What made the fire monkey anxious like this?

I was a little surprised, but before I had time to think about it, Yucheng Yao dragged me behind the strange rock on the side of the road.


Yuchengyao supported Li Xin with one hand, and made a silent movement for me with the other.

Then, she pointed to Catherine and Charlie, who were more than ten meters away from us, and motioned for me to keep quiet.

Looking in the direction she pointed, I noticed that Catherine's mechanical arm actually had a monitor, and the fluorescent light emitted from it illuminated her and Charlie's faces.

But what is displayed on the monitor, I can't see clearly.

Tap, tap...

At this time, the fire monkey had already retreated slowly in front of us, and Yuchengyao and I were only separated by a strange rock with a height of one person in the middle.

I could see cold sweat the size of soybeans pouring out of his forehead.

They are not terrified of what is in front of them.

But because of the barrier of the strange rock, I don't know what he saw.

When Huohou stepped back a few more steps, I finally saw what he saw.

It was a person, a person less than one meter tall.

He was completely naked, with dry and wrinkled skin squeezed on his body like bark, and only a few strands of hair remained on the top of his head. He hung his head and walked slowly forward.

Judging from the appearance and signs, this should be an adult male dwarf.

More importantly, I can't feel the slightest breath of life from him, and there is a pair of wings as thin as cicada's wings waving slightly behind him.

The fire monkey stopped backing up, raised its pincers and clamped it directly on the dwarf's head.


But there was only a crisp sound, as if an iron ball was caught.

The dwarf's head was deformed in an instant, but he still walked forward slowly as if he had not been affected in any way.

"What the hell!"

The fire monkey cursed in a low voice, then immediately stepped aside.

As soon as he finished speaking, the dwarf suddenly raised his head, revealing a deformed face, which was already deformed, with two empty eyes that didn't even have eyeballs, staring straight at him. .

Now, the heat didn't dare to move.

I raised the flashlight and carefully observed the surrounding area. In the visible range, there was only this dwarf, a mysterious creature.

I held my breath, rushed out and kicked the dwarf on the forehead.

The dwarf's thin, withered body flew out, hit a rock, and fell to the ground.

"Huh, this damn thing..."

Fire Monkey heaved a sigh of relief, but then he became nervous again, pointing forward and shouting, "Damn, then I'm still alive!"

I saw the dwarf slowly getting up from a pile of rubble, and then walking straight towards the road.

The pace is neither fast nor slow, but every step seems to fall on our hearts.

After my kick just now, his head is already disfigured, but those empty eye sockets have been looking at us.

Although no expression can be seen from his twisted face.

But I felt very strange in my heart that this dwarf who has been dead for some time but can still move is laughing at us.

"How do you feel now?"

The fire monkey deliberately lowered his voice, as if he was afraid of disturbing the dwarf.

I knew he felt the same way as me, but in order to make him less nervous, I shrugged my shoulders pretending to be relaxed, "I don't feel it."

"Then how to deal with this thing?"

The Fire Monkey gritted his teeth and took a breath, "I don't think we can kill him."

This thing is supposed to be dead.

I shook my head helplessly, God knows what drove this dwarf who had been dead for some time.

But his head was smashed by us, and he didn't attack us, so there should be no malice.

"You should say something! It's coming!"

Seeing that the dwarf is getting closer and closer to us, the fire is getting a little anxious.

"Stand still."

I whispered.

At the same time, I firmly pressed his shoulder until the dwarf faced us and slowly walked past us until he disappeared from the visible range, and then I let go of my hand.

Yucheng Yao and Catherine who were hiding behind the stone also came out.

Yuchengyao looked at the direction where the dwarf disappeared from time to time, while Catherine and Charlie were indifferent, and we continued to explore the way.

"This ghostly place is really not for people!"

The fire monkey swallowed while walking, and said with lingering fear, "I always feel that there will be many kinds of this thing in front of me. After all, this kind of thing doesn't happen once or twice..."

"Hey, can you solve this kind of ghost thing?"

With that said, Fire Monkey turned his head and asked Catherine.

"That's why you're afraid?"

Catherine sneered.

Huohou smiled irresistibly, "I'm afraid that thing will directly dismantle you into a pile of parts."

At this point, Catherine sneered a few times and said nothing.

Not long after, Yucheng Yao suddenly tugged on my shoulder.

I turned my head and saw that Li Xin, who was originally delirious, looked like he was about to recover.

At least now, she doesn't have to let Yu Chengyao help her to walk anymore.

Immediately I beckoned the others to stop, and Catherine rarely objected, so I walked up to Li Xin and stretched out a finger, "Li Xin, look at this, look at this!"

Li Xin opened his mouth halfway, and after a long time, he seemed to come back from a trance, and his eyes focused on my fingers.


But what we didn't expect was that after she smirked a few times, her body softened and fell into Yuchengyao's arms.

"What's up with her?"

Seeing this, the fire monkey immediately wanted to move forward, but he stopped after looking at his hands that had turned into pincers.

I touched Li Xin's carotid artery, and sighed solemnly, "Her heartbeat is very slow, maybe she won't last long..."

At this time, the sound of the bullet being loaded made all of us turn our eyes to Catherine.

"What do you want to do?"

Fire Monkey immediately blocked Li Xin behind him, and asked with an angry face.

"Help you get rid of the burden of the team."

"I won't bother you with this. If necessary, we will solve it ourselves."

I looked at this emotionless machine with cold eyes, and I had already begun to estimate our chances of winning in the bottom of my heart.

But next to Catherine, Charlie, who only shot once, put us under great pressure.

I'm not sure what the hell this man is up to.

"As you go."

Catherine showed a very relaxed gesture, and immediately put away the gun, and passed it with great interest to watch the show.

At this time, Yu Chengyao spoke, and she said softly, "It's not a problem for me to bring Li Xin, but if it continues like this..."

She didn't finish the sentence, but the meaning was self-evident.

The faces of the fire monkey and I are both ugly. After all, from the very beginning until now, the number of people we are familiar with has been decreasing, and now there are only three of us left.

Could it be that we can only watch Li Xin die now?

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