After hearing what I said, Xi'er nodded half-understanding, and said, "I know, brother Zhang, you are the father and I am the mother, so we are different."

This understanding... can't be wrong, right?
It just always feels a little weird.

Saying this, Xi'er suddenly put her arms around my neck and kissed me.

I was actually kissed by a girl?
Xi'er's pretty face was flushed like a lovely red apple, she said, "Brother Zhang, I feel so strange now, is this like liking?"

Looking at her innocent appearance, I couldn't help feeling soft and ashamed at the same time.

What did I just want to do to such a simple girl who hugged me out of love and I out of shameful desire.

While feeling ashamed in my heart, I also secretly swear that no matter what, I will definitely protect Qian'er from now on, so that this innocent and lovely girl will not suffer any harm.

Holding my hand, Xi'er walked a lot more briskly, with a sweet smile all the way, she is like a blooming flower, sweet and quiet, so beautiful, full of vigor and vitality.

Because the location of this tiankeng is not far from the cave where we live, so it didn't take long before Xi'er and I arrived at our destination.

And the scene in the cave, like a heavy hammer, hit my heart hard.

There was no one in the entire cave!
And what's even more weird is that the cave looked very messy, which meant that the girls left in a hurry.

What happened?

They were really found by wild people?
However, I am a little fortunate that there are no traces of battle here.

And I searched carefully among those leftovers for a while, and found a note full of words!

Xiao Qing left it to me!
Because only Eve brought a pen, this note was written in red vegetable liquid, and Xiao Qing wrote it in a hurry, which seemed quite shocking.

"Xiao Zhang, the savages are here. We are very scared and decided to go deep into the cave to hide. If you come back, come to us. Once we encounter a fork, we will go to the left..."

Because they are all written in Chinese, they are not worried that the savages will get this note.

Xiao Qing's words made me breathe a sigh of relief, it seems that nothing happened to them for the time being.

However, in the depths of this cave, I am afraid that the danger is not small.

Who knows what kind of cave creatures are hidden in the dark underground?
I didn't dare to delay, so I quickly led Xi'er into the cave entrance leading to the ground.

It's been about two days since I got hurt, but it took the wildlings some time to get over the mountain, so I'm sure they didn't go far.

"These hateful savages, if anything happens to you, I will never spare you!"

Thinking angrily, I didn't have many ways to deal with those savages for a while.

However, I believe that as long as the thinking doesn't slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties. I don't believe it anymore. I can't play tricks on you. Don't you know how to play tricks?
"Brother Zhang, if we want to go deep into the cave, we must be very careful. When I was young, my father often told me that the cave is very dangerous, so don't go in casually."

After hearing what Qian'er said, I couldn't help but look a little ugly, and became more and more worried about Xiao Qing and the others.

Xi'er obviously knows more about this island than I do. I always thought that caves would be safer, but now it seems that I was too naive.

I took out the flashlight that I have always cherished and rarely used, and led the way.

Originally, I didn't want Xi'er to follow me, but she insisted on coming down. At this time, time was urgent, so I had no choice but to let her go.

The main reason is that Xi'er's strength is actually stronger than mine, so there may not be any accidents.

And she might be able to help me.

The underground caves are extremely dark, and they are as different as the colorful caves I saw in tourist attractions before.

This is because many karst caves in tourist attractions have many lamps installed by modern people, and those gorgeous colors are all illuminated by the lights.

But now, in this dark underground, only my flashlight is the only light source. Under the pale light, those strange cave rocks are like monsters, with teeth and claws.

Accompanied by those strange rocks, there are subtle dripping sounds and roaring wind sounds, all of which give people a very strong sense of depression.

Xi'er and I followed the hints on the note left by Xiao Qing, and quickly walked towards the depths of the cave.

Logically speaking, this underground is dark and full of dangers, it's better to walk slowly, but at this time, I was too worried about Xiao Qing and Sister Man, so I had to speed up my pace.

Of course, while advancing fast, I also maintained a high degree of vigilance, which was very exhausting. After a while, I was drenched in sweat.

Fortunately, what made me feel more at ease was that Qian'er followed me every step of the way.

At this moment, she is no longer that natural girl with a pure and sweet smile, but an extremely powerful hunter. Her calmness and high vigilance make me feel ashamed.

In this way, we walked for about ten minutes.Xi'er suddenly grabbed my clothes and gave me a warning with anxious eyes.

Seeing her nervous appearance, I was startled, knowing that she must be in danger, followed the direction she indicated, and took a look with a flashlight, and I immediately saw a black shadow rushing past.

That black shadow was about the size of a basketball, and its movements were unbelievably fast. At that moment, I suddenly saw that it was a big spider!

The size of a basketball, covered with hairy black spiders!

A palm-sized spider is already considered a colossus, and it can scare many people into screams. How about this one?How big is a basketball!

The appearance of this monster made my heart immediately rise to my throat.

As far as I know, the largest spider in the world is the Amazon giant tarantula, which can reach more than 30 centimeters in size. You can tell from the name that it hunts and kills birds for food.Their fangs are extremely terrifying. Once a person is bitten, it is difficult to survive.

And the big guy I saw just now is also close to thirty centimeters in size, very scary!
Fortunately, this giant black spider seemed to be afraid of light, and when it was illuminated by my flashlight, I didn't know where it went.

But my heart became more and more entangled. We only came in for more than ten minutes, and we encountered such a monster. Are Xiao Qing and the others alright?

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