Can it be opened?

I glanced at the half of the finger in the fire monkey's mouth, and just as I undid the chains on my body, I saw him spit out his finger with his mouth open.

"A smell of rubber."

The half of the finger fell to the ground and bounced a few times.

Only then did I realize that this thing is not a real human finger, but an imitation, but it is made in a decent way. At first glance, the appearance is not much different from a real finger.

Is this what Martha and the others left on purpose?

As I thought about it, I tore off the chains on my body, then straightened up halfway, and looked towards the other side of the laboratory.

I saw that Martha was discussing something with several scientific researchers, but their voices were too low to hear clearly.

"What are you looking at, untie it for the two of us first!"

The fire was getting a little urgent, and he urged me again and again.

I smiled apologetically, and picked up the half of the imitation finger, which was very soft and delicate to every detail.

After two soft bangs, the iron chains on Fire Monkey and Li Xin were also untied.

"Support, should it be here?"

But to be on the safe side, we didn't rush out of this corner immediately.

"It's definitely here, maybe they've already started fighting now."

After thinking about it for a while, Fire Monkey said affirmatively.

With his guarantee, I stood up with confidence and walked towards Martha and the others with big strides.

"Everyone, put your head in your hands! Squat down!"

I yelled, and my voice echoed throughout the lab.

As soon as I opened my mouth, I caught the eyes of those scientific researchers. Seven or eight men and women turned their heads in unison, first startled, and then looked at the fire monkey beside me in great horror.

At this time, the fire monkey's body was no longer covered by the windbreaker, and a pair of red pliers were exposed in the air, just like the aliens in the movie.

The deterrent effect can be imagined.


One of the researchers was the first to react and ran away.

When he ran, the group of men and women suddenly became chaotic.

"You are a monster!"

The fire monkey sneered, although his speed was not as fast as mine, but it was definitely far beyond the normal person's three steps in parallel, and he rushed to the first scientific researcher who escaped.

He raised the pliers and grabbed the shelf with the test tubes on the side, and snapped it towards the researcher's brain.

With a crisp sound, glass shards fell to the ground, and the scientific researcher also fell limply to the ground.

Blood dripped from his forehead, which looked very scary, but the fire monkey was still very measured, he just passed out.

With such a cruel method, coupled with the terrifying appearance of the fire monkey, the researchers who were in a mess suddenly fell silent.

Human nature makes them get together and squat obediently with their heads in their arms.

But there is indeed one exception, that is a man, he looked at me quietly, his expression was full of sarcasm.

"Let's see, what can we get by helping him?"

This person was Bilson, and Martha squatted beside her, trembling with fear.

"From the very beginning, I should have handed over you, a white-eyed wolf who will avenge you, to the upper echelons!"

"You don't want to live anymore, do you?"

The fire monkey glanced at me, then turned its pincers back, and stepped forward in two steps.

But at this time, Bilson was not as timid as before. Although the moment the fire monkey stepped forward, he subconsciously took half a step back, but he quickly regained his composure.

"What, is this how you reward those who have helped you?"

Bilson laughed mockingly, "Come on, we won't live long anyway, what difference does it make if we die by your hands or by their hands?"

The fire monkey frowned, and immediately planned to make a move.

"What about the child?"

But I stopped him and asked softly, "Martha, where is that kid?"

I didn't expect Bilson to answer my question, so I set my sights on Martha who was squatting on the ground, trembling.

Martha trembled all over, and raised her head with tears in her eyes. After wiping away the tears, she pursed her lips and said, "I need that finger."

"You still want to help them?"

Bilson was furious. This was the first time I saw him so angry at Martha, "Haven't we paid enough?"

Sure enough, she was the one who stayed.

Hearing that, I gave her the artificial finger we used to untie the chain just now, and I became a little more certain about the guess in my heart.

Then, Martha got up with her head down, and walked towards the place where the group of people gathered just now.


The rest of the researchers seemed to understand something when they saw Martha.

Some people couldn't help but opened their mouths to curse angrily, but when they met the cold gaze of the fire monkey, they immediately froze.

I took a deep breath and followed Martha.

She led me to a device similar to an escape cabin. Through the only glass on the upper floor where I could see the inside, I could see Wang Shaoyang's face under the glass.

Much ruddy, much younger than what we saw when we parted.

"The experiment was a success."

Martha lowered her head, muttered something, then pressed the imitation finger on the fingerprint reader, and opened the escape pod.


This reminds me of what she said not long ago. She said that she and Bilson came back here to save Wang Shaoyang.

At that time, I didn't choose to believe him because of the situation, but now it seems that what she said is true?

"At that time, his physical condition was very bad, and there was no way for us to send him back to the country."

Martha murmured softly, "We have done some experiments in a limited environment, but the experimental equipment we can find is simply not enough for us to save it."

"So we took the initiative to contact the staff of the company's branch and reached an agreement with them."

"According to the agreement, after our experiment is completed and all the data is uploaded, we will be executed immediately..."

Martha's voice was so small that even I, standing beside her, could barely hear it.

Her words shocked me.

Whether it is Wang Shaoyang's current situation, or everything she did after we met her again, it has confirmed to us that what she said is true.

In other words, I did not trust the wrong person.

Subconsciously, I looked back at the angry Bilson, and immediately understood why this timid man had such an attitude.

Silently, I hugged Wang Shaoyang from the escape cabin, felt his steady and powerful breathing, and felt a little relieved.

When I walked up to the fire monkey, I said softly, "It's time to go, take the two of them with me."


Hearing what I said, Fire Monkey was taken aback for a moment, then reacted, and frowned, "We just need to take Wang Shaoyang out, why add two burdens?"

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