None of us made a sound, waiting for Chen Yikun's next words.

After taking a deep breath, he said slowly with an ugly expression, "He walked away with my phone..."

cell phone?

I raised my eyebrows. I didn't expect Brother Wang to have the potential to be a pickpocket in addition to his ability to open doors and pick locks.

Presumably, when he met Chen Yikun just now, the bump was intentional.

"That phone contains information about all the people in this area. With his authority, he can ask these people to do anything."

Chen Yikun said, then turned and ran to the bedroom.

Leaving the few of us staring at each other, if this is the case, I am afraid Brother Wang will use all means to find his son at any cost.

Maybe it will fall into the hands of the doctor again together with himself.

"A sin..."

The fire monkey looked at me with something different in his eyes. I knew he was blaming me. If I hadn't made my own decision to hand over Brother Wang's son, I wouldn't have ended up with the consequences now.

This is the price I paid for my own assertion, and it was also the price I paid for saving them.

After a while, Chen Yikun came out with a laptop. After typing for a long time, he slammed his fist on the keyboard, "Damn! Can't lock his position! He blocked me so quickly!"

He was so annoyed that he completely lost the calm and calm look he had before, and the expression of deep insight on his face seemed so familiar.

"Anyway, Brother Wang is also the person in charge of a region..."

The fire monkey lay down slowly on the sofa, glanced at us lightly and said, "Don't underestimate him, he was not very good before, just because he had no one under his command, but now it's different, he has a lot of people under his command. An outstanding talent that can be mobilized, as for what he can do, I don’t need to say more, right?”

"We must stop him before he does something irreversible!"

Chen Yikun finally calmed down. He knew what kind of consequences a person like him would cause if he acted on his will.

Not only will he kill himself, but even the organization's layout here may fall short because of him.

"It's up to you."

Suddenly, Chen Yikun's firm eyes fell on me, with a serious face that didn't look like he was joking.

This makes me a little puzzled.

I don't have a dog's nose, so I can't follow the scent to find the trace of Brother Wang. Besides, it's impossible to find Brother Wang in this big city by myself.


In the end, it was Chen Yikun who solved the doubts in my heart, "If you want to find Brother Wang, you have to rely on the influence of that woman. Her eyeliner is all over the city. With the relationship between you and her, if you want to persuade her, you shouldn't... Is it difficult?"


I nodded seriously.

After all, Louise and I are not even partners, we only exchange benefits, and just now, if there is no accident, she should have taken all the smuggled gold.

Now, money should not be able to motivate her to do things for us.


Chen Yikun didn't expect me to say this, but he still shook his head, "That's the only way to do it, you go to that woman, I'll go to the pier, we'll call, we'll start acting now!"

Before I could speak, Chen Yikun had already walked out first.

"I will go with you."

Just when I was about to turn around and leave, Li Xin stood up, ignoring the objecting eyes of the fire monkey, and looked straight at me.


She has already used the ability twice, and the side effects haven't occurred yet, which is already fortunate.

And the current situation is entirely caused by me alone, although I should also take care of it, there is no need to involve her again.

It was the safest for her to stay with the fire monkey now, both for himself and the fire monkey.

I didn't give Li Xin a chance to refute, so I opened the door and went downstairs.

But as soon as I arrived at the apartment building, I saw a police car parked beside it, and at the same time, there was a woman with curly hair, crying to the police about something.

"My car was just stolen by an Asian man!"

A word from the woman there made me realize what Brother Wang had done.

I didn't choose to leave in a hurry, but waited for the woman to report the license plate number to the police before driving away.

It is still the bar at the end of the alley, but now there is less madness in the bar and more smell of gunpowder smoke.

Several wounded with missing arms and legs and shot were lying in the corner, dangling medicine, groaning in pain.

The rest of the desperadoes greedily fiddled with the gold pendants in their hands.

It seems that they have succeeded.

Under the vigilant gaze of these people, I didn't stay too long, and went straight to the aisle closest to the bar, and pushed open the door of the box that I came to before.

The gold and silver jewelry in the room was piled up into a hill, and under the illumination of the colored lights, it refracted brilliant light, which made people unable to keep their eyes open.

And Louise is sitting on this golden mountain.

That obsessed look was like taking drugs, and now she is a little less charming than before, and a little more crazy, and the expression of her enjoyment is simply unbearable to look at.

Even my presence did not attract Louise's attention.

"I need your help."

After standing still at the door for a few seconds, I still opened my mouth.

"No time."

Louise's answer didn't surprise me. Getting so much money at one time, even if she spends money like water, is enough for her to be chic for a while.

Now, it should be very difficult for me to pay the price that makes her fall in love.

But for the sake of Brother Wang, I have to try no matter what. I can't just watch him die. "I need to find someone. There is a high probability that he hasn't left the city yet. You have to help me find him."


Louise seemed to be a little interested in what I said, she bent down, picked up a gold necklace with her slender, white index finger, and gently threw it in front of me.

"But I don't want to help you."

"Then what do you want? Money? Just ask for a few hundred million."

I said in a deep voice.

"As I said before, I'm not interested in money."

Hearing my words, Louise's expression suddenly changed, "Besides, this gold was bought with the lives of a dozen of my subordinates, and they are all my most trusted people!"

"What's more, before this, you didn't tell me who we are going to deal with!"

She was very angry. She had a certain understanding of those people in the company, and she had suffered at the hands of those people in the company.

I know this.

That's why I didn't tell her who we were going to deal with before she summoned people.

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