At the same time, the mobile phone in my pocket vibrated slightly, and I took it out to see that it was a message from Louise:
The layout is complete.

The preparations are all in place, and there is no need to worry about the future, and you can give it a go.

When I drove into the pier, all the gunmen of the surrounding companies surrounded me. Dozens of guns were pointed at my forehead at the same time. Whenever I made any abnormal behavior, my brain would stick here. on the dusty ground.

"People I've brought, now, I need to meet my friends."

I stopped a hundred meters away from the freighter, then helped Wang Shaoyang and dragged him out of the back seat.

As soon as the voice fell, one of the group of armed personnel took out a communicator, whispered a few times, and shouted at me, "The doctor wants to see you and asks you to bring the test item in."

"If he wants someone, let him come out and get it himself."

I smiled slightly, put one hand on Wang Shaoyang's neck, and threatened, "He can choose not to agree, of course, unless he wants to say goodbye to this test subject."

I'm sure that that lunatic attaches great importance to Wang Shaoyang, otherwise he wouldn't have spent such a high price and risk, leaving Fire Monkey and Brother Wang behind, and let me bring Wang Shaoyang over.

Hearing this, the armed man's expression changed, and he whispered into the communicator again before speaking to his companions in a cold voice.

"Let him wait."

Afterwards, he quickly left here.

In the same place, only I was left to confront these armed men, looking at their guns, my heart did not fluctuate, and I even wanted a little bit.

I don't know when, being pointed at by a gun has become so commonplace that I no longer feel afraid.

On the co-pilot, Li Xin sat quietly, with a nervous expression on her face, staring at the direction of the freighter.

After more than ten minutes, her nervous face slowly eased, because at this time, a group of people were slowly walking towards the place where we were.

The person walking in the front, I recognized at a glance.

Crazy dog!
Subconsciously, I clenched my fists.

I can ignore these muzzles, but I have to treat this lunatic who is not as good as a beast.

The ghost knows what kind of unconscionable means this guy has.

Behind him, there are a few bastards in white coats, they are escorting the old-faced, gray-haired brother Wang, and the sluggish Fire Monkey. Obviously, in this short period of less than six hours , they were treated inhumanely.

"Let these people go away!"

I stared at the doctor and said in a deep voice.

"no problem."

The doctor smiled lightly and snapped his fingers, and the armed men around me obediently left here. Then, several scientific researchers behind him pushed Brother Wang and Fire Monkey to me.

"Now, can you hand over what I want?"

so easy?

I thought that at least I would have to chatter and argue for a while, but I didn't expect him to hand over Brother Wang and Fire Monkey to me so easily.

Brother Wang raised his head slightly, glanced at me, and then paused on Wang Shaoyang for a while.

"Can't hand him over."

On the side, the Fire Monkey gritted his teeth, trying not to let himself fall down, holding my arm tightly with one hand, "Listen to me, absolutely don't hand him over."

"I have no choice."

I whispered in a voice that only he and I could hear, "This is the only way out for us now."

Hearing this, the fire monkey fell silent.

And Brother Wang seemed to realize something, he opened his mouth, but maybe he was exhausted too much, so he didn't speak for a long time.

I don't know how to tell him that the unshaven, comatose middle-aged man in front of him is his son, Wang Shaoyang.

But I also know that for the time being, I must not tell him this.

Otherwise, as Wang Shaoyang's father, he would never allow me to hand over his own flesh and blood. Even if I could explain to him why I did this, I don't have so much time now.

"It's time for you to keep your promise."

The doctor looked at me indifferently, and as his words fell, the two researchers came to me and wanted to take Wang Shaoyang away from me.

The moment I was about to hand over Wang Shaoyang, I could feel the hand of the fire monkey grabbing my shoulder suddenly hard.

I don't have a choice either.

After sighing, I still called Wang Shaoyang out.

He is in danger now, and maybe only Dr. Crazy can save his life. Of course, I am not sure what Dr. Crazy will do, just take a gamble.

Whether it is successful or not can only be determined in the future.

The most important thing right now is to rescue Brother Wang and Fire Monkey.

At least half of this step has been completed.

"Not bad."

The doctor smiled. His smile sent chills down the spine. I didn't want to stay here for too long. After I settled Brother Wang and Fire Monkey in the car, I planned to take them away first.

At this time, the doctor had turned his back and led a group of people towards the direction of the freighter.

However, just as I was about to leave the pier by car, there were suddenly more people who shouldn't have appeared at the only exit ahead.

It was the armed men who left earlier!
"Asshole, I knew they wouldn't let us get out of here easily!"

In the back row, the fire monkey couldn't help but cursed.

In the blink of an eye, I suddenly felt a buzzing in my head, subconsciously turned around, and saw a circle of blue ripples on Li Xin's body at some point.

"what are you doing!"

Behind him, the fire monkey roared loudly, more of the blame was worry!
After all, Li Xin has already used the ability once, and it is a blessing that the side effects have not occurred until now, who knows what the consequences will be if he uses the ability again!
Even if she uses her ability to allow us to leave here safely, the consequences of doing so are unpredictable.

Fortunately, I was less affected than those armed men who are ordinary people. I gritted my teeth to resist the discomfort in my head, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and rushed straight away!
At the same time, I took out my phone, clicked on the edited message, and hit the send button.

Leave the rest to Louise and the others.

I drove all the way to the downstairs of the apartment where Chen Yikun lived. I got out of the car immediately, and together with Li Xin, I helped Brother Wang and Fire Monkey up, went upstairs, and knocked on the door.

"So fast?"

As soon as the door opened, Chen Yikun welcomed us in quickly, and the Mediterranean doctor we met before had already been waiting for a long time.

"A sin..."

The moment the fire monkey lay on the sofa, he let out a long sigh.

" can you hand him over? He's still just a kid!"

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