Li Xin's personality has undergone a great change since the Underground World Tour. Most of the time, she is very quiet, so that we hardly notice her existence.

It was the first time she showed such a tough attitude, and she seemed to have regained that hot look.

"Then, then... just do as you say."

Fire Monkey opened his mouth dryly for a long time, and then said, "Then just in case, side effects occur halfway..."

"Will not."

Li Xin shook his head, and returned to his gentle and quiet appearance. The irresistible momentum just now disappeared without a trace, and he looked like a different person.

Then, under our watchful eyes, she got into the car and started the engine.

I can vaguely see Wang Shaoyang's pitiful eyes from the rear window. This child is still waiting for his father, but I don't know if his father will still be alive when we sneak into the freighter and find his father.

The place where we are now is not far from the pier, but there should be many company personnel patrolling and guarding there now, it is not so easy to pass.

Once discovered, we will face dozens or even hundreds of people, as well as all kinds of powerful weapons.

It's fine if they want to catch the living, but if they don't, then it's really completely cold.

Fortunately, this kind of situation has long been commonplace for the fire monkey and me. Anyway, when did we not act with our heads hanging on our waists?
We chose the safest way, the waterway.

Sneakily came to the beach, and then slowly swam to the cargo ship docked at the pier to unload.

You can see many armed men with guns from a distance, and those who come and go to unload are the crew members on the ship.

And it didn't take much effort for me and the fire monkey to swim to the end of the freighter.

Climbing the chain to the anchor was the only way to get in unharmed and without alarming the men.

This is due to the planar anatomy map that Brother Wang found for us before. Without that map, we would not be able to know so much about this freighter.

Without much effort, we came to the boat.

Standing on the deck, you can clearly see the distribution of armed personnel below, as well as the crew members who are coming in and out. They are so busy that they have no time to notice us.

"Where do you think Brother Wang would be if he was still alive?"

The fire monkey came to the secret passage made by the captain privately, lifted the iron plate, thought about it, and hesitated.

"Well, we don't have to look for them one by one."

I pointed to the crew not far away, and smiled at the fire monkey.

Since the first mate rebelled last time, more than half of the remaining crew members were killed or injured. After that, Fire Monkey and the others made such a big fuss in order to be caught. Those people must have seen Brother Wang and wondered if Brother Wang is still alive. , where, you only need to catch a crew member and press him to get the answer.

"good idea."

The fire monkey grinned and jumped in without saying a word.

I followed behind him.

Once inside, we smelled a disgusting smell of corruption that nearly choked us to death.

I turned my head and saw that there was still a dead body lying on the bed, and I could still recognize it from the style of the clothes. He was the captain who begged me to die before.

Benefiting from the warm and humid environment here, the rate of corruption is several times faster than the outside world. The appearance of the corpse is already horrible, and the whole room is filled with a stench that makes it hard to breathe.

As a last resort, we could only hold our breath, and after confirming that the corridor outside was empty, we opened the door and walked out.

This floor was originally supposed to be the crew's lounge, but judging by the appearance of the place and the fine dust on the floor, no one should have stayed here for a few days.

There were dead people in several lounges, but none of the living people were seen.

Even the restaurant was empty.

It was only when we were approaching the stairs that we heard the sound of hurried footsteps.

It's coming from above us, the crew unloading.

"Hurry up! Get that box out too! Fuck, are you out of your mind? It's that one!"

The fire monkey and I quietly came to the stairs on the first floor. The light here is dim, which happens to provide us with a good shelter, so that we will not be discovered, and we can observe everything here.

I saw a fat man nearly two meters tall holding a notebook and a pen, bossing around the busy crew members.

He should be in charge of the ship now.

"rely on you."

At this time, the fire monkey smiled slightly, patted my shoulder, saw that my face was not right, and then explained, "You can't expect me to be like a reckless man, just rush to arrest him and torture him, can you?"

It seems to be...

Now the crew members are all active on the first floor. It is not that simple to catch one from here without being noticed.

"You, you, move all these things out!"

But there are always many opportunities. After a while, after the big fat man finished giving instructions to the crew, he checked the stairs where we were and came over.

Seeing this, Fire Monkey and I hurriedly went down to the second floor, found an empty lounge and got in.

Through the small glass window on the door, you can just see the situation at the top of the stairs.

After the big fat man got down to this floor, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out the lighter, lit it, took a good sip, exhaled a faint smoke ring, and let out a sigh of satisfaction.


Before he finished breathing out the cigarette, the fire monkey had strangled his neck, and with great force, he directly lifted the fat man up.

"Lazy, there is a price to pay."

The fat man's round face turned red and blue, and he struggled hard but to no avail. Seeing that he was about to kick his legs and faint, the fire monkey threw him to the ground.

"Ahem...I promise, I promise I won't be lazy."

The fat man took a few deep breaths, coughed out the smoke that was choking in his lungs, and frantically stubbed out the cigarette butt, while tremblingly promising.

It's a pity that what we need is not his guarantee, but news about Brother Wang.

"Tell me, where is the Asian man who was thrown on the third floor a few days ago?"

The fire monkey asked coldly.

Hearing this, the fat man was slightly taken aback, opened his mouth and said in surprise, " are not one of us? No, you are the one who was arrested a few days ago. I have seen you! You, why are you here? Here, this is not the place for you!"

As he spoke, the fat man's attitude hardened, a bit ignorant.

The fire monkey has never been easy to talk to this kind of people, and immediately his expression changed, and he punched the fat man on the forehead.

"One more nonsense, I will make your death worse than falling into the hands of Dr. Madman!"

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