"we can only do this."

After careful consideration, I took out the last medicine that could alleviate the side effects and gave it to Brother Wang's wife, "Once she has symptoms that shouldn't be, break this crystal and feed the liquid inside to the doctor. she."

So far, in the underground world, the three medicines Fujii gave us have all been used up.

As long as the side effects occur after someone uses the ability in the future, they can only hold on.


Although Brother Wang's wife was a little puzzled, she nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

After doing this, I subconsciously glanced at Yucheng Yao, only to find that she was also looking at me.

Li Xin is recuperating now, and there will only be the three of us to act.

Among the three of us, the only one who had side effects after using the ability was Yucheng Yao.

But fortunately, even if she doesn't use her ability, she is still very skilled.

"Don't hesitate, let's go now."

Brother Wang rubbed his temples and was about to leave, but he was stopped by Yu Chengyao when he got to the door, "We drove so far yesterday, and you didn't sleep all night, are you sure? Don't you need a break?"

"If you enter the target area rashly like this, if you encounter those people, the risk factor will be much higher in your current state."

good guy...

I feel a little sour for no reason.

She will say more than all the words she has said to me during this time.


But Brother Wang just waved his hand and didn't care about his exhaustion.

Yucheng Yao pursed her lips, and finally took a step back.

As soon as we went out, we saw an extremely dark sky, with dark clouds covering our hands, giving people a very depressing feeling.

"It's normal, the rainy season."

Brother Wang explained a sentence, started the engine, and led us to the tribe where the patriarch was. "I'm not very familiar with the surrounding environment, so I can only rely on him to lead us to the target area."

By noon, we arrived at the place.

But different from the day before yesterday, no matter men, women, old or young in the tribe saw us, they all avoided us, as if we were the plague gods.

Brother Wang wanted to go in, but was stopped.

A few indigenous youths yelled at him a few times and then ran away. Brother Wang looked at us helplessly, "He'll be here soon."

After a while, an expert young man walked out of the tribe, who was the patriarch who led us the day before yesterday.

It's just that his face is ugly.

I'm sure if he didn't know that we have modern weapons on us, I'm afraid we would have been killed.

The patriarch beckoned to Brother Wang. After the two talked in a low voice, the patriarch shook his head and walked away.

"What did he say?"

Fire Monkey asked with a puzzled look.

Brother Wang sighed, "Originally he agreed to lead us for the sake of my acquaintance with him before, but after what happened last time, he was not happy, but it doesn't matter, he just told me how to go, The general direction is not wrong."

After speaking, Brother Wang paused for a while, and added, "He said that place is very evil, and none of the natives who have been there have come back alive."

"Evil Gate..."

Fire Monkey raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but glance at me.

We have encountered a lot of evil things in the geographical world. No matter how evil the outside world is, where can we go?It's just a rumor passed from person to person, just to bluff people.

We didn't take this sentence to heart, but seeing that we didn't care, brother Wang was in a hurry.

"The best tradition of their tribe is honesty, and they will never lie!"

"Is there something wrong with me?"

The fire monkey deliberately lifted the pliers under the windbreaker, and smiled.

Brother Wang stopped talking, but he could still see deep worry from his expression.

He just didn't know whether he was worried about his son, or the evil that the patriarch told him.

But now that the indigenous patriarch doesn't lead us the way, we can only follow Brother Wang, bypassing the tribe, and heading deeper into the rainforest.

But after walking for half an hour, there were bursts of muffled thunder in the sky above.


"It is going to rain."

At this time, the fire monkey became happy.

Ever since he became a cyborg, he has a soft spot for things like water, but under normal circumstances, he doesn't show it very clearly.

His characteristics make us unable to help but suspect that perhaps after a long time, he will become a complete lobster.

Soon, it was raining heavily.

The environment in the rainforest has also become darker, but it is still afternoon, and we can only move forward in the rain.

It was raining heavily and our feet were muddy. The road ahead was very difficult, but we didn't stop for a moment. Everyone just kept going without saying a word.

Only the fire monkey, the heavier the rain, the happier he is.


The fire monkey suddenly stopped, "There is a little snake here."

The rich species in the forest provided the fire monkey with a lot of fun. He enjoyed himself while walking, and raised his pincers from time to time to cut things in two that passed by or were discovered by him.

Even Yucheng Yao, who had always been indifferent, couldn't stand it any longer, but she just opened her mouth and didn't say anything.

This made me suddenly feel that there is another role for Li Xin to act with us.

And only she can make the fire monkey who has become a reformed person become honest and responsible.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the fog was gradually forming in front of our eyes. We had no choice but to find a temporary foothold.

Fortunately, the surrounding environment helped us a lot.

Dozens of broad leaves are combined to build a temporary shelter for us.

Although it is extremely simple, it is still enough to shelter us from the wind and rain.

"How long will he go on like this?"

Yucheng Yao stood beside me, glanced at the fire monkey enjoying the rain outside, and said lightly.

"I don't know."

As long as it doesn't affect our actions, he can do whatever he likes.

I shook my head, not intending to stop it.

"If the rain stops, we will reach the edge of the target area in another four hours if all goes well." Brother Wang squatted aside, rubbing his temples and muttering.

There was some anticipation in his voice, but also some fear, and his emotions were very complicated.

We just hid under the simple shelter and waited for the rain to die down.

But the weather was not beautiful, and as time passed, the rain became heavier and heavier.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, there was lightning and thunder, and strong winds.

Helpless, we can only find some branches in this section to strengthen the shelter, so as not to be chilled by the heavy rain.


But when we were busy, I vaguely heard a gunshot.

Out of habit, I looked around immediately, but I couldn't see anything except thick rain and fog.


In the next second, right in front of my eyes, the fire suddenly appeared!

I know very well that the fire light came from a bullet that hit the fire monkey's body!

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