"Cooperating with them does not conflict with our goals."

After a long time, Yu Chengyao finally spoke, she paused and said, "Don't forget, I'm just a cooperative relationship with you, I don't necessarily have to listen to you, if you think you can kill him by yourself, Then you can do it."

After hearing this, Noda-kun was slightly taken aback, then gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, you're fine!"

This sentence obviously contained too much anger and threat, but Yucheng Yao still maintained an indifferent attitude, seemingly not caring.

Seeing this, Noda-kun had no choice but to wave his hand unwillingly, telling the island nation team to put down their weapons.

I took a deep look at Yucheng Yao, then walked to Li Xin, helped her untie the rope, and checked her injuries roughly.

Fortunately, it's not serious.

Then there is the fire monkey, and his injuries are also very serious. If he is not treated in time, he probably won't last long.

"I need medicine."

I looked up at Yucheng Yao, and I could only turn to her for help at this time, after all, I don't have any medicine on me, and neither do Fire Monkey.

Yucheng Yao nodded, and said indifferently, "Give it to him."


Noda-kun stood up and stopped the island player who just took out the medicine box,

"The medicine box is just needed. I gave it to him. What do we use? Yucheng Yao, what is the difference between your actions and a traitor? You are simply breaking our agreement on the surface! You have no right to control the supplies of the team members!"

"Heh... little devil's stuff... I'd rather die than have to..."

Fire Monkey also heaved a sigh of relief and said reluctantly.

My life is about to die, so what are you talking about?

Besides, you use their things to save your own life, and then stab them to death, isn't it good?
I was taken by the fire monkey, but there was nothing wrong with it on the surface.

"give him."

Yucheng Yao repeated her own words, but there was an unquestionable taste in her tone.

She still leans towards me.

This time, Noda-kun didn't object anymore, he just lowered his head slightly and sneered.

And the shopping guide team member had a wink, and quickly handed me the medical kit when he saw it. Although his face was unwilling, he forced a smile.

He is also a person who knows the times.

The medical kit is full, but I don't need much, just a little antibiotic, alcohol, and gauze.

"Be patient."

After I whispered in the fire monkey's ear, I poured most of the bottle of alcohol on his bloody shoulder. Although it was rude, it was undoubtedly the fastest and most effective method in this situation.


Gritting his teeth, the fire monkey gasped, sweat broke out on his forehead, but he held back in the end.

After treating Fire Monkey's wound and injecting him with antibiotics, I returned the medical kit to the island player.

At this time, Noda-kun's face looked a little better.


Yucheng Yao spoke softly.

What she said angered Li Xin, "If you don't give it to you, you can kill us all!"

"give them."

I took a deep breath and said to Li Xin, "Give them the key, we are a cooperative relationship for the time being."

"But, because of that bastard, they, they all died!"

Li Xin looked at the leader who was dying, and couldn't control his tears for a moment, sobbing.

I naturally understand her feelings, and compared to hers, my feelings may be more profound, but things are not as good as others now, and I also promised Yucheng Yao early on.

Only by giving them the key can the lives of Fire Monkey and Li Xin be saved.

It wouldn't make it too difficult for Yucheng Yao.

"Give you!"

Li Xin compromised in the end. She took out a heavy backpack from behind Fire Monkey and threw it at Noda-kun's feet.

"very good……"

The gloom on Noda-kun's face was swept away, he opened his backpack, and took out a cuboid stone the size of a fist.

There are three horizontal lines and six vertical lines on the top of the stone, divided into many small pieces, which look very much like a Rubik's cube, but it is blue-gray.

Is this what they call a key?

"let's go!"

After looking at it for a while, Noda-kun put the stone back into the backpack, greeted the other island nation members, and left first.

Afterwards, Yucheng Yao also followed.

"Let's go..."

I helped the fire monkey up and motioned to Li Xin.

Li Xin's mood had sunk to the bottom, and he didn't want to pay attention to me, but he didn't refute my words. He just walked to the leader's body, closed his eyes for the leader, and then walked silently at the back.

Perhaps the antibiotics had worked, and the fire monkey's mental state gradually improved a lot.

From his mouth, I also learned something that I didn't know during this period of time.

That day, after the avalanche, the team leader and several members, including him and Li Xin, had no casualties, but they didn't see me and Sister Ouyang for a long time, so they had no choice but to take a step ahead and enter the underground world.

At first they were also attacked by the dwarves, but after the one-sided massacre, the dwarves were honest, and then they came here.

By coincidence, they obtained the key to enter the palace of the Queen Mother before the company and the islanders.

But the difference in strength between them and those two parties was too great. After two people were killed or injured, they had no choice but to enter this labyrinth-like corridor to temporarily avoid the edge.

Hidden in Tibet until now.met me.

Compared with me, they are much luckier and less fortunate, and it is their fate that they are still alive now.

"There are five cyborgs on the company side, and the man-made man we've seen, and there are three cyborgs on the island country, including Yucheng Yao."

After I heard it, my mood gradually became heavy, and I felt a little difficult to handle.

On the company side, there are still four reformers. On the island side, according to Noda-kun's previous performance, it is estimated that apart from Yucheng Yao, the rest of the reformers are still there.

The rest of us, and I alone can fight against the reformers.

It can even be said to be more dangerous than snatching food from the mouth of a tiger.

Fire Monkey coughed and said with a wry smile, "We are the weakest in terms of strength, and we are not all in the same place. It is a miracle that we can survive until now..."

"By the way, where's Ouyang Ye?"

As he was speaking, he suddenly mentioned a name that I almost forgot, and Li Xin couldn't help but look at me.

My heart tightened, I didn't know how to answer,

Because I don't even know if Ouyang Ye is dead or alive, and until now, I don't have any information about Ouyang Ye.

Judging from the guesswork, she is probably dead.

The fire monkey is not stupid either. Seeing that I didn't speak, he probably guessed the result, shook his head, sighed and stopped talking.

But Li Xin stared at me unwillingly, pursed her lips and said, "She's still alive, isn't she?"

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