walk towards the assembly point. The closer we got to the assembly point, the more terrifying the surrounding scene became.

There are bomb craters everywhere, and there is not even a complete landing place to be found.

The corpses of various animals were lying all over the ground.

I've been walking here for a long time, and I'm almost getting used to the suffocating rancid smell.

As he was walking, a heart-piercing scream came from behind him suddenly.

Everyone stopped and looked back subconsciously.

But at a glance, there is only a thick white mist, and nothing can be seen.


The screams are still coming to us intermittently, and the sound seems to be very close to us.

It was at this time that I discovered that one of the original seven players was missing.

Originally, I didn't want to pay attention to it. After all, none of these people is a good thing. There is not much difference between saving and not saving.

But the helplessness of that scream was really chilling down the spine.

"Go and see."

I gave the order, and the others looked at each other and nodded, but this group of people was as timid as a mouse, they just followed behind me, and none of them dared to go forward.

After walking tens of meters, we came to the source of the sound and saw the lost team member.

At this moment, he was wrapped around his whole body by a strange looking snake, his body was drenched in blood, and he looked very scary.

"Save me! Save me!"

He shouted towards us for help, but no one dared to step forward.

Because the snake that entangled him was really weird.

This snake is very long and pink, with thick and thin arms. The strange thing is that it has no head. There is only a ring-shaped mouthpart at the top, and inside is a meat cavity with sharp teeth.

A closer look reveals that the snake's body is also covered with glands.

Some transparent viscous liquid was secreting from its skin surface, and it was this liquid that corroded the team member's uniform and skin.

"team leader?"

Seeing this, the team members standing behind me all urged me.

But I know very well that a large area of ​​this person's skin has been corroded and he has lost too much blood. Even if we rescue him, there is no way to deal with his injuries.

What's more, we are still some distance away from the assembly point.

And even if he can make it to the assembly point, we can't guarantee that there will be doctors at the assembly point and enough medical equipment to treat him.

In short, he couldn't survive.

This is the third shot I have fired since I entered here. The first two shots were for the self-protection of those two people, and this shot was for the poor guy in front of me.

With one shot, even the man and the strange snake will be dealt with together.

However, the way I handled it really shocked these people again.

But I was too lazy to explain to them, so I turned around and left.

Five hours later, I finally saw the faint lights ahead, and then checked the communicator to confirm that the assembly point was not far ahead.

Not only me, but even the team members who followed me became happy.

There are too many corpses seen along the way, and anyone can't help but be excited to see a few living people at last.

When I arrived at the light source I saw just now with the remaining team members, I realized that there was a military camp ahead.

Three steps, one post, five steps, one whistle, in a state of high alert.

The barracks stretched across a stretch, and it was roughly estimated that the number of mercenaries here was at least a thousand or more.

"New here, come with me."

After we arrived, armed men escorted us to a green tent.

The things displayed in the tent are very simple, only a table, two chairs, and some military supplies.

And there was only one person here, a middle-aged man in his 30s, with white stubble and sunken eye sockets, but with those sharp eyes, it was obvious that he was not someone to be trifled with.

"I am the commander here, and now I am also your immediate superior. I will be responsible for all your actions in the future."

After a brief self-introduction, the commander glanced at the team behind me, his face suddenly sank, "It's just you?"

"Others died on the way."

I replied calmly.

The commander was silent, but I faintly heard him curse in a low voice angrily, all of which were unbearable swear words.

After a few seconds, he raised his head again and strode out.

"follow me."

The team members reacted quickly and quickly followed up, but I was only slightly slower than them.

The commander led us through the area where the barracks were built. Only then did I realize that the entire barracks was in the shape of a long strip, forming a set of impenetrable defense lines. In front of the defense line were simple trenches dug out.

Outside the trenches, there was a fog.

The commander led us to stand beside the trench, clicked on his communicator a few times, and issued an order.

"Turn on the bright lights."

Boom!dong dong!

Suddenly, several strong lights lit up in the barracks, illuminating the world as if it were daytime.

Under the strong light, these fogs are much less of a hindrance to the realization, which allows our team members to clearly see the situation a hundred meters away from the trench.

But seeing this, all of us froze in place.

A hundred meters away from the trenches, there were all kinds of mutated creatures in a black area. The largest chimpanzees could be seen clearly with the naked eye. Under the strong light, the chimpanzees roared angrily at us.

"It, it's coming!"

While we were watching, one of the chimpanzees, as tall as two people, roared and ran over.

The team members looked at me one after another, begging me for an order.

"team leader!"

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