What a terrifying power!

I ask myself that I can't do this, after all, this is beyond the scope of human's own ability,

The half-meter-thick and four-meter-high stone wall turned into pieces like this.

In the bottom of my heart, I couldn't help raising my assessment of Catherine's strength to a higher level. I'm afraid her strength is beyond common sense.

No wonder she has the confidence to say that.

Letting us continue to come in with them is probably because she has enough confidence in her own strength. In her opinion, we are not capable of posing a threat to him.

"We'll go in when the smoke clears."

Catherine turned her head and said casually.


Hearing this, I can only nod my head.

However, compared to me, at this moment, the face of the fire monkey is more dignified.

He provoked Catherine more than once.

If this man-made man is going to attack him now, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to withstand the attack similar to the one just now.

He didn't think his body was harder than that stone wall.

I made up my mind that I just needed to get the right amount of Primordial Spring water and off I went.

Unless it is a last resort, there must be no conflict with Catherine and the others.

We are powerless to fight them now.

After more than ten minutes, the choking smoke and dust slowly dissipated, but there were still many dust particles floating in the turbid air.

The fire monkey and I covered our mouths and noses, followed Catherine's footsteps and walked in.

But what was inside was a big disappointment for us.

In addition to the murals everywhere, this place is as big as two basketball courts, and there are only a few abrupt stone piers standing on the ground.

"Oh, damn it, it's a waste of effort."

Catherine glanced at it casually, and planned to leave here.

"No, there is something."

However, at this time, the rare Charlie actually spoke. He strode up to one of the half-meter-high stone piers and punched it.

The pier was cracked.

A layer of gray silk-like material was exposed inside, and it seemed to be round.

Only then did I understand that these stone piers were formed only because no one had been here for a long time, and countless dust covered the arc-shaped silk fabrics over time.

"The stuff inside is alive!"

A rare smile appeared on Catherine's face, as if a gold digger had discovered a gold mine.

Looking at her like that, Fire Monkey couldn't help reminding: "I think it's better for you not to open it."

"I don't need you to teach me how to do things."

Catherine glanced at him coldly, and then pulled off the outer layer of silk fabric in threes and fives.

The contents inside were finally exposed to us without any cover.

It was a brownish-yellow chrysalis, a little bigger than a washbasin.

After being exposed to the air, the chrysalis began to writhe and writhe as if stimulated.

Catherine Lisheng's smile became more and more joyful.

But there was a strong uneasiness in my heart.

After all, every creature in this underground world is a very special species, and none of them are kind.

"Break out of a cocoon and become a butterfly."

After Catherine spit out these four words lightly, a gap suddenly opened on Chongyong's back, and a pair of fleshy wings slowly emerged from it.

I always feel that this thing looks familiar, but I can't remember where I saw it for a while.

As Catherine said, this strange thing should be in the last stage from larva to adult.

After half an hour passed, the adult insect finally crawled out of the cocoon.

A pair of fleshy wings, a body covered with fine down, and 8 spider-like legs.

I recognized it.

This is the four different things I encountered when I first came in!Remember Ursula calling it 'The Queen Mother's Messenger'!
It's just that the one I met was much bigger than the one in front of me.

"So cute."

Catherine said calmly.

Then it was the killer who cut the four elephants in half with a single stroke, so that he couldn't die anymore.

Then he took out something like tweezers and walked over to Sixiang.

I also know why he waited for this thing to break out of the cocoon.

Gather its tissue, then take the book to do research.

Although this method is not as good as taking a living body out directly, the advantage of this method is that it can carry a large number of different biological tissues, especially for larger ones, this method is undoubtedly the fastest and most effective.

And there is not only one stone pier in this place, but looking at Catherine's appearance, she probably doesn't plan to open other stone pier.

"Let's go."

It could be seen that Catherine was in a good mood, and even spoke in a much softer tone.

We still have two passages left to explore, and this time Catherine took us to the passage on the right when we first entered.

When she first entered, she walked very slowly, constantly scanning her surroundings with the high technology on her body.

And soon he seemed to discover something else too.

But this time it was different, the thing she handed out seemed to be embedded in the wall, and she had to dig it out by herself.

And in order not to damage that thing, she chose to take out some simple tools from my backpack.

This also allowed me and the fire monkey to see exactly what was embedded in the wall.

"Why is there a pen here?"

Although the gadget was only finger-length and rusty, Huo Hou recognized it at a glance, and couldn't help frowning.

"And it seems that this pen will not stay here for a long time."

"Someone must have come in."

After I made this guess, Catherine and Chang Li's expressions were also ugly.

If it is said that someone has already entered here, is the Primordial Fountain still there?
Could it be that a lot of important things have been taken away here, and we have spent so much effort that it is really a waste of time?
After Catherine pried out the pen and put it away, she gave us a cold look.

I can feel the killing intent that has almost condensed into substance.

I want to laugh a little.

It's fine if the robot gets angry, but is it going to use us as a tool to vent its anger?
After walking a little further, my suspicion was confirmed. There was a broken gap in the stone wall at the end of this passage.

Although the gap is not big, it can accommodate a person to pass through with a hunched body.

And judging from the surrounding rubble and gaps, it should have been forcibly blasted open with explosives.

Reminiscent of the pen that just jumped out of the wall, we can almost be sure that this place is not isolated from the world, at least someone has entered here before we came.

But who is he?What is he here for?What did you take away?

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