After being reminded by Wang Shaoyang, I suddenly discovered that in this densely populated place with deep pits, every few pits, I could see a dead body.

Traces of shell casings, shrapnel, and explosives can be seen everywhere.

It is conceivable that not long ago, there must have been a tragic battle here, and the opponents of the company's people are likely to be some kind of creatures living here.

This explains why the company sent a large number of armed personnel here.

It's just... After walking for a long time, I only saw human corpses, all of which were horribly dead, and Wang Shaoyang was so scared that he kept sticking close to me.


I muttered to myself.

"What's strange?"

Wang Shaoyang looked at me in surprise and asked.

"It's nothing."

I immediately chose to shut up, so as not to arouse the child's curiosity, I kept asking questions, and then I didn't know how to explain to him.

Half a day later, we stopped slowly and experienced for ourselves what it means to run a dead horse in Wangshan.

Although it is impossible to determine the exact time, at least five hours have passed since we went to the island, but the distance between that mountain and us does not seem to have shortened much.

Until now, the child Wang Shaoyang had exhausted his last strength, and sat down on the edge of the kang to play with his temper.

No matter how I coax you, I just won't leave.

I was aroused three points of anger by his behavior, but after a while, this anger disappeared without a trace, because I keenly heard the faint sound of footsteps in the distance behind us. Come on, although the sound is not loud, it is still easy to distinguish the sound in such an extremely quiet environment.


I made a silent gesture to Wang Shaoyang, then grabbed him and slid to the bottom of the next pit, trying to stick to the pit wall.

Ten minutes later, the footsteps became louder and louder, coming from the path between the deep pits above our heads.

Judging from the sound, it seems that there are quite a few people in this group.

After waiting for those people to go away, I opened my hand covering Wang Shaoyang's mouth and nose, and the child was suffocated just now. After taking several breaths, the flushed face returned to normal.

"Hungry, no energy! I'm not leaving!"

After he was relieved, Wang Shaoyang immediately played a small temper, making it clear that he would not give me a good face.

"Then you stay here."

I deliberately pretended to be indifferent, climbed out of the deep pit in twos and threes, patted off the dirt on my body, turned around and left.

Before taking two steps, Wang Shaoyang's choked-up cries came from behind him.

Made!This little boy is so difficult!I returned to the edge of the pit, squatted down, and said softly, "Are you going to leave or stay here?"


Wang Shaoyang choked up and said.

Afterwards, I pulled him out, followed the group of people who came from behind us, and sneaked towards the direction of the mountain.

Judging from the direction they were walking, I guessed well, those people from the company were indeed near the mountain peak.

"Camp in place!"

After a period of time, the team in front of us stopped, and a dozen or so heavily armed company personnel began to camp on the spot, lighting fires, with a clear division of labor. It seemed that they were well-trained players, but then this group of people seemed to be dumb. Yes, I didn't hear any of them speak except for the sentence at the beginning that they camped on the spot.

Not long after, the smell of food wafted over, spoiling Wang Shaoyang who was already hungry.

He looked at me expectantly, and I knew what he wanted to say without him opening his mouth. In order to prevent the child from babbling, I could only say first, "Wait for me here, I'll get you some food."

After speaking, I quietly climbed up from the bottom of the pit.

There was a distance of more than 30 meters between me and those armed men, separated by a thick layer of fog. I believe these men would never see me. At least, they would not be able to react until I was very close to them.

I can wait until I get close to a certain level, then make a violent move, snatch one of the backpacks, and then dive into the dense fog again.

I believe that with my speed, I can completely disappear in this kind of place!But I was overconfident, I didn't expect these people to have a backup!
I determined the target and rushed over.


As soon as I took a step, one of the armed men gave orders immediately, and then, I saw each of them raised a hand crossbow-like weapon, and the shining crossbow arrows shot towards me!
Damn, how did these people find me!

The rain of arrows was dense, and there was nowhere to hide for a while. I saw that I would be tied into a hedgehog no matter what. Fortunately, I gritted my teeth and rushed straight to the side of the person who gave orders just now. I aimed at his chin and hit him hard An uppercut.

Hit by a punch, I tore off his backpack with my backhand, turned around and ran!

"catch him!"

He yelled.

It was at this time that I saw a palm-sized display screen on his right wrist, and on it was a thermal image!

It turns out that these dogs have spotted us a long time ago!

I didn't dare to hesitate for a moment, and immediately rushed into the thick fog, heading for where Wang Shaoyang was.

Since these people have thermal imaging, as long as we get close to them to a certain distance, we will be found, so we must stay away from these people, the farther the better!

The crossbow arrows rained down on my back. Although I tried my best to dodge them with the greatest reaction speed, I still got hit by a few arrows. I could feel that my physical strength was rapidly draining the moment the arrows pierced into my flesh. , this arrow is specially made, and there is something in it!

But at this moment, I couldn't stop, so I could only grit my teeth and rush to Wang Shaoyang's side, ignoring his struggle, grabbed him and ran away with my head buried.

We didn't stop until I was exhausted.

"Eat, look inside."

I threw the backpack to Wang Shaoyang with great effort, then sprawled on the ground, exhausted the last bit of strength, pulled out one by one the crossbow bolts inserted in my back, broke them, and threw them aside.

Knowing this, I was relieved.

After looking back, there was no sign of those people, and they should have been thrown away, but it probably won't take long for them to catch up, so we must leave here as soon as possible.

But where is this?
When I was running just now, I was only concerned about staying away from those people, and I didn't have time to think about other things, so now I don't know where I am on the island.

But looking at the dark shadow of the mountain in the distance, I knew that I was running in the right direction. This place was closer to the mountain. Similarly, it would be easier for those company personnel to spot us, but I had to take this risk!

Suddenly, Wang Shaoyang's voice brought me back from my thoughts, and I saw him holding a piece of bread and putting it to my mouth, "You eat first."

This brat has a bit of a conscience.

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