In this case, this shuttle of bullets seems a bit unsightly.

In a few seconds, the magazine was empty.

The result of the battle was just to destroy one of the police cars, but this also made me discover one thing, that is, the front windshields of these police cars are very thin, as long as I am given a chance, I can accurately explode Driver's head.

But unfortunately, I found out a bit late, and I have no chance at this time.

"Give you!"

In the driver's seat, Li Mingfei pulled out his hand violently, took out the pistol from behind, raised his hand and threw it to me, "Five bullets, [-]mm caliber, have a lot of recoil, please be steady."


I weighed the guy in my hand, the workmanship is fine, just holding it in my hand gives people a very solid feeling.

But this time, when I just leaned out half of my body, I saw those police cars. Two people poked their heads out and pointed their guns at me. Just in time, a few bullets flew past my body. Pass.

Damn it!
Although I didn't want to be shot, there was really no other way at this time. As a last resort, I had to go out to have a proper perspective to kill those people sitting in the driver's seat in the police car.

The best angle is to climb on the roof of our truck.


I suddenly withdrew my body, took two quick breaths, and shouted at Li Mingfei, "Drive steadily!"


Li Mingfei gritted his teeth and didn't even glance at it.

After getting his reply, I also felt a little relieved. Holding my breath, I rushed out of the car body, facing the oncoming wind, turned around and grabbed the roof with both hands.

At the same time, those followers shot at me.

The moment the bullet entered the flesh, I wanted to let go. After all, the pain was real and unbearable.

I could even clearly feel one of the bullets, just inches above my heart.

"Are you crazy?"

Chen Yikun obviously didn't expect that I would do this. He watched me get shot, his whole body was in a bad state, and he immediately planned to pull me back into the car.

But how can I have time to explain to him?

I could only endure the pain, and kicked him violently. After kicking him back, I pulled myself onto the roof of the car with all my strength.


Lying on the roof of the car, I slapped myself on the forehead twice, forcing myself to wake up.

Severe pain will make people faint, this is the body's self-protection mechanism, but there is no way, I have to fight back now to have a chance to get us out of danger.

Looking at the police cars again, they have already accelerated.

When I climbed to the edge of the roof, a police car was already driving alongside us and was about to overtake us.

At this time, I fired a gun, aiming at the windshield in front of the police car.

One shot and the windshield shattered, but what the hell, I missed the fucking shot!The bullet hit the seat behind the man in the driver's seat!


I have four rounds left!

It is not difficult for me to kill three people with four bullets, but now I have been shot several times in my body. Although my abnormal self-healing ability is not life-threatening, the pain will not be reduced.

It was also because of the pain that it led to my mistakes.

The bullet that almost hit my heart was stuck above my heart at this time, and the massive blood loss made me feel suffocated, and the thinking in my mind was not very clear.

"Oh shit."

I'd love to sleep right now if I could, even if it means falling off the roof of my car and onto the road, getting run over by an oncoming police car.

There can be no more mistakes!
Gritting my teeth, I fired two shots.


The splashed blood stained the glass red, and the two heavy police cars suddenly lost their direction and rushed down the road crookedly.

There is one last car!
I turned my head sideways and glanced at the police car at the back. The driver of this car was a fat man. After seeing me raise the muzzle of his gun, his eyes widened.

There was a violent brake sound, and he was very smart, knowing that doing so could save his life.

Two rounds left.

I couldn't help coughing twice, and then crawled back into the carriage with a long trail of blood. If it wasn't for Chen Yikun's sharp eyesight and quick hands, who caught me who was about to fall in time, I guess I would have become a meatloaf by this time.

"You are so lucky to ride a horse!"

Chen Yikun's hands were covered with my blood, he didn't care about anything else, and immediately tore off my shirt, "Three gunshot wounds, the deepest one entered the chest cavity! Damn it, hold on, how far is it to the nearest hospital? "

As he spoke, Chen Yikun became emotional and yelled at Li Mingfei.

"Recently? Hundreds of kilometers away."

Li Mingfei was busy controlling the direction of the car, and turned his head to look at me in a hurry.

"Besides, we are definitely wanted now, isn't it courting death to go to the hospital?"


Chen Yikun cursed, looking at the blood all over my body, he was at a loss for a while.

Fortunately, I was still a little conscious at this time, and before I passed out, I said weakly, "Help me take out the bullet!"


When Chen Yikun heard this, he shook his head again and again, "The bullet has entered your chest cavity, how do you ask me to get it? Whether you take it out or not is two different things, and if you accidentally get infected..."

"Mother-in-law, are you still a man?"

I struggled to raise my hand, "If you don't help me, take mine!"

There was blood pouring out of this struggle, and Chen Yikun, who was at the side, was terrified, and quickly held me down.

"Okay... I'll come!"

After getting his affirmative reply, I finally relaxed, closed my heavy eyelids, and let the dizziness surround me.

I don't know how long it took, but I finally woke up slowly.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the colorful ceiling, and then looked around me. I found that I was lying on a hospital bed with a hanging bottle in my hand, and the normal saline was flowing into my body drop by drop.

This is a small ward, with windows on the left and right sides, and the floor should not be high, because there are branches sticking out of the window.

In front of the window, there was a man standing, his back seemed familiar.

"Brother Wang?"

I raised my eyebrows, I didn't expect him to be the person in front of my hospital bed.

"you're awake."

Brother Wang turned around and looked at me with a frown, "It's only been two days, and you're seriously injured, you should go back to sleep."

I shrugged, pulled out the needle in my hand, and sat up straight. My own body, I know that although it has only been two days, it has almost recovered.

Of course, there were still bursts of pain in the chest, but there was nothing serious about it.

Seeing this, Brother Wang opened his mouth, but swallowed the words back in his stomach. He knew that I was not an ordinary person.


Suddenly, a crisp sound made me and Brother Wang turn our heads together, and I saw Chen Yikun standing dumbfounded at the door of the ward, muttering to himself,

"What are you doing??"

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