I saw some human-like backs squatting on the branches of the big trees in front of me.

It's just that they are much stronger than humans, and they can even knock down a cow with one punch.

The moment I saw those figures from behind, I recognized them.

I had come across these shaved chimpanzees when I was looking for food for that indigenous tribe, and I had two of them, and it took a lot of work to kill one of them.

Even now, I am still amazed by their fighting power!

"Is it really as scary as you say?"

Looking at the generous and majestic back on the tree not far away, the fire monkey was speechless.

But although he said he didn't believe it, his behavior was very honest, and his voice was so small that only a few of us could hear it clearly.

"You can try it."

I shrugged.

As far as this area is concerned, after the mutation of ordinary small creatures, they are much more vicious than normal.

For example, the python with legs that Fire Monkey encountered before.

And the chimpanzee, which has good intelligence, and is extremely powerful and fierce, is even more terrifying after it mutates.

If you punch it, it will be absolutely fine, but if it punches you, it may kill you.

"Never mind."

The fire monkey shrank its neck.

Indeed, we don't intend to provoke these fierce guys, after all, now we can only deal with so many mutated chimpanzees with just me and the fire monkey.

But what is strange to me is that for some reason, these guys are all gathered here, and they are unusually peaceful.

It was as if he was watching something.

But unfortunately, they are all in the trees, where the field of vision is wider and they can see far away.

And I couldn't climb up the tree and watch without disturbing them.

In desperation, we had no choice but to stick to the corner of the tree and move forward little by little around the blind spot of the chimpanzee's vision.

When we walked to a distance of about 50 meters in front of where the chimpanzees were, they finally spotted us.


Demonstration-like roars sounded behind us, which made the nerves of the few of us tense in an instant, preventing these fierce behemoths from rushing towards us.

But unexpectedly, these chimpanzees just jumped up and down on the few trees anxiously, shaking off a lot of branches and leaves.

"They don't seem to dare to come."

Seeing this, the fire monkey was overjoyed and relaxed.

Yucheng Yao and Brother Wang also breathed a sigh of relief.

But I was the only one who noticed the anxiety of those chimpanzees. It could be seen that they wanted to rush over, but at the same time they were very afraid of where we were, as if there were more fierce predators than them.

"It's better to be careful."

I exhorted.

What can scare these guys may also be extremely deadly to us.

This is not a good thing.

After a certain distance from us, the sky became a little dark, but it was still noon, and the reason for the darkness was the canopy of trees in front of us.

The branches falling from the top of the tree clearly tell us that this is our destination.

People from the company must have gathered around here, so we couldn't help but be more cautious as we moved forward.

"I saw someone."

Suddenly, Fire Monkey and Brother Wang stopped in their tracks.

Looking in the direction they were staring at, the terrain in front of them was very open. At a glance, they could see a thick banyan tree a hundred meters away, and its trunk was at least ten meters wide by visual estimation.

It is also the crown of this tree that covers an area with a radius of nearly [-] meters.

It stands to reason that there are very few such big trees in nature, and even if there are, they must have been known to the world.

But the one in front of us has never been heard of before.

"Damn, this tree will definitely be in the world record."

The fire monkey sighed.

It can be seen that just beside the trunk of the banyan tree, more than a dozen people are fiddling with some electronic instruments, and some are holding chainsaws and explosives.

"Are they going to destroy the tree? No, they must have found something."

"Maybe Miller's belongings are in the trunk."

With a distance of [-] meters and the dim light here, those people didn't notice us, and gave us plenty of time to guess what they were going to do.

"Their number is several times that of ours, so I suggest we wait here, anyway, our purpose is the same."

Only Brother Wang, he didn't make random guesses, but gave us a suggestion, "When they take out the things, it's not too late for us to do it."

After the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole, his proposal won the unanimous approval of the rest of us.

Immediately, we rested on the spot.

Of course, we also pay attention to everything that happens around the trunk of the banyan tree.

When we rested, Yucheng Yao fell asleep quickly, and only the three of us were awake, watching those people busy in and out.

"They're not really going to destroy the tree, are they?"

The waiting time was too boring, and it didn't take long for Fire Monkey to start chatting with Brother Wang, and it was easy for the two of them to talk to each other.

The anxiety in my heart prompted me to look around from time to time, and the anxious appearance of those chimpanzees kept appearing in my mind.

Here, there must be something that frightens them.

Towards evening, the company team next to the trunk of the banyan tree finally took action. They first lit a fire beside the trunk, and then detonated the explosives.

But when the blasting smoke ended, we were surprised by the appearance of the trunk.

Just lost some old dead bark, unscathed.

This made my heart move. It seems that this extremely lush banyan tree is also one of the mutated creatures here.

It is not difficult to explain why it has not been discovered by the world.

The blasting could not damage the tree, and those people in the company were obviously aware of this, but they were well prepared. After the first attempt failed, they took out a few things similar to oxygen tanks.

As they opened the pot, a white mist gradually rose around the trunk.

"It's liquid nitrogen."

The fire monkey recognized the things that were emitting white mist at a glance, "If I had known, I would not have lost face, and asked the old professor to send more people..."


What Fire Monkey said to himself made me realize a problem, and I immediately asked, "Only a few of us are here, is it your idea?"

Hearing this, the fire monkey's face froze, and he smiled embarrassingly, "No, it's nothing..."

No wonder……

I clenched my fists, wishing I could give him a hard blow on the head, I really couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

If more people could have come, we wouldn't have to be so embarrassed along the way!

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