"I can control all the electronic equipment on this plane. If you make any changes in the future, I will immediately blow the plane to pieces."

Kent tugged at his tie and smoothed out the wrinkles in his suit.

Then he glanced at the gunshot wound on my shoulder, raised his eyebrows and put on an indifferent smile, "Although I'm not sure whether the power of the explosion can kill you, your little girlfriend will definitely be dead."

"I believe that a woman who allows you to risk your life to rescue must be very important to you."


I clenched my fists, gritted my teeth, and tried my best to hold my breath, finally suppressing the anger in my heart.

Damn, I was actually threatened by a pile of scrap metal!
Kent noticed my mood change, he got up calmly and patted me on the shoulder, "We just need that notepad, as long as you give us what we want, then you and your little girlfriend will be fine."

"I promise you."

After a long time, I let out a decadent breath and sat down on the seat next to me.

Thousands of calculations, or one step missing!
According to the plan, I would be able to successfully hijack the plane and rescue Xiao Qing.

After all, we are on the plane now. Even if these people have powerful weapons, they would never dare to use them, because there is also the US ambassador on the plane, and they cannot be killed together with the ambassador.

But who would have guessed that the dignified American ambassador is actually a damn artificial human, a real lump of iron!

Moreover, he would definitely do such a thing as blowing up a plane!

Kent nodded with satisfaction, "In three hours, you will return to China and go directly to Jiangyuan Airport. Then you will have one day to get what we want, and you will not wait when it is out of date."

After he finished speaking, he walked straight into the door and closed the door again.

Now, Xiao Qing and I, as well as the dead in this place are left here.

With a heavy heart, I walked to Xiao Qing's side, looked at her peaceful face that seemed to be in a deep sleep, and sighed slightly.

Then, I called the old professor.

"I... succeeded."

"Hearing your tone, why is something wrong?"

The old teacher is so smart, he immediately noticed my abnormality, but he didn't say much, just said softly, "Remember to come back safely, the investigation over there already has some clues."

"Yes, I will arrive in Jiangyuan City in three hours..."

After hanging up the phone, I gently hugged Xiao Qing into my arms, and slightly closed my eyes.

it will be fine...

Three hours later, the plane landed, and Kent walked out the door again.

I let go of Xiao Qing's arm, got up and left.

Outside the airport, the old professor had sent someone to wait for me for a long time.

After a few more hours of traveling, I finally arrived at the Hunting Edge Base, and as soon as I got out of the car, I saw the old professor, Fire Monkey and the others.

"Tsk, in just two days, you have become a household name."

The fire monkey glanced at me up and down. After seeing that there were no missing arms or legs, he smiled heartily and said, "The headlines, even one, are reporting on the death of the US ambassador's secretary."

"By the way, why did you come back alone..."

As he said that, Fire Monkey suddenly seemed to understand something, and his eyes widened immediately, but Li Xin on the side tightly covered his mouth.

The old professor stepped forward at this time, and said in a deep voice, "If you have something to say, go to my office and talk about it."

"Time is running out."

I shook my head, and then told the old professor all about the series of things I encountered on the plane.

However, not only the old professor, but everyone present who heard my words widened their eyes.

Obviously, no one thought that Kent was actually an artificial human.

"One day..."

The old professor looked at his watch after he regained his composure, and then gave Assistant Ahui a look, "Bring the things, if they don't want to, just say it's my order, and I will go to the upper floor in person when the time comes explain."

"sorry to bother you."

I know that the old professor is also very embarrassed to make such a decision.

But at this critical moment, I am still very grateful that he can choose to stand by my side.

Although I had already thought about it before I came back this time, no matter whether he is on my side or not, I will definitely get the notepad, even if it makes them an enemy.

Not long after Assistant Ah Hui left, Fire Monkey finally opened Li Xin's hands.

"You and I have dealt with them. You know the virtues of those American guys best. What if they don't keep their promises at all?"

"This is the only way to save Xiao Qing at the moment, I will try anyway..."

Why don't I know the characteristics of those people in the company?
But it is about Xiao Qing, even if there is only a [-]% success rate, I will go all out.

Although it is unwise to do so, aren't people emotional animals?
Hearing this, the fire monkey was silent for a while, and then said, "Then I will go with you at that time, and if they go back on their word, we can take care of each other."

"They said, I can only go by myself."

I shrugged, pretending to be helpless.

In fact, I just didn't want Fire Monkey to follow me to the danger, but I appreciated his kindness.

On the side, Yucheng Yao has now returned to her human form.

But she remained silent the whole time.

I don't know how to speak to her, after all, watching my man risk his life to save another woman, I will definitely feel uncomfortable.

After a while, Assistant Ah Hui came back in a hurry, still carrying a black briefcase in his hand.

She walked right up to me, "It's in there."

I took it, opened it and confirmed it was correct, then turned around and got into the car.

Until then, Yucheng Yao, who had been silent all the time, spoke.

"I'll wait for you to come back."


I paused, nodded slightly with my back turned to her, and then got into the car.

Looking at her in the rearview mirror, I couldn't help but sigh.

Although she seems to have fully recovered now, I should care about her because of emotion and reason...

It's just a pity that I don't have time to do that.

"The airport is here."

After several hours of long travel, I finally arrived at the airport, picked up my briefcase, and strode in.

Kent's plane is still where it landed, with the door open.

After I took a deep breath and entered, the hatch behind me suddenly closed, and I immediately felt a strong feeling.

But now that I've come here, I have no other way out.

In the plane, Kent was sitting opposite to Xiao Qing, and on the table in front of him were two injections, one red and one yellow. I don't know what kind of liquid was inside.

"It's still one hour and 24 minutes away. Yes, I'm glad you kept your promise. Now, let's talk about the transaction."

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