Handsome, do you want to have a shot?

The blonde girl with her head on my shoulder suddenly murmured, and then breathed into my ear, the voice should be as crisp as it is, it is definitely the kind that can arouse desire.

Before I could answer, she suddenly let go of her arms around my neck.

I looked sideways, and saw that she took out a pistol, turned around and fired a bullet, which instantly exploded a mercenary's head.


This woman is definitely not an ordinary person!


"Woohoo! Awesome!"

But it wasn't just this pretty girl that shocked me, it was the other guests in the bar.

I just saw someone cheering in unison after being headshot, as if watching a feast, that kind of madness is something I have never seen before.

Where the hell is this place?Can't there be a normal person?

I suddenly discovered that the people I have been in contact with recently seem to be a little crazy.

The artificial ambassador, the mad scientist, and this foreign girl who looks beautiful but is actually ruthless.

And, the guests of this bar.

"Where is he!"

Seeing the death of their companions, those mercenaries came back to their senses, followed the direction of the shooting, and soon found me.


Now that it has been discovered, there is no need to hide.

I grabbed the blond girl's arm, pushed away the person blocking the way with one hand, and quickly squeezed into the innermost place, while observing the surroundings, not missing anyone.


The voices of the mercenaries came from behind, but as soon as their voices fell, the people around me all drew their guns.

Men and women in various costumes pointed their guns at the mercenaries.

I know that guns are legal in the United States, but the scene in front of me still makes me suspect that I have entered a bandit den.

"Want to have a haircut?"

Blinking, the blond asked as she ran with me.

"To shut up."

I roared, if she hadn't helped me, I wouldn't have cared about her life at all.

As soon as I finished speaking, an explosion blast directly lifted the two of us into the air. Fortunately, we were not in the center of the explosion, so we would not be blown to pieces.

I struggled to get up from the pile of dead people, and glanced at the deep pit in the center of the hall.

Just now, there was still a half-person-high stage, and several dancers were dancing seductively.

But now, it was cleared by an RPG rocket.

The matter has come to this point, I directly gave up the plan to find the informant, after all, as far as I can see, there are not many living people left, and there are only a few who can breathe, and there is no such thing as the old professor said informant characteristics.

Finish the calf!
I glanced at the blond woman lying beside me, her tall breasts were slightly undulating, and her forehead was scratched by inch-long shrapnel, seeping blood.

Still angry, she is still alive.

And those mercenaries temporarily lost my whereabouts.

Fortunately, the light here was dim, and after the bombing just now, many lighting equipment were damaged, and the visibility was extremely low.

They have already begun to search through the dead bodies one by one, and they will find me again soon.

I can't keep lying here and pretend to be dead, I will be discovered sooner or later.

But where should I go?

I am not familiar with the environment here, the only exit I know is currently being guarded by those mercenaries.

I'm afraid I'll have to catch a rocket if I rush over.

I looked around and finally saw a garbage dump next to the bar. Fortunately, [-]% of the people here are dead, otherwise I really couldn't see it.

Now that the way out has been found, it's time to decide whether or not to take the blonde.

If she is left behind, she may die, but now I am a mud bodhisattva crossing the river myself, and there is no need to add another burden...

After a little bit of entanglement, I still chose to take her with me and slowly moved to the bar.

The short distance of more than ten meters is like a moat to me at this moment.

Even though the environment here is dark, I can't move too much. After a long time, I dragged the unconscious sexy girl to the garbage disposal port.

The size is just enough for one person to go in, and it is pitch black underneath.

I tossed the blonde down first, then, holding my breath, drilled in.

Within seconds it had landed, falling into a dumpster.

Moreover, the back of the blonde girl who came down first feels very soft when she falls, but the surrounding space is very small, and it took me a long time to force myself to straighten up.

Only then did I realize that I was in the trash can at the entrance of the bar.

At this time, the door of the bar was open, and the voices of several mercenaries could be heard faintly from inside.

There were several jeeps parked at the entrance of the alley, but fortunately no one was guarding them.

So I carried the unconscious blonde out, sneaked to the alley like a thief, walked around the intricate streets, and walked as far as possible.

The passers-by saw my appearance and avoided me, and some of them took out their phones.

The sound of their alarm can be heard from a distance.

It's over... It's even worse.

If I was caught by the local police station, then as a 'black account', I'm afraid I'd have to go to prison. What's worse, if I was caught by the company people after I was in prison, I would have nowhere to run.

I dropped off the blonde at a roadside bus shelter as sirens sounded in the distance.

"Good luck."

If she is caught by the police, she can still live, but if I take her with her, she will probably die.

Rescuing her out here is considered as the most benevolent.

Afterwards, I chose places with few people to walk. Although I still encountered a lot of doubtful eyes on the road, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk.

On the way, I thought I could call the old professor again, but when I took out my mobile phone, I found that this old flip phone had a blurred screen and could not be used.

It is estimated that it was caused by the shock wave of the previous explosion, but I must now contact the old professor.

Otherwise, based on my current situation, it won't be long before I will be arrested, or caught by the people in the company.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, the number of pedestrians on the street gradually decreased, and the sound of sirens could no longer be heard.

And I found a gathering place for homeless people under a viaduct.

The environment is a bit poor, but it is good as a temporary place to stay.

More than a dozen homeless men gathered together in groups, chatting without saying a word.

"I bet a dollar, he must be a stowaway!"

"Maybe he's a fugitive!"

"I bet two dollars."

These homeless men pointed at me indifferently, but without much malice, and one of them was even kind enough to give me a half-smoked cigarette.

"Welcome to join us."

I smiled noncommittally, and asked pretending to be relaxed, "Who has a mobile phone that can lend me a call?"

"I have it, but unfortunately I traded it for bread half a year ago!"

As soon as I said the words, there was another burst of teasing.

But I didn't give up. After all, I urgently need to contact the old professor.

"Whoever can find a way to get me a mobile phone, or let me make a call, I will give him a huge sum of money."

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