Just when I was doubtful, Fire Monkey and the others had already followed Brother Wang in, including Yucheng Yao, who was the second to go in.

She, who has always been cautious, seems to have no doubts about Brother Wang's actions.

At this point, it's useless for me to worry about it, so I can only play [-] points of vigilance, and slowly go down the stairs to the basement.

It looks a bit old here, but it is full of all kinds of electronic equipment.

"I'm going to put them on the phone."

After we all came in, Brother Wang gave us a sorry look, then took out his mobile phone and dialed a number skillfully.

A few seconds later, the phone was connected, and a man's dull voice came from inside.

"I warned you not to contact us privately, do you want your wife and son to blow their heads?"

The first sentence he spoke was a threat, and he had a strong Native American accent.

It can also be distinguished from the voice, this must be the people from the company.

"I have taken them away from the target location, when can you release my family?"

While talking, Brother Wang put the phone on an electronic device.

"When the time comes, I will let you know,"

The man on the other end of the phone was very impatient, and hung up the phone after speaking, leaving only a series of beeps and beeps.

However, Brother Wang felt relieved and started typing on the keyboard.

The fire monkey couldn't help being curious, and asked softly, "What are you doing?"

"Reverse positioning via GPS."

Brother Wang looked at the computer screen and said with a wry smile, "These are the basics I learned in the organization, and I never thought that I would be able to use them one day.

"Basic? Why can't I..."

The fire monkey scratched his head, puzzled.

An hour later, Brother Wang let out a sigh of relief.

"I found it."

"Then let's go now."

"No, I still have something to say."

Brother Wang took a step forward, stopped the fire monkey who was about to leave, and said with a serious face, "I know you are all elites of the organization, but it's about my wife and children's comfort, so you have to tell me the action plan first, Instead of rushing over to fight them rashly."

What he said is very reasonable. We are going to rescue the hostages, so naturally we must put the safety of the hostages first.

The fire monkey scratched his head in embarrassment, and closed his mouth tightly.

If it was a fight, he would definitely rush forward without hesitation, but when it comes to planning and making decisions, it has never been his strong point.

"Tell us the location, we will sneak in and wait until the hostages are secured."

Yucheng Yao was the first to speak, "If possible, we will choose to avoid the war and try our best to protect the safety of the hostages. You can rest assured about this."

He spoke in an orderly manner, and Brother Wang's face softened.

"Okay, come with me!"

We followed Brother Wang out of the house and went straight to the edge of the town.

I have to say that this small town feels very warm, and it is no wonder that Brother Wang makes his home here.

Half an hour later, we stopped in front of a factory building.

"It used to be a textile factory, but it has been closed recently because of the poor management of the owner."

Brother Wang pointed to the two-meter-high fence next to the gate, "It's like this all around, my wife and daughter should be inside, please be careful..."

"no problem."

The fire monkey patted him on the shoulder, signaling to reassure him, then walked to the wall, jumped lightly, hooked its two pincers to the top of the wall, and rolled over.


Then, the voice of the fire monkey came from inside.

I glanced at Yucheng Yao and Li Xin, and the second one turned in.

But as soon as I hit the ground, I heard a low whimper.


A dog barked very loudly, which made me nervous, and I looked around at the figure of the fire monkey
Under the light of the moon, I realized that the fire monkey had rushed to the side of the kennel.

The half-human-tall shepherd dog was knocked unconscious in one blow.

The poor shepherd dog didn't have the arrogance just now, and fell to the ground and twitched.

"Be careful!"

Outside the wall, Brother Wang is more nervous than us.

Later, Yucheng Yao and Li Xin also came in, and the four of us squatted in the dark corner of the wall, discussing countermeasures.

Out of consideration for the task, we didn't take the equipment when we came here.

After all, the blasting cloth in the backpack is not suitable for rescuing hostages.

So our plan is to act separately. After all, the area of ​​this textile factory is considered small, and only by separating can we find the hostages faster and more quickly.

And before leaving, Brother Wang equipped us with wireless communication equipment, which is convenient for us to contact.

"Only save people, avoid conflicts."

Before the action, I specifically instructed, "Don't use the ability unless it is absolutely necessary."

There is only the last one of the medicine Fujii gave us, so save as much as you can.

In addition to a few warehouses in the textile factory, there is a four-story building in the center. We agreed that each of us would search the first floor of a factory building, and try to find Brother Wang's wife and children as carefully and quickly as possible.

After parting, I quietly walked to one of the warehouses.

After arriving at the periphery of the warehouse and turning around, except for the main entrance, there is only a continuous ventilation hole at a height of more than three meters.

Such a high distance is also a bit difficult for me. Fortunately, the outer wall of the factory building is very strong, so that I can directly rush over and use my strength to jump.

Lying on the ventilation hole, you can have a panoramic view of the factory building.

It's a pity that there is no one inside except for various cardboard boxes.

After a while, I also received messages from several other people.

"There's no one in the factory."

In this case, we can only go upstairs, and the four floors are exactly one floor for each person.

Then, we met up and went into the building together.

I chose the highest floor, and when they had already started searching, I was still on the stairs, but just as I reached the fourth floor, gunshots rang out, and at the same time, Li Xin's anxious voice came from the communicator.

"I was shot, there are at least seven people on this floor!"

It was discovered!

Hearing this, I hurried to the second floor where Li Xin was.

But I just went down to the third floor, and there was a flash of fire, accompanied by the shock wave of the explosion, which was deafening.

Mad, we're in the building!Is this going to blow up the building?
In an instant, countless concrete fragments fell on me, and I couldn't avoid it.

"What are you doing?"

The explosion affected our communication, and the sound of electric currents stimulated our eardrums, but Brother Wang's irritable voice was still clearly audible, "Didn't you agree to sneak in!"

But at this time, I didn't have time to talk to him at all.

Covering his mouth and nose, he rushed into the corridor where Xiaoyan was dissatisfied.

This floor is a large textile workshop, and it is this floor that Yucheng Yao searched for.

"Don't let anything happen..."

While comforting myself, I looked around for Yucheng Yao, but apart from the wreckage of the imitation lathe all over the floor, there was no sign of her at all.

And it's so dark here, it's even harder to find her.

But at this moment, Li Xin's voice sounded again in the communicator.

"I can't stand it anymore!"

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