After leaving the airport, it was already afternoon.

Everything in Jiangyuan City is still so familiar, but it is a pity that Xiao Qing and the others were settled in the capital, otherwise I could see them soon after visiting my old father.

After visiting the shopping mall with Yucheng Yao, I took the last bus to the countryside.

The road was smooth, and when the sun was setting, Yucheng Yao and I finally stood by the road leading to the village.

"This is your hometown? It's so beautiful."

Yes, there are mountains and water, this is where I grew up.

The smoke from the kitchens in the village was rising. As I walked, I thought about all the things that happened here in the past, but the more I thought about it, the more sad and desolate I felt.

I don't know what happened to my old father...

My home is at the entrance of the village, so it didn't take me long to see my father squatting on the threshold alone, smoking a cigarette in a daze.

Compared with what I remember, my father is much older.

Yucheng Yao looked at my father and then at me, keeping quiet.


I took a step forward, thousands of words came to my mind, but in the end only one word came out of my mouth.

Hearing the sound, my father's hand holding the cigarette butt trembled. He turned his head stiffly and looked at me. He opened his mouth but didn't say a word.

I carried the big and small bags of nutritional supplements and smiled at my father, "I'm back."

"Little turtle."

The father whispered, turned his head and snuffed out the cigarette butt, wiped away two lines of tears without a trace, and then got up on his knees.

It was at this moment that I realized that my father had become hunched over at some point.

"What are you doing in a daze, you don't know how to enter the house?"

Father glared at me.

"I know."

I quickly responded and waved to Yucheng Yao.

It wasn't until this time that my father noticed that I was still following this Yucheng Yao, seeing this, my father smiled and lowered his voice, "Did you mess around outside, you brat, why did you change your girlfriend? "

"It was originally..."

My face froze, and I didn't know how to answer, but my father didn't ask me about what happened during this period of time, so I was really relieved, otherwise, I really didn't know how to explain to him that I was "resurrected from the dead" this matter.

The house is still the same as before, a brick house with swallow nests on the beams.

However, the furniture in the room is completely new. The LCD TV and leather sofa are quite different from what I remember.

"It's all arranged with the help of your friends. I don't want it, but I can't help them."

My father lit the cigarette again, puffing on, and glanced at Yucheng Yao beside me from time to time.

After sitting down, he seemed to become a stuffy jar, without saying a word, which made me feel like I was sitting on pins and needles.

"You didn't do anything illegal, did you?"

Finally, my father spoke, but I couldn't think of any good words for the question, so I could only bite the bullet and answer, "No."

"That's good."

My father took a puff of cigarette and pursed his lips, "If you let me know what you did to break the law, I will definitely break your leg."

"Yes Yes……",

I scratched my head and laughed dryly.

My father would think so, probably because of the news of my death. I can imagine a father's reaction after learning of his son's death.

Seeing me so embarrassed, Yu Chengyao smiled from the sidelines.

My father immediately pinched his cigarette and gave me a vicious look, "I don't know how to serve tea to other girls? Do you want me to teach you?"

"Uncle, they are all our own people, no need."

Yucheng Yao's speech is gentle and elegant, but it has the taste of a lady.

But even so, I couldn't stop my dear old father from giving me a face, "This kid is out of tune, if he makes you unhappy, tell me, and I'll beat him up."

"No, Dad, I'm already such an adult, why are you beating me?"

I laughed, and I couldn't help thinking of the beating I suffered when my father caught me fishing for eggs and not doing my job properly.

"Can't you beat me?"

My father stared at me, "Will he not be my son when he grows up?"

I shook my head quickly, the most important purpose of coming back this time was to report the old man's safety, and now the goal has been achieved, after spending a few days with the old man with him, it will not be too late for me to go to the capital to find Xiao Qing and the others.

Next, the topic gradually drifted away, and the old father chatted with Yu Chengyao about my childhood.

Unexpectedly, the two epoch-making people chatted happily.

Before going to bed, my father called me aside on purpose, saying that he liked Yucheng Yao as his daughter-in-law, but I could only vaguely explain this and get away with it.

In this way, after chatting with my father for two days, I got on the bus to leave. Before leaving, I left a sum of money.

"Why do you give me the money? You might as well keep it for yourself. There are many places where you need the money."

This is what my father said to me. I know that he doesn't have much money to spend, and I know his good intentions, but I really don't have much money to use.

Leave some for him, and I can feel at ease.

Back in Jiangyuan City, I immediately booked a flight to the capital that day, but there was still some time before departure, so I took Yucheng Yao to the place where I used to live when I was working. It was very small and narrow, but It's a rental house the size of a palm.

Also, it's not me who lives there now, and I don't have to work hard anymore.

But everything I have to face now is even more troublesome than those vicious leaders who were looking for trouble. At least going to work will not be life-threatening.

"Your hometown is really nice."

But after returning from the countryside, I found that Yucheng Yao's interest was not as strong as before. Although she was still willing to accompany me, it was obvious that she seemed to recall some bad memories.


I stopped and looked at her.

Yu Chengyao shook her head, her smile was a bit sad and distressing, "Fujino is my last relative, but he is also dead..."


I opened my mouth, but I didn't know how to comfort her. It was also sudden that I realized that I knew so little about Yucheng Yao, and I didn't even know her family background.

"But it's okay, these are not important anymore."

Realizing that I was wrong, Yucheng Yao quickly restrained her emotions, as if nothing happened.

"You still have me."

I whispered.

The original intention was to comfort her, but what I never expected was that Yucheng Yao laughed out loud, which made me a little puzzled. Is it so funny when I speak seriously?
But then, Yu Chengyao raised her head, her bright eyes were like stars, and she asked word by word, "Then who am I to you?"

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