"He's in the bedroom."

The middle-aged man's expression and tone are very calm.

I took a deep look at him, then opened the door, and rushed into the bedroom. The moment I stepped into the bedroom, I saw Wang Shaoyang lying on the bed and bound by a belt. On the computer, on the side screen, the ripples of the electrocardiogram jumped up and down.

Li Xin waited by the bed, full of worry, tightly holding Wang Shaoyang's tightly clenched hand.

With her was a man with a Mediterranean haircut, who was highly myopic, as could be seen from the thickness of his lenses.

After I came in, the man just glanced at me and walked out with the medicine kit.


Li Xin was in a hurry, and turned around to call Mediterranean Sea.

But Hai Hai hurried out without looking back, as if he had seen a ghost, and only said: I have tried my best.

Is it because I'm here?
I watched the back of Mediterranean Sea leaving in a hurry. When he left, he deliberately turned his head back and secretly glanced at Wang Shaoyang on the bed, his eyes were full of fear.

It turned out that it was because of Wang Shaoyang...

I turned around knowingly, only to see that Li Xin's face was covered with tears.


Li Xin looked behind me, opened his mouth for a long time, but finally swallowed the words.

Before seeing the fire monkey, she had already guessed the result.

I sighed, and said as softly as possible, "For now, the fire monkey is not in danger, but that beast wants us to hand over Wang Shaoyang."


To my surprise, Li Xin wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, nodded flatly, and seeing my surprised eyes, he slowly explained, "His vital signs are extremely unstable, and if he continues like this, he won't be able to survive for two weeks." God. If we don't hand him over, he'll die."


I froze for a moment, and my eyes fell on Wang Shaoyang's face beyond his actual age.

At this moment, his face was full of pain, especially whenever the pattern on the electrocardiogram changed, his body would twitch violently, anyone could tell that he was dying.

Death is only a matter of time.

Maybe, if we hand him over to that crazy doctor, he can still be saved.

Even though all of this was caused by Dr. Crazy.

However, I'm not sure, when we hand over Wang Shaoyang to Dr. Crazy, will he return Brother Wang and Fire Monkey to us safe and sound.

Moreover, Brother Wang was also injected with that unknown liquid, and it is very likely that he will change into Wang Shaoyang in the end. At that time, we may have to hand him over to Dr. Crazy, and let their father and son live in the laboratory. reunion...

This is not the result we want to see, but what can we do now?

For a while, Li Xin and I fell into silence, and the only thing we could hear was the electronic sound from the medical machine beside the bed.


Suddenly, a man's deep voice came from behind us. Turning around, it was the man who opened the door for me.

He came in with two cups of coffee.

"Thank you."

Li Xin took the coffee with a tired look on his face, but he still pulled up the corners of his mouth and smiled, and introduced to me, "He is our liaison officer, Chen Yikun, and also the person in charge of the branch. The power of the side is not as strong as the company, but it can still provide a lot of help."

"Happy to meet."

Hearing this, I nodded to him.

"The superior has issued a death order, and I need to fully cooperate with you in your actions. If you lack anything, just mention it and leave it to me."

As soon as Chen Yikun opened his mouth, he got straight to the point. It could be seen that he didn't like those vain and polite words, "Whether it's manpower, vehicles, or guns and ammunition, I can handle it for you in the shortest possible time."

"How many men and weapons?"

What he said gave me some hope.

I was overwhelmed by the doctor and played in the palm of my hand because we lacked manpower and weapons, but now Chen Yikun told me that he can handle all these things, as long as there are enough people and weapons, maybe we can go to war head-on.

At the very least, they also have the qualifications and guarantees for equal negotiation.

There is no need to worry that they will not hand over people by then.

"It depends on how much you want."

Chen Yikun smiled and said, "With a heavy reward, there must be a brave man. I know many illegal people who have been here. As long as you can afford the price, there will naturally be a large number of people who will work for you."

So they were mercenaries?I raised my eyebrows, originally I thought it was organizing my own staff.

"Is it reliable?"

"It's absolutely reliable. They use people's money to eliminate disasters for others. In this regard, their integrity is still not to be picky."

Chen Yikun made a promise, "Considering the local armed firepower, with our current liquidity, we can probably gather enough manpower for two companies in a short period of time."

A company has about 120 people, that is to say, can more than 200 people be gathered in a short time?

I thought about it for a while, and felt that these people are not enough to be on the safe side. After all, those people in the company are all well-trained experts, and they are all elites if they are pulled out alone. , but a matter of minutes.

"I offer [-] million."

After a pause, I added, "U.S. dollars."

As soon as the words came out, not only Li Xin, but also Chen Yikun were stunned.

Facing their astonished eyes, I feel a little helpless. I can be considered a rich man worth billions now, but I have been going through the wind and rain all the time, and I have no chance to enjoy the life of being a rich man.

But [-] million, I can still get it out.

"Just need you to debit the money from my account."

I don’t know the market price, but I think the money should be enough for us this time, “If it’s not enough, it’s okay to have a few hundred million more for the rest. The more people participating in the war, the better, we don’t have much time. "

"Enough, enough..."

After Chen Yikun looked me up and down again, he reluctantly believed my words, "Actually, one-third of the price is almost enough, and there are only a few desperadoes around here, more than 3000 million plus equipment , enough to call them all together."

"how many people?"

"About five hundred."

Five hundred...should be enough, right?

I took a deep breath, and Chen Yikun strode out and began to gather people.

Looking at the time, there are still three and a half hours to go before the six hours that Dr. Crazy said. Our time is very tight. I hope Chen Yikun can finish everything before we finish.

"You are rich."

After a while, Li Xin murmured, "I really didn't realize that you are actually an invisible rich man."

I said dumbfoundedly, "No matter how much money you have, life matters, doesn't it?"

The curse is on me, if I can't keep it all, one day I will suddenly burp. At that time, no matter how much money there is, it will be nothing more than an inheritance. How much does it have to do with me?

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