
growled the short man.

Immediately afterwards, those mortar-like things shot out several balls of light, as if they had eyes, and reached the other end of the corridor after the turn.

Some kind of laser weapon?
I stood behind them, speculating, and silently took out a grenade from my backpack, ready to escape from here.


Pulling the ring, I threw the grenade out, and then ran wildly on the way back and forth.

I got this grenade from the company team in the desert. Even in a vast environment, it is terrifyingly powerful, let alone detonated in a narrow corridor!
The smaller the space, the greater the power of the explosion!

"Fake, run one more step, and I'll blow your head off!"

A short man's fierce voice came from my ear, and I stopped immediately, screaming inwardly!

This dog must have locked on to me, if I act rashly, I'm afraid I will die suddenly on the spot!If I don't run, I'm not sure I can survive the aftermath of the explosion!
"I should have broken your pork leg long ago..."

Suddenly, the white light was dazzling, and the entire corridor was lit up.

Immediately afterwards, the shock wave generated by the explosion was mixed with strong wind, and swept me tens of meters away, sticking me firmly to the wall like a piece of paper.

My internal organs were trembling, and the roaring sound echoed in my brain, and my consciousness became blurred.

I barely turned my head sideways, and vaguely saw the collapse of this section of the corridor.

Those dogs should be dead...

This was the last thought in my mind before I passed out, and then I fell into a complete coma.

When I woke up, I felt that all the bones in my body were shattered, and every time I moved, it was painful. When I opened my eyes, I could only see a few blurred beams of light shining through the gaps in the collapsed waste rock pile.

I was in a trance for a long time before I managed to pull myself together and observe my situation.

My body was covered with dust, and my right leg was pressed by a big stone. I tried to move it a little bit, but it didn't feel too sour.

Fortunately, the leg is still feeling.

There was a dead man lying beside him, with only the upper body, and his internal organs were leaking all over the floor. It seemed that he had been dead for a while, and his blood had coagulated.

As for the original corridor in front of me, it no longer exists.

The power of that grenade was beyond my expectation. It directly destroyed the entire corridor, and blocked the way out with large and small rubble.


After lying dry for a long time, I felt that my body regained a little strength, and I tried my best to remove the big stone on my leg.

After checking, fortunately, it was only a little skin trauma, which did not affect the activity.

Then I tried every means, and took out a flickering flashlight from the crevice of the stone, and turned my idea to the dead man beside me.

I just saw he was still carrying a backpack, so there should be quite a few things I can use.

When I walked up to the dead man and shone a flashlight on his face, I realized that he was the dwarf who broke my arm.

damn thing!
I sneered and started to move my hands. After a lot of hard work, the things I got really made me feel a little comforted.

There is plenty of water and food in the backpack, and a few weapons that I don't know how to use.

A knife, and the monitor he used before, which is similar to a locator.

"nice one!"

I wiped off the dust on the locator. Although the screen was covered with cobweb-like cracks, it still lit up from time to time, showing a few red dots.

I took a look and was sure the biggest one was me.

But I suddenly remembered that Ouyang Ye was still by the pool when we came here, and I don't know what happened to her.

Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

Because I don't know how long I was in a coma, a day, or a week?
If I've been in a coma for a long time, Ouyang Ye might have turned into a corpse, let alone a corpse that stinks...

I struggled with it for a long time, but I still plan to go and see, what if she is still alive?
Before leaving, I took off the shorty's oxygen mask. Although I don't know if it will work or not, I should be prepared.

But when I returned to the pool, I found that the place where Ouyang Ye was lying was empty.

Where did she go?
My heart tightened immediately.

Did this silly woman jump into the pool in a daze after waking up?Or, was taken away by another group of people from the company?
Everything is possible, but there is not much I can do now, the most urgent thing is to find other living people here first.

Even if it is a company person!
I looked at the locator in my hand, looked at the red dot closest to me, and made up my mind.

As soon as I said it, I took the pool of water and washed my face before embarking on the journey.

According to the display of the locator, if the distance is less than 200 meters, I will meet people from another team.

I know from the bottom of my heart that doing this is really risky. After all, what I have to face are all well-trained, ruthless people, and there are more than one.

But if there is a little accident, I will explain it here.

But there is no way to do this. After all, I am alone and helpless now, and the locator shows that the corridors here are criss-crossed. It may be difficult for me to get out from here alone.


Suddenly, I heard a crisp sound, this is the sound of a bullet being loaded!
Almost subconsciously, I took out a grenade.

Although I have other weapons on me, they are all from that corpse, and I hardly know how to use them.

Therefore, it is still easy to use this powerful grenade.


In the dark corner directly in front of me, a burst of fire suddenly burst out, followed by a deafening explosion.

Shotgun, the fucking shotgun!
Although I managed to hide in time, I couldn't help being shot a few times, and it was because of my life that I didn't hurt my vitals.

"I'll kill you!"

I cursed in a low voice, and was about to pull the ring and throw mine, but at this moment, I heard a sudden sound.


Hearing this sound, I was slightly taken aback, and then I shone it with a flashlight, and the person hiding in a dark corner also shone it with a flashlight.

With black hair and yellow skin, wearing a black and green tights, he is a strong man, and with that authentic island accent, he is probably not a member of the company.

I struggled to stand up with my back against the wall, feeling a bit strenuous, but I still asked, "Where is Yucheng Yao?"

The man looked at me defensively, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you? Which organization are you from? How do you know the captain's name?"

"I'm a friend of your captain!"

I was eager to get news from Yucheng Yao, so I forced out a smile while enduring the pain.

But this man obviously didn't like me. Instead, he raised his shotgun again, pointed it at my head, and said in a deep voice, "Friends? I'm sorry, our captain has no friends!"

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