Except for me who remained calm, everyone stood up immediately, and the fire monkey reacted the fastest. He rushed towards Wei Hang, making a gesture to snatch the gun from Wei Hang's hand.

But in the end, his movements were still one step slower.

Wei Hang took a step back, pointed his gun at the fire monkey, and said coldly, "Back!"

"Made, if I knew that saving a dog would not save you!"

The angry fire monkey didn't flinch at all, but said bitterly, "You dog, sooner or later I'll take your leg off!"

But the two women, Li Xin and Ouyang Ye, tried to dissuade them repeatedly.

I was the only one who was still sitting calmly, stirring the bonfire with a dead branch like a normal person.

"Wei Hang, what are you doing? Put down the gun!"

"We are our own people!"

"My own?"

Wei Hang was taken aback when he heard the words, as if he had heard some big joke, he turned his gun on me again, "You can't get along with me? You are on purpose, right? Ah? What do you want?"

"Just as you thought."

I replied nonchalantly.

If I had known earlier that he was a white-eyed wolf, maybe his corpse would have started to stink by now, but he would have paid for his stupidity in no time.


Wei Hang seemed to be stimulated by me, he raised his leg and kicked me on the forehead.

It's a pity, in my eyes, his movements are as slow as a bastard, I just tilted my head slightly and dodged.

"How dare you hide!"

Wei Hang cursed angrily, and then directly bullied him, as if he was going to punch me hard on the head.

But as far as his pampered skill is concerned, what is it to me?

When he stepped in front of me in two steps, I raised my hand and clasped his knee joint and pulled it hard.

Suddenly, his center of gravity was unstable, and he was about to fall into the campfire.

Suffered!It doesn't matter if he dies, but don't dirty this pot of good soup!
I quickly grabbed the back of his neck, threw it aside like throwing trash, and looked at him coldly, who was in a mess like a mangy dog.

"You ride a horse..."

Wei Hang hurriedly got up from the ground, not even taking care of cleaning the dust on his face, so he raised his gun at me.

"I shot you down!"

"you dare!"

Fire Monkey sneered,
When he said this, he had already set up a light machine gun in his hand.If I hadn't signaled not to shoot, Wei Hang might not even have a chance to get up.

"Bullets are a waste of bullets on people like this. Put your gun away."

I shook my head at the fire monkey.


"You do not trust me?"

Fire Monkey wanted to say something more, but after hearing my words, he closed his mouth helplessly, and immediately put away his gun.

On the contrary, Wei Hang, as if amused by my actions, arrogantly raised his chin, "Aren't you afraid that I'll shoot you?"

"You don't have that ability."

I shrugged easily.

The corner of Wei Hang's mouth twitched unnaturally, and mocked, "That's what you said..."

"do not want!"

The two women screamed in terror.

But it was useless, Wei Hang still pulled the trigger.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and then, Wei Hang's smile also froze on his face, and his expression gradually became distorted, ferocious and even a little scary.

And I just looked at him quietly and smiled without saying a word.


He squeezed the trigger a few more times, but still no bullets came out.

Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he held up the gun in one hand, and fumbled all over his pockets with the other hand.

But when he withdrew his hand back, his whole body became tense, and even fine cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"You're looking for this, aren't you?"

I smiled, and then spread my hands.

In the palm of my hand lay a black pistol magazine, which was exactly the one Wei Hang was looking for.

"when will you!"

The pupils shrank slightly, Wei Hang's face turned red, and he even stuttered when he spoke.

He couldn't figure it out, why did his pistol magazine fall into my hand?

After a few seconds, he suddenly realized, and nodded slightly.

"Just now!"


I couldn't help laughing out loud.

In order to prevent accidents, when I sat next to him just now, I unloaded the magazine of his pistol without any trace, but this idiot not only didn't notice it, but turned his face directly.

That being the case, it's not my fault.

"I, I was wrong..."

What I didn't expect was that this guy is also a person who knows the current affairs. After knowing that he can't kill me, he immediately pretended to be a coward, and knelt on the ground crying with snot and tears. pitiful.

But what's the use of being wrong now.

And I'm not a soft-hearted, rotten good person, and I can't tolerate such sand in my eyes.

"I'll kill you!"

However, before I even opened my mouth, I couldn't bear my temper anymore. I stepped forward and kicked him down, cursing, "Bastard, I risked my life to save you, but you pointed a fucking gun at us, save us!" A dog can wag its tail, what can it do to save you?"

As the fire monkey said, he grabbed the barrel of the light machine gun and slammed the gun on Wei Hang's body like a hammer.

Poor Wei Hang's thin and thin body, he couldn't bear it after just a few hits, crying for his father and mother in pain, begging for mercy repeatedly.

"Stop hitting! I won't dare again! I swear, I swear!"

"Swear? No, you don't have this chance..."

I shook my head and said.

This kind of person is born rebellious, and keeping him is a disaster. Rather than taking him with him, it's better to leave him here to fend for himself.

This will not only keep my hands from getting dirty, but also make him pay the corresponding price.

"What do you mean?"

Wei Hang raised his head all of a sudden, his expression and tone, as if he was questioning me, was annoying.

"You don't have the right to speak here!"

I wanted him to die and understand, but the fire monkey didn't give him a chance at all, and shot him on the back of the head.

He immediately rolled his eyes, kicked his legs, and passed out. It seemed that he wouldn't be able to wake up for a while.

"This kind of scum, bah!"

The fire monkey was so angry that he kicked Wei Hang again, then pointed the muzzle of a light machine gun at Wei Hang's forehead, and looked at me, "Did you do him?"

"No, just tie him up and leave him here when we leave."


Fire Monkey immediately found the nylon rope that was originally used to tie the tent, tied Wei Hang tightly, and threw it in the corner.

Leaving him here to fend for himself is the kindest way I can think of.

Although it still has a high probability of not escaping the fate of death, it can only be blamed on himself.

Do not live by committing sins.

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