After passing through the door, I felt a sense of falling, and the sound of the wind whistled in my ears. When I opened my eyes, I saw that the ground was rapidly approaching me.

Before I could react, I fell hard to the ground.

where is this?
I was thinking in my mind and planned to observe the surroundings first, but when I turned over and looked up to the sky, I saw a door lying four meters high in midair, and several people had fallen through the door.

So, I became a human cushion.

"Get down!"

Three people fell on me one after another, which made me feel like my bones were about to fall apart. I managed to get up, but my vision was blocked by the drifting light and mist in front of me.

There was a mist all around, and nothing could be seen except the door hanging high overhead.

"Where is this again?"

Brother Wang and Huohou got up one after another, but after looking around, they also had question marks on their foreheads.

"I hate this kind of place the most. Who knows what strange things are waiting for us here..."

The fire monkey shook his head, his face full of helplessness.

I'm also very surprised, knowing that this door is submerged in the water, but inside the door is a very dry place, and the flat lawn under the feet is still emitting a faint blue light.

All this is inexplicably bizarre.

Even though I have experienced many strange things, what is in front of us now is really too nonsense.

But fortunately, although the light and fog here hindered our sight, the footprints on the ground clearly pointed out the direction.

Then we took out the flashlight, but when the flashlight shined on it, we could only see things within a range of less than five meters, and anything further away was blurry.

If we don't consider what we see with our eyes, but just judge by hearing, this place is almost more like a rainforest than a rainforest.

The chirping of insects came from all directions, but it didn't seem noisy, but made people feel a strange sense of comfort.

"Goo... woo!"

Suddenly, there was a muffled drumbeat in front of us to the right, which made us stagnate.

As the ground trembled more and more, we clearly felt that something was coming towards us.

And it's definitely not small!

"I think, why don't we get out of here..."

Human beings are always full of fear of the unknown, especially Brother Wang, who has never experienced similar strange things, he shrinks back without exception.

"It felt like a dream!"

"Wake up, it's true."

Fire Monkey laughed and teased a few words, trying to make Brother Wang relax, but no matter who saw the solemn look on his face, it was impossible for him to relax.

After a while, a black figure about half a person's height was getting closer.

"Wild dogs?"

"We're in the rainforest. Where can there be wild dogs in the rainforest? And it's so strong!"

Fire Monkey looked at Brother Wang with a sluggish face, and couldn't help but sneered.

"This is not a rainforest."

Brother Wang came back to his senses and retorted softly, but then he was taken aback for a moment and stammered, "Toad?"

That's right, that half-human tall black shadow is a toad.

Except for its unusually large size, it is no different from the toads we usually see.

It was lying in front of us, two meters away, watching us quietly, and its cheeks bulged twice from time to time.


"How about...kill it?"

The fire monkey said softly.

But even though he said so, his body took two steps back very obediently, it doesn't matter if he doesn't back up, this time, the toad also crawled two steps forward.

Then, the toad opened its mouth wide, and flicked a pink tongue towards the fire monkey.

The pink fleshy ball at the end of the tongue was directly attached to the fire monkey's shoulder, covering half of the shoulder in the blink of an eye.

"Damn, disgusting!"

The fire monkey let out a strange cry, couldn't bear it any longer, raised its pliers and cut its tongue into two pieces.


Toad ate the pain, retracted his long tongue, which was only half left, quickly crawled away, and disappeared into the light mist.

On the other hand, the fire monkey looked surprised, and slowly picked up the meat ball wrapped around his shoulders, and threw it aside.

Then he took off his sticky coat with a dark face.

"Is this gone?"

Brother Wang was very surprised by what happened just now. He first looked at the meat ball being handed over, and then at the heat, "I thought..."

"What a fart, what do you want him to eat me?"

The fire monkey muttered angrily, "I thought that after coming out of the underground world, I would be insulated from those messy creatures, but I didn't expect to meet them!"

"This is life."

I smiled, and most of the tension at the beginning dissipated.

It seems that apart from being a little bigger, the creatures here seem to be very friendly, at least not as dangerous as the creatures we encountered in the underground world.

"Your task is to take good care of her, and leave the rest to us."

After exhorting Brother Wang, we continued to follow our footprints.

But I overlooked one point, the toad is only the size of a palm in the outside world, but it is bigger than a shepherd dog here.
So, what about creatures that are already bigger than toads?If there are elephants here, how big should they be?
Two hours later, a row of hedges appeared on the grass in front of us.

Behind the wooden fence is a pond, in which there are a few stones protruding from the water, just enough for people to walk over.

Judging by the disrepair of this fence, it is obvious that this thing has been used for some years.

This thing must have been built artificially, and it probably has something to do with Miller.

This also proves that we are very close to the purpose of this trip.

"They should have passed."

The fire monkey pointed to the footprints that disappeared in front of the pond and said.

"I'll go first, you follow."

I stepped on the stone path in the pond first, and walked cautiously, for fear that a strange fish would suddenly rush out of the water.

After all, in such a strange place, anything is possible.

Fortunately, the crisis I imagined did not happen, and the pond was so quiet that there would be no ripples.

In this way, we walked for more than an hour before we saw the ground.

It's nice to feel down to earth, but then we find something unusual.

"There's someone there."

In order to avoid making noise, the fire monkey chose to make gestures.

Looking in the direction he pointed, I saw a figure standing in the mist, with his back facing us and motionless.

Looking at the equipment on his body, it can be roughly inferred that he is a member of the company.

But what is he doing here alone?
We surveyed the surroundings, but there was nothing nearby except the man with his back to us.

I signaled the fire monkeys not to act rashly, and then quietly touched the back alone.

Catch alive!
This was my plan, and from the motionless appearance of the man, he didn't notice us.

It's a good time to start!

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