After tossing and tossing for so long, in the end, it was nothing to fetch water from the bamboo basket.

For a moment, I seemed to be drained of all my strength, and I just wanted to collapse here decadently, but whenever I thought of Yucheng Yao who was sleeping, I kept reminding myself that I still had things to do.

Time has passed, and I even neglected my original intention of coming here - to unravel the curse on me.

I touched my chest, the imprint of the curse still exists, but it has been a long time, and it has not occurred, so that I have almost forgotten it amidst many difficulties and obstacles.

Especially now that Yucheng Yao is in danger of her life, she is the most important.

Taking a deep breath of blood-smelling air, I made my plans.

Let's meet up with Fire Monkey and the others first, and then we'll make a decision after discussing what to do next.

The way we came here was much quieter than before.

The only thing I could hear was the sound of me stepping on dead branches and rotten leaves. Apart from that, I didn't even hear the sound of insects.

It was as if all the creatures in this area disappeared along with the stone gate.

Everything is weird and outrageous, but the long-term experience has made me used to this situation, and I am full of thoughts and thoughts on the people I care about.


As the sky was getting dark, I also stopped, looked at the familiar drug dealer camp in front of me, and walked in slowly.

In any case, this failure is a huge blow to me.

Especially the situation of Yucheng Yao made me feel that everything was in vain, so that I look like a walking dead.

I desperately need a good rest.

In the camp, apart from a few red lights that were on, there were only some firearms and wooden boxes.

Dazedly, I opened several boxes and found some canned goods, as well as the exclusive goods of drug dealers.

Of course, I'm not interested in that kind of scary stuff, and since my body seems to be immune to these toxins a long time ago, I guess that kind of stuff won't work on me either.

Still, the cigarettes on the shelf in the corner of the camp got my interest.

This night, I wanted to have a good sleep, but until the next morning, I was still awake and stayed up all night.

The cigarette butts at my feet were already piled up like a hill, but I didn't feel anything.

Similarly, the harmful substances in tobacco have no effect on me, and the nicotine in hundreds of cigarettes cannot stimulate my nerves.

But I also know that I have to pull myself together.

Leaving here, I razed the entire camp to the ground with gunpowder and grenades I found in the camp.

At can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people.

The way back is farther than I imagined, not to mention, I can only use two legs to travel.

It took a full two days before I walked out of the rain forest and returned to the town where Brother Wang lived. After taking a few deep breaths, I managed to pull myself together and knocked on the door.

dong dong dong.

After a while, the door opened.

It was Brother Wang's wife who opened the door. As soon as she opened the door, she exclaimed as if she saw something terrifying, and then looked at me carefully, before calming down slowly and smiling strangely. Said, "Come in."

At first I wondered why she reacted this way, but then I realized it when I saw the mirror on the closet.

For nearly half a month, we have been in the rainforest.

All kinds of things happened one after another, so I didn't even have a chance to catch my breath, let alone wash up and so on, I didn't have time to take care of it at all.

And now I am unshaven, covered in dirt, and my clothes are almost torn like cloth strips, with blood stains mixed with mud and other messy things. My whole person looks like I crawled out of a garbage dump.

No wonder Brother Wang's wife acted like she saw a ghost when she saw me.

"Go wash up first."

Just as I was staring blankly at the mirror, Brother Wang's wife brought something like a bath towel, "We'll go to the hospital after you clean up. They should all be there."

"Thank you."

I forced myself to smile and walked into the bathroom.

Thinking of the word hospital, I couldn't help but smile again and again.

In Yucheng Yao's situation, even the top doctors may be helpless. What she needs is not medical treatment.

Half an hour later, I washed up, changed into the clothes that belonged to Brother Wang, and went to the hospital.

Outside the ward, I saw Fire Monkey and the others.

Through the door of the ward, you can see a group of doctors in white coats standing inside, as if discussing something.

"You are back."

The fire monkey gave me a bear hug when it came up, then glanced at the scene in the ward, sighed and said, "Wang Getuo has won the opportunity to consult with the experts of the whole hospital, but these doctors are of no use at all. Diagnosed for several days and nothing was diagnosed”

"Feel sorry."

Brother Wang shook his head regretfully, his face was full of guilt and self-blame.

I opened my mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Although all of this was within expectations, after hearing that these experts were at a loss for what to do about Yucheng Yao's situation, I couldn't help but feel a burst of heartache.

If possible, how I hope that the person lying on the hospital bed is me.

"If only I hadn't been hurt..."

Li Xin muttered to himself.

I still remember that when we entered the rainforest, I left her the last drug that could suppress the side effects, but I don't regret it.

We have lived and died together so many times, leaving that medicine to her is exactly what I want.

Now, she has recovered her health.


The door of the ward opened, and a middle-aged man walked out. He was a bit fat, with a Mediterranean hairstyle and gold-rimmed glasses.

"Your friend's condition is very special. Every organ of her is gradually hardening, which seriously affects the physiological functions of the body. It stands to reason that she should be dead by now."

The middle-aged man seemed to have sensed the change in our emotions, and quickly said, "But she is still alive. We have given her drugs to soften the heart and brain vessels, but this has not had the slightest effect. It is estimated that she may have some time Not much more..."

"Is there no other way?"

I don't give up, even though I know that the current medical technology will not help Yucheng Yao's situation, but I still want to find a glimmer of hope.

Even if this middle-aged man tells me that there is even a slight possibility.

But things backfired, the middle-aged man shook his head, "I understand your feelings, but the disease she suffers from has never been discovered in the history of medicine in the world. We plan to name this disease after her, and she will be included in the The annals of world medical history..."

"Perhaps, after seeing her condition, other medical practitioners can give an effective treatment method..."

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