"This time, don't stop me."

The fire monkey took a deep look at me, then twisted its neck, and strode towards the drug dealers.

Unhappy all the way, it's time for him to relax.

However, what we didn't expect was that the fire monkey's technique was surprisingly brutal. In just a few breaths, there were several mutilated corpses on the ground.

"Is he all right?"

Even Yucheng Yao, who was used to killing and dying, couldn't help frowning and said, "It feels like he's a different person."

Indeed, at some point, the fire monkey's temper became somewhat moody.

In many things, he was uncharacteristically, and what he said was not like the usual style, which made people worry about him.

Maybe it was that transformation that had a subtle influence on him, and this influence is slowly intensifying as time goes by?

If this influence continues, what will become of the fire monkey?
I don't dare to speculate, I can only remind myself that I must discuss this matter with Fire Monkey sometime.

However, those poor native women were already stunned, and some of them were pale and retched, and couldn't bear to look at those corpses.

"Shu Tan!"

Fire Monkey didn't feel much about his brutal methods. After dealing with these drug dealers, he was in a good mood. He strode up to a few indigenous women and untied them from their ropes.

From the beginning to the end, the aboriginal women did not dare to take a breath, staring at the fire monkey trembling in fear.

"Strange, I saved them, why are you still looking at me with that inexplicable look?"

The fire monkey didn't understand.

And our response to him was to shake our heads helplessly.

It seemed that his situation was getting worse. Fortunately, this was a rainforest, and he was facing drug dealers who deserved to die, rather than densely populated cities.

Otherwise, with his ghostly appearance, God knows what he will do.

"Talk to them and let them take us to their tribe."

I rubbed my temples and said to Brother Wang.

No matter how Fire Monkey's personality changed, he still managed to save a few people. At present, it is still within the controllable range. It is better to put the search for Miller first.

We didn't continue on the road until Brother Wang finished appeasing the aboriginal women.

According to these indigenous women, this place is very close to the tribe. Not long ago, those drug dealers broke into their tribe and forcibly took them away. Not long after leaving the tribe, they met us.

"This is not the first time they have robbed people."

One of the native women cried.

The nearby drug dealers would visit their tribe from time to time, taking away young adults and women. Coupled with animal disasters, they were already suffering unspeakably.

"There is no way around this. Although the local government knows that there are a large number of drug dealers hiding here, they still have enough energy to spare, and there is no way to carry out encirclement and suppression operations here..."

When Brother Wang heard it, he felt the same way, and said angrily, "Those drug dealers don't have any good things!"

When we arrived at the tribe, we realized that what these women said was far more serious than we had imagined. There were not even a few decent houses in the whole tribe, only some simple shacks for people to live in. There are only a few of them in the prime of life, and they seem to have been seriously injured, probably because of the good deeds of those bastard drug dealers.

You know, in this kind of place that is almost like a primitive tribe, the young and middle-aged are the primary productive forces.

They are responsible for feeding everyone in the tribe, and they have to do things like hunting.

To make matters worse, we have seen many children with congenital disabilities.

"Consequences of inbreeding."

With just a glance, it is possible to determine the cause of these children's birth defects.

Men were captured as slaves, women were reduced to playthings, and the rest of the tribe had to shoulder the top priority of reproduction. However, with the number of people reduced, inbreeding became an unavoidable thing.

This is also a disadvantage of being backward and closed. If it goes on for a long time, this tribe will soon be annihilated in the long river of history.

The most regrettable thing is that even if we clearly realize this, there is nothing we can do for them.

After all, this self-enclosed tribe resolutely refuses outside help. They stick to their own civilization and hate outsiders extremely. Especially after experiencing the plunder of those drug dealers, I am afraid they will hate us even more.

I just hope they don't confuse us with those drug dealers.

"so poor."

Yucheng Yao looked at the child sitting on the ground and playing with mud not far away.

The kid was about three or four years old, naked and skinny, and because of a birth defect, he didn't have a right hand, but what does a kid know?

A few balls of mud can also play very happily, and I am not depressed because of my own defects.

But this made Yucheng Yao feel compassion, "How about...help them after we get out of here, even if it can help a little bit."

"These children should not be treated like this."

I sighed and squeezed her hand, "Even if we want to help, they may not accept it."

Yucheng Yao did not resist, but sighed faintly, a little sad.

Not long after, a middle-aged man came out of the tribe, accompanied by several women we rescued. He limped to us with a cane, his expression excited.

It seems that he is the patriarch of this tribe.

Although I couldn't understand what he said, I could tell from his earnest gestures that he was praying for something.

"He said that the local government had visited them before and wanted them to immigrate outside, but at that time they refused."

Brother Wang translated, "But now, he wants us to tell the local government that they intend to accept help from the government, and in return, no matter what we want from them, they will do their best."

People are terrifying.

The words of the middle-aged patriarch let us hear a lot of bitterness and helplessness.

If you think about it, you can also know how crazy those drug dealers are, so that they will force the aborigines who are self-proclaimed and stick to their own civilization and land to agree to the government's help.

Of course, the local government must have good intentions.

However, most of this is due to the drug dealers. If they hadn't plundered wantonly, the middle-aged patriarch probably wouldn't have made such a helpless move.

"Want to beat them?"

Brother Wang was a little moved, he really wanted to help these natives.

"It's not difficult. We're going to get out of here sooner or later. We can do it easily. I just hope he can tell us something about Miller. I don't want to make a trip in vain."

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