When I reached the entrance of the other side of the cave [-] meters away, I immediately signaled to Ouyang Ye that it was okay to come.

But she seemed terrified of the environment.

I saw her pause at three steps, stop at five steps, and linger for a long time before she gritted her teeth and came to me.

At this moment, Ouyang Ye's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he was panting heavily while patting his chest.

"Scared me to death... Huh!"

He briefly comforted her, but when he turned around, he saw that Ursula had walked a long way away in silence.

Seeing this, Ouyang Ye and I quickly followed.

This passage is a slope, and the end should be the ground on the other side of the rift.

Ursula walked quickly without saying a word, but he was a dwarf after all, so even if he ran, he might not be able to throw us away.

Not long after, the passage gradually became brighter, and the red stone in Ursula's hand was no longer needed.

The moment I set foot on the ground and looked at the peak that was close at hand, my mood finally improved for the most part.

finally reached!
"lead the way."

I cocked my jaw at Ursula.

Úrsula stared at me sullenly, with resentment and reluctance.

But immediately, he still gritted his teeth and said, "The Queen Mother's Palace is very close, you can go by yourself!"

"You don't have the right to choose."

I immediately turned cold, pretending to be about to get angry, Ursula then lowered her head, sighed unwillingly, and walked ahead.

"Please forgive me, Queen Mother..."

He kept murmuring something in a low voice, but my attention was attracted by Gao Feng.

When I got closer, I realized that there were continuous mountains behind this peak, and I didn't know where it led. It looked very strange.

This also gave me a new understanding of the underground world.

Big, big!

This is not like a dug out basement, but a real world!

At the bottom of the peak, there are stone steps that have been built, blood red, and it seems that they should lead directly to the top of the peak, but this familiar road gave me an illusion.

I seem to be in a dream.

I couldn't help but think of that dream, and subconsciously looked up at the sky.

But at this time, the red sun was about to sink, and the night of the underground world was approaching. The pair of giant eyes in my dream did not exist, and my body was not dominated by some indescribable power.

Ursula was still walking ahead of us, struggling to climb the stone steps one after another.

It is not very difficult for ordinary people to climb the steps here, but it is different for Ursula who is a dwarf. The height of each stone step reaches his waist.

Only by supporting with both hands can I barely climb up.

Seeing their hard work, Ouyang Ye couldn't bear it.

"Or let them wait for us below..."

I glanced at Ursula who was struggling to climb up, and said softly, "Don't forget, we are just here for the first time, and they are the indigenous people here. Based on their understanding of this place, if they are allowed to be free, it is enough for us It's all over."

After hearing this, Ouyang Ye nodded in a ignorant manner, and stopped talking.

When they climbed roughly halfway up the mountain, the blood-red stone steps under their feet suddenly changed color and turned into bluestone, and even the smell in the air became a little different.

What makes me even more weird is that I have some inexplicable expectations in my heart.

However, the feeling belongs to the feeling, I still took my legs.

But after this step, it seemed like a world away, a hazy mist shrouded my surroundings, and in front of my eyes were only the stone steps under my feet, and the white figures on both sides.

That dream!
I immediately understood that this is the place where I started climbing in my dream!

On the top of the mountain in the dream, there is a temple-like building, and Yucheng Yao is inside!
"what are you doing?"

Just when I calmed down, I suddenly saw Ursula and his two clansmen knelt down piously, lowered their heads and kowtowed at each step, and slowly climbed up.


Ursula turned her head and smiled slightly, the smile was full of bitterness and relief.

I don't understand why he said that, and I don't want to ask. If he wants to kneel, he can kneel, as long as it doesn't affect my purpose, it doesn't matter.

What's more, I am more concerned about the figures on both sides of the stone steps now.

I clearly remember who I saw in my dreams...

As if to confirm my dream, whenever I walk up a stone step, the figures on both sides will become people I know, the only difference from the dream is that I can reach out and touch them .

But as soon as I reach out, they dissipate.

After repeated attempts several times, I gave up the idea of ​​touching. On the other hand, Ouyang Ye, who was following me, looked at me with a puzzled expression. Her strange eyes seemed to be looking at a psychopath.

"What the hell are you doing grabbing around?"

Ouyang Ye couldn't help but speak.

Hearing this, I just shrugged my shoulders and didn't tell her the reason. Even if I told the truth, she might not believe it. After all, in the eyes of normal people, it was just a dream.

The more I went up, the more I felt the reality of the dream.

Every person I saw turned into fog was exactly the same as in my dream, but in the end I found that the temple on the top of the mountain was gone.

In other words, it has been destroyed.

In front of us was a ruined wall, a few broken wooden pillars, still emitting black smoke, and the surroundings were filled with the smell of gunpowder.

My mood was heavy at that time. If this place hadn't been destroyed, would I have been able to see Yucheng Yao played here in the dream?

But after thinking about it, I couldn't help feeling a little relieved.

If everything in the dream didn't happen as it happened, it would prove that Yucheng Yao would not disappear in front of the statue as in the dream.

Before I could think too much, a burst of crying and howling brought me back to my thoughts.

Then came Ouyang Ye's exclamation.

"what are you doing!"

I turned around subconsciously, and saw Ursula picked up a stone and smashed it hard on my hand, and my flesh and blood became bloody in an instant.

But the strange thing is, he didn't cry out the pain, but muttered something to himself.

While speaking, two lines of clear tears flowed down Ursula's face with extremely disproportionate facial features.

The two clansmen behind him also followed his example and smashed off their wrists, letting their blood flow in front of the temple.

"He, why are they doing this?"

Ouyang Ye was a little anxious, but he didn't know what to do, so he could only look at me for help.

I didn't understand either, so I could only ask Ursula, but this guy ignored me at all, and just kept mumbling something I couldn't understand.

It wasn't until I fired a shot and threatened him viciously that he looked at me with a sense of loss, and opened his mouth and said:

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