For a long time, I have always seen a cold expression on Xiao Qing's face, but now, she has a charming face. This rare expression, placed on her, is like a rainbow after the rain, an iceberg Melting in general, there is an astonishing beauty.

"Zhang Qi, you are a stinky hooligan, a big villain!"

Xiao Qing seemed to be drunk and scolded me, but she took the initiative to kiss me again.The kiss was sweet, but her tears fell.

"How much I hate you, hate you! Why don't you talk to me more, you know how to flirt with other women, what do you think of me! I can't wait to kill you!"

My mouth was bitten by her directly.

Her bright red face was also a little pale, looking very sad.

Xiao Qing's words surprised me very much. I had a faint feeling before that, as time passed, Mr. Xiao's attitude towards me was a bit strange. I thought it was because I thought too much, but unexpectedly, she was really attracted to me.

However, I thought again, could this be a misunderstanding, because apart from the first sentence, she didn't call my name in the rest of the sentence. She is not clear-headed now, what if she mistook me for someone else?
If you really didn't tell me, then I'd be too sentimental, which would be very embarrassing.

I stood there in a daze, and before I had time to think about anything, Xiao Qing's face faded from crying, and she shouted again, "Dad, Mom, where are you? I miss you so much, I want to go back!"

"I will never be able to leave this deserted island! I..."

Her pretty face was snow-white, and tears kept falling like pearls.

Seeing Xiao Qing crying like this, to me, was like pouring a bucket of ice water over my head, and the heat and eagerness in my heart dissipated immediately.

It was obvious that Xiao Qing had been poisoned, so that she was unconscious now, and she was charming and charming for a while, crying bitterly for a while, and confessed all the words hidden in her heart during this time.

If I still think about taking advantage of others at this time, am I still human?

We must quickly find a way to save her.

Although her current symptoms are just talking nonsense, who knows if this toxin has any other effects, and will there be any tragic consequences?

I can't bet on Xiao Qing's future.

Without saying a word, I grabbed her finger and sucked it up vigorously. It has been a while since she was cut, I hope this will be of some use.

At this moment, Xiao Qing didn't care about me at all, she was crying on her own.

She who was crying was also so beautiful. Under the reflection of the green mountains and green waters, she was like a perfect work of art, but I was not in the mood to appreciate it. Seeing that her condition did not improve much, I hurriedly took her away. He picked it up by the waist and rushed towards the cave where we lived.

When Eve left, she left us a lot of medicines. Although some of them were consumed a while ago, there are still some medicines left.

Hope those medicines can save her!

Running along the way, Xiao Qing's condition became more and more serious, her face was blushing, she kept talking nonsense, she was still calling mom and dad a moment ago, then she started yelling in panic, and then she was giggling again the next second.

My heart was anxious, and my pace was a little faster.

When I rushed back to the cave, Xiao Qing was lying on my chest and crying non-stop, just hearing the sound was very miserable.

At this time, I looked up and found that several girls looked at me strangely.

Qian Ke was even more open-mouthed, pointing at me and said in shock, "Brother Zhang, although I knew you were flirtatious, I didn't expect you to be so flirtatious. You forced our President Xiao? You are too awesome! "

Sister Man and Xiaomeng also looked at me suspiciously over there.

I'm really speechless, Qian Ke, you can die if you don't talk nonsense, I'm convinced of this woman.

If I have time, I really want to reprimand her.

However, the situation is urgent now, and I don't bother to talk to her, so I quickly put Xiao Qing on the ground.

"Get the medicine quickly, she was poisoned, and now she is unconscious, the toxin can cause hallucinations!"

Everyone heard what I said, and looked at Xiao Qing who was put into the grass nest, her face was flushed, and she kept talking nonsense, and immediately realized that I was really wronged.

Only Qian Ke was over there, pouted and muttered, "Forget about being poisoned, the clothes are gone anyway, brother Zhang must be sneaking around..."

What the hell, you are really the roundworm in my stomach!

It was Xiaomeng who was considerate and aware of the general situation, and brought the medicine in a hurry, then stretched out her hand to open Xiao Qing's eyes, and began to check.

"There is nothing useful in our medicine!"

Xiaomeng checked there for a while, and couldn't help but look a little ugly. The medicines left by Eve are mainly for trauma, colds, and snake venom. There are really no medicines for hallucinations.

Now everyone is a little panicked.

Seeing that the women had lost their minds, I forced myself to calm down and quickly said, "Give her a little more water first, drinking water will help detoxification."

"By the way, didn't we pick a lot of wild chrysanthemums before, and soak them in water for her to drink!"

Wild chrysanthemum, heat-clearing and detoxifying, should also be useful.

In addition, I thought about it, and heard that egg whites can detoxify, so I rushed out of the cave, went to dig out a few bird eggs, and came back.

Egg whites can relieve many metal poisonings, as well as some fat-soluble substances.

Back and forth, everyone frantically thought of many ways, and it was already dark in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, our method really worked. Xiao Qing's state improved a lot. She fell asleep peacefully. She stopped talking nonsense and her face calmed down.

Of course, maybe we were just tossing around, the toxin was not very strong in the first place, and it was her own good.

However, at the moment, we are surrounded by the bonfire and looking at her sweet sleeping face, we all feel very at ease.

"In the future, everyone should pay attention to themselves when going out. It's best to wear gloves. I'm afraid there are quite a lot of poisonous weeds and insects around here."

While eating dinner, we chatted.

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