I was suddenly a little lucky, glad that Brother Wang wasn't here.

As Wang Shaoyang's father, if he saw this scene in front of me, he must be extremely broken...

But at the same time, I couldn't help worrying.

Regarding Wang Shaoyang, Brother Wang will know about it sooner or later, but he doesn't know whether he can accept it when he sees that his son has grown into a 20-something...


After more than two hours, Wang Shaoyang finally woke up.

It's just that the moment he got up, I suddenly felt like I had an illusion.

His age seems to have increased again?
"It hurts..."

Wang Shaoyang slowly curled up into a ball in the corner, trembling, staring blankly at the floor, muttering to himself constantly, the pain made his expression a bit hideous.

From his eyes, I can't see hope. He has suffered too much and suffered things that he shouldn't have to bear.

In the past half a month since he was taken away, the things he experienced have worn away his childishness. Although his mind is still a child, all these have left an indelible psychological shadow on him...

If I had chosen to save people first, would he not have become like this?

I kept questioning myself in my heart, but in the end, the answers I got were all negative. I am sure that there is nothing wrong with the judgment I made...


After an unknown amount of time, Wang Shaoyang raised his head slightly and opened his mouth.

But when he saw my staring eyes, he lowered his head and closed his mouth obediently like a conditioned reflex.

"Your father and I are friends. If you have any troubles, you can feel free to tell me."

I reluctantly opened the corners of my mouth, trying to comfort him.

But helplessly, no matter what I said, Wang Shaoyang kept his head down and didn't respond to me a word.

In the end, I could only lean against the wall tiredly and take a rest.

I don't know what those guys injected me with, which has caused me to not fully recover my ability to move.

If they want to do something to me at this time, I'm afraid I won't even have the chance to resist.

However, misfortunes never come singly. As soon as I had this thought, the door opened.

Two scientific researchers came in and supported me, one from the left and one from the right, and dragged me out. Before I went out, I saw Wang Shaoyang's fearful eyes. I think this child has experienced this a long time ago...

These two scientific researchers put me on an iron bed with no expression on their faces. My hands and feet were shackled to death and I couldn't move.

Around me, there are all kinds of experimental equipment.

Through the glass, you can see many people standing outside watching. To them, I am no different from a guinea pig used in the experiment.

And right next to me, the doctor put on gloves, and two scientific researchers prepared surgical supplies.

What the hell are they trying to do to me?
"It's really exciting."

The doctor smiled slightly, picked up the scalpel gracefully, and made a cut on my arm.

Perhaps it was because of the numbness of my body that I didn't feel much pain at all. Looking at the wound, it was as if my arm wasn't my own.

However, after cutting the knife, the doctor temporarily stopped.

But judging from his expression and movements, he just let the people around him observe more clearly.

The small incision was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and within ten minutes it was as good as before, not even leaving a scar.

"Dry his blood first."

Afterwards, the doctor gave orders to the two researchers indifferently.

Blood loss is not as fatal to me as normal people, so I don't worry that I will die from it, but the thought of them using my blood to make weapons makes me sick.

"What did you do to that child?"

Just when two researchers were about to prick my body to let blood out, I looked at the doctor and asked in a cold voice.

"That child?"

The doctor raised his eyebrows, and the smile on his face became more intense, "Don't children wish to become adults? I just help him realize his wish and speed up his physical growth. Moreover, this is It has always been a research with great potential, once we get the desired results, his contribution to science will definitely be recorded in the annals of history."

The doctor said, as if thinking of something, he laughed a few times.


If possible, I really want to shoot his head off. If this continues, I am afraid that Wang Shaoyang will become a late old man in a short time.

Although he is essentially just a child, his physical functions will rapidly weaken.

Before long, it will die of old age.

Even with the best medical technology now, patients who are dying of old age cannot be cured!
What's more, Brother Wang only wanted to save his son, but he wasn't ready for a white-haired man to send a black-haired man...

"You don't have to look at me like that."

Sensing my resentful gaze, the doctor smiled slightly and said, "If you want to make progress, you must make sacrifices."

"You are also one of the victims!"

As he said that, he pointed to the blood bag on the ground, the hose connecting the blood bag and my blood vessel, which was still pouring my blood into it.

And during this period of time when I didn't realize it, at least [-] milliliters of blood had been lost.

If it is a normal person, I am afraid that he is in shock by now.

But I can still hold on. Apart from feeling a little groggy in my head and a little weak in my body, I don't have any other feelings.

Of course, the numbness didn't go away.

But at this moment, I suddenly heard a loud noise from the ceiling above my head!It was as if something heavy had been dropped.

This change alarmed everyone here, including the doctor.

With a solemn expression, he waved his hands to stop the two scientific researchers, pulled out the hose that drew my blood, and then ordered the two people to send me back to the extra-large safe.

My intuition told me that something must have happened above.

However, there are only those crew members on the third floor, and more than half of the original hundreds of people have been killed or injured.

Could it be...the Fire Monkey and the others?

I immediately shuddered, this is not what I expected to see!
Fire Monkey and the others don't have the slightest experience in dealing with a lunatic like the doctor. If they rush in like this, they will definitely suffer!Maybe, all of us will be locked up here!
damn it……

I really want to go out and see what's going on, but my body doesn't allow me to do so, so I can only stay here and worry about it.

"You and my father are friends, right?"

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