At six o'clock in the morning, before dawn, I carefully got up and dressed, and finally left the room after kissing the forehead of Xi'er who was already asleep.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came downstairs to the living room, he saw Yu Chengyao sitting on the sofa.

"Have you had a good time last night?"

She squinted her eyes and looked at me, and there seemed to be something else in her tone. She must have known what I did last night.

But I didn't explain too much, just nodded slightly, then went out with her, and got in the car to the airport.

Before leaving, I really wanted to take a look at Xiao Qing, but in the end I held back.

It is estimated that she is already in a bad mood after being disturbed by me, so it is best for me not to disturb her anymore.

When I think of Xiao Qing, my urge to lift the curse becomes stronger.

If I want to return to a normal life, I must completely eliminate the rhythm from me, so as to avoid all worries.

But... even if I lift the curse, can I really return to a normal life?
Doubts and entanglements have always been with me, until Yuchengyao and I returned to the base and never disappeared.

As soon as we landed, the staff took us to the meeting room.

"Are you done with your private affairs?"

As soon as I entered the door, I saw that the huge conference room was full of people, and the old professor was standing in front of the big screen, looking at me with a smile.

Fire Monkey and Li Xin sat at the front, and when they saw me coming, they all smiled at me.

I nodded, and calmly and Yucheng Yao sat next to the fire monkey under the gaze of the others.

"Now that everyone is here, let's get started."

After the old professor coughed twice, his face gradually became serious, "According to the situation we have explored these days, we have already made a preliminary guess about the location of Shimen, and now we can confirm three points."

As the old professor said, the big screen behind him lit up,
What is shown on the screen is a map of the United States. On the map, the three conspicuous red marks are very eye-catching.

Two of them are in remote areas off the beaten track, and the remaining one is in the city.

"The stone gate they took away is likely to be inside one of the three branches."

The old professor said in a deep voice, "I don't think I need to mention the importance of that stone door, we have to get it no matter what!"


Suddenly, the old professor turned the phone and looked at us, "This is the territory of another country. If we want to get that stone gate back, we can only rely on you."

"What are you kidding?"

Hearing this, Fire Monkey slapped the table and stood up, "Grandma's, that's his branch! And it's still on the territory of the United States!"

"I don't need to say how much armed force they can use on their own territory?"

"Although we are stronger than ordinary people, our mother can't withstand shells! Not to mention that they have special means to target modified people!"

"Isn't it obvious that we are going to die!"

The old professor who said these words was full of embarrassment, and it is true that with just a few of us, it is more difficult to get the Shimen out of the house.

But I was not as excited as Huang Hou, because I knew that since the old professor said so, there must be other arrangements in the organization.

"Of course it is impossible for the organization to let you go to die."

After the old professor wiped the sweat off his forehead, he explained the reason to us, "For this mission, you need to break into the enemy first."

"The mercenary members of the company all come from an international mercenary organization, and the organization has already prepared identities for you. You only need to pretend to be ordinary mercenaries, and you can easily reach their interior. When the time comes, play by ear , Just bring Shimen out."

It's quite simple to say...

I looked helplessly at Yucheng Yao, her expression was very calm, as if she was dealing with an insignificant matter.

She used to be a secret agent of the island country, so she must be used to this kind of thing.

After the old professor said this, Fire Monkey calmed down a little bit, but he still said a little unhappily, "Even if a few of us got in, those people in the company must also value Shimen very much, how do we get that Bring out the stuff."

"Of course it's impossible for you to do it alone."

The old professor smiled and pointed to the big screen behind him, "Each of their branches has people we have placed in advance. Although few people have been mixed into the top management, it is still enough to serve as internal staff."

"And as long as you bring your things out, we will arrange for your safe and sound evacuation."

Internal response?

Looking at the fox-like smile on the old professor's face, I finally understood why he was so calm.

It should be outside cooperation, and if coupled with a careful evacuation plan, then this risk can indeed be taken.

Whether or not it will succeed in the end is another matter.

"It's just a pity. Although we have made a breakthrough in the experiment of transforming people, we haven't reached the point where we can take action. Otherwise, we don't have to let you carry all the burdens."

Finally, the old professor smiled at us apologetically, "Since the mercenaries needed by the company are all men, the task of breaking into the enemy's interior can be done by the two of you, and the rest will be used as foreign aid." , always on standby."

"What? Why do you need to halve the staff?"

When the fire monkey calmed down, he was not calm again, but this time, even Li Xin and Yu Chengyao couldn't help frowning.

If only me and the fire monkey entered the enemy camp, the risk factor would be several times higher.

If an accident happens, I'm afraid we won't even have a whole body in the end.

"This is already the best way. Of course, for the sake of humanity, the choice is in your hands. If neither of you agree, then we still have plan b."

"I promise."

Without hesitation, I nodded in response.

The old professor told us so much first, probably because this plan is the most feasible and has the highest success rate. Although it is a bit dangerous, it is indeed feasible.

And the most important reason is because I can't wait to get rid of the curse on my body.

It's worth the risk, I think.

"Are you crazy?"

The fire monkey stared, slapped me on the shoulder fiercely, choked in the throat for a long time, and finally, like a deflated ball, lowered its head.

"Then I'll go too."

"very good."

The old professor smiled and nodded as if he had expected this, and then glanced at the time, "There are still six hours before departure, you can go get ready. As for the fire monkey, follow me."

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