The ghost knows how many strange creatures there are in this place. If they are attracted, we will suffer.

I hastily made a silent gesture to prevent this silly woman from yelling.


Ouyang Ye was also obedient. After seeing my gestures, she immediately fell silent, but there were several dead people lying in front of her, which made her look very nervous.

She asked me in sign language: "What now?"

And all I could do was shake my head in response.

The space here is very open, so open that we have nowhere to go, and we don't even know which way to go.

But we can't just wander around in this ghostly place like headless chickens, or we won't even know how we died.

I frowned, thinking about what we should do next.

But at this moment, I suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing, mixed with raindrop-like water droplets, pattering on my head.

What the hell?
I subconsciously raised my hand to touch it, but just as I raised it, someone threw me to the ground, and the flashlight fell to the side.

When I fell down, I hit my head on the floor, the pain made me take a cold breath, picked up the flashlight, stared at Ouyang Ye who was pressing on me, and said slightly angrily, "You are crazy..."

Before I finished speaking, I suddenly saw a black shadow fly by out of the corner of my eye.

After the black shadow circled around, it swooped down on me!
And it's extremely fast!

In just a moment of stupefaction, the black shadow quickly magnified in my eyes.

Two pairs of meat wings, eight spider legs, and, it also has a chicken-like head!

Isn't this the monster whose leg was cut off by me?Before Ursula, she also called it 'the Queen Mother's messenger'!
Looking at it now, it looks more like a patchwork of four different images!
Seeing that the four images were getting closer and closer to me, I hurriedly hugged Ouyang Ye and rolled on the ground several times, covered in dust, and even lost the oxygen mask.

Without the oxygen mask, Ouyang Ye's pretty face turned red, panting heavily, and pushed me.

"Quick! Run away!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she fainted again due to lack of oxygen.

At this time, Sixiang flew in front of me, and its eight long-haired spider legs landed on the ground around me, enveloping me like a cage.

It tilted its head and stared at me like prey. I could even see the green light in its corns.


As soon as the feeling of despair rose in my mind, I saw the monster lifted one of its legs and leaned towards me

The end of that leg was snapped off, with green goo dripping from the break, and that was disgusting enough to look at.

When that leg came to my side, it suddenly pulled towards my waist, with such force that it directly sent my whole body flying.

I haven't even had time to pull out my saber!

But soon, I felt a difference.

Mine didn't fall on the hard ground, but was picked up and flew to its back. It was soft and slightly damp, like wool felt that had been drenched in water.

I'm a little confused, why did this thing put me on its back?Aren't you going to kill me?

Before I came back to my senses, I saw Ouyang Ye was also thrown over.

Immediately afterwards, Si Xiang incited two pairs of huge fleshy wings, soared into the air, and flew straight in one direction as if with a purpose!
I checked Ouyang Ye's situation, and after confirming that his life was not in danger, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I took out my saber and prepared to take the opportunity to kill Sixiang, but the wind in my ears brought me back to my senses.

"Let's wait a little longer..."

I muttered silently and put away the knife.

Ten minutes later, Si Xiang suddenly leaned over.

Caught off guard, I slid off its back together with Ouyang Ye. Fortunately, it was not high from the ground, so it was not a big problem to fall.

Moreover, a faint sound of water could be heard coming from the front right.

Where is this?Why did Sixiang throw us here?
I fumbled to stand up, stabilized my body, and took out my flashlight to shine in the direction of the sound of water.

I saw a pool the size of a football field appearing in front of me, sparkling, and behind the pool was a thick, moss-covered rock wall.

There were a lot of footprints on the ground, and when I saw the edge of the pool, my pupils shrank.

There are actually several electronic instruments here!

I walked over with Ouyang Ye on my back, taking every step carefully, for fear of sinking into the soft mud, but fortunately, I walked to the side of the instrument without any danger.


As soon as the front foot landed, one of the screens lit up.

The pattern shown above is very monotonous, with red and green lines intertwined to construct a three-dimensional geological map.

I just glanced at it roughly, and then I understood that this is an instrument used to survey geology, and the pattern displayed on it is probably the landform under the pool.

Geological maps show that this water pool is actually the entrance of a U-shaped channel, and the distance to the other end of the rock wall is about 500 meters.

500 meters...

If it is normal, this distance is not a problem for me at all, and my water skills are very good, so I can dive there with a breath.

But now, I still have Ouyang Ye with me, and what's worse, this woman has passed out due to lack of oxygen!
No way, with this comatose woman, diving without any equipment assistance, and swimming a distance of 500 meters, right?

I'm definitely going to go there, but it's not okay to leave her here alone...

I thought about it for a long time, but I couldn't think of a way to get the best of both worlds. I could only grit my teeth and drag Ouyang Ye into the water. I had no choice but to give it a go.

I shivered as soon as I entered the water. The water temperature here is even more exciting than ice water!

Moreover, the water is very turbid, and the flashlight has no effect at all, so I can only rely on the feeling to swim downstream
At a depth of more than 20 meters underwater, I finally touched the bottom of the water. The water pressure here is not strong, but the cold water temperature makes people feel like the bones are rusted. It is very laborious to move, not to mention that I am still in a coma woman.

Time waits for no one, and Ouyang Ye might not be able to hold on any longer.

Thinking of this, I immediately gathered my energy and groped forward along the underwater road.

Fortunately, after a while, the terrain began to slope up, and I knew that we had reached the other end of the U-shaped channel, and I quickly started to float up.


The moment I came out of the water, I took a deep breath, quickly pulled Ouyang Ye up, and tried her breath.

Fortunately, she is still alive!


Suddenly, a bright white light shone on my face.

What the hell?I cursed in a low voice, squinting my eyes and looking towards the light source.

However, the light was so strong that I couldn't see anything clearly, so I could only swim towards the shore and shout, "Who? Who is there?"

"Fack! It's another yellow-skinned pig!"

The sudden curse made my heart twitch, and I even wanted to sneak back quickly.

The damn gringo!It's from the company!

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