We talked for a while, everyone's clothes were slowly dried by the bonfire, and my welfare moment came to an abrupt end, which is really a pity.

Seeing that a few girls were busy grilling food, I jumped back into the sea to collect the supplies floating on the sea.

Because there is a strong onshore current at this seaside, many materials were brought back to the shore by the waves, which greatly reduced our losses.

Of course, there are still a lot of supplies, which have sunk into the bottom of the sea...

After lunch on the beach, we returned to the cave in a panic in the afternoon.

Looking at the clear spring water in the cave and the seal skins beside the spring water, I couldn't help feeling depressed.

According to my original plan, now I have jumped into the underground river to follow Eve's trail.

But now, this plan must be postponed, and I don't know when it will be postponed.

When will I see Eve again?

Of course, I understand that there is no time for me to be sentimental. After counting the remaining supplies in the cave, we can't help but feel a little bit dizzy.

All the while, we were lighting things with the lighter I carried around.This thing from civilized society has brought us great convenience.

But, now I find that this lighter is about to run out of gas.

This thing has failed to ignite the fire several times, and it is estimated that it will die completely in a short time.

Without a lighter, there is no way to start a fire.

Drilling wood to make fire and so on can be said to have been heard since childhood.But when I tried it myself, it didn't work at all.

This thing sounds simple, but it is actually quite technical.

And this method is too time-consuming. If you have to drill wood to make fire for an hour or two every day, you might as well kill me.

For us, there is an easier way, and that is to use the existing fire source to preserve the fire.

During this period of time, because of the cold weather, our bonfire was almost never extinguished. Even when we were sleeping, some people took turns to add firewood.

However, as the weather gradually warms up, it is necessary for us to reduce the consumption of firewood, as it is impossible for the bonfire to burn all the time.

That calls for something that holds tinder.

I remember a plant, Polyporus, also known as pyrophore.After they are ignited and sealed with soil, they can burn slowly for several hours or even longer.

When I want to use the fire, I can just take them out and light the hay and woodpile.

I thought that with such a rich flora and fauna on the island, we might be able to find similar things.

In the following days, while hunting, I was looking for similar plants.

The blizzard has also stopped for several days, the ice and snow have gradually melted, the streams have begun to rise, animals and insects have slowly appeared, and the forest has gradually regained its vitality.

What makes me even more happy is that because of the melting of ice and snow, some animal corpses that were frozen to death were revealed.

Although some were discovered late and had rotted and became delicious meals for crows and vultures, some were found early and were still very fresh, so I picked them up and ate them happily.

Our food reserves have thus been settled.

All in all, we've had a good few days.

Today, I stabbed a bamboo rat with a homemade bamboo spear. I was in a good mood, and I hurriedly prepared to go back, but I never thought that out of the corner of my eye, I suddenly caught a glimpse of some pyrophoric fungi in a place with lush aquatic plants by the river!

I walked over quickly, picked a few flowers, and was happy, but suddenly I noticed a small voice coming to my ears!
It's a woman talking, she's calling for help!

And the sound was very close to me!
I looked up and looked around, and was surprised to find that there was a woman covered in blood lying in the grass not far from my feet!
A tattered piece of animal skin covered the vitals, and those exposed backs were covered with dense scars. Those scars looked very new and seemed to have been caused recently.

There were bruises, welts, and even burns!
Clearly, the woman seemed to be suffering.

And on her shoulder, there was a huge blood hole, from which blood kept flowing out.

This woman is so weak, this wound should be the culprit.

Seeing the animal skin on this woman, I wondered if she might be an aborigine, but soon I realized that she had spoken just now, speaking Chinese, and it was very standard!
Could it be someone from our company, or even my friend?
I hurried over, turned her body over, saw her face, I was slightly relieved, it was a face I didn't recognize.

But she has yellow skin and black eyes, so she should also be our compatriot.

I don't know the woman's name, but she has a tattoo in the shape of a crescent moon on her neck, and I'm going to call her Crescent Moon for now.

It seems that Xinyue's situation is very bad, her face is as white as paper, she has already passed out completely, and she just called me for help, it was just some instinctive sleep talk.

I quickly treated her wound, and started walking back with her on my back.

As I walked, I was also thinking quickly.

Is this girl also a passenger on our cruise ship?
What's with the blood hole in her shoulder?

It doesn't look like it was bitten by any animal, but rather it looks like it was caused by a sharp weapon, such as an arrow wound!
This made me very vigilant. It seems that there are really other people on this deserted island, and they are very unfriendly!

Are they indigenous?

The scars on Xinyue's body are really shocking, and the blood hole on her shoulder is even more worrying. I guess, someone else should have aimed at her heart, but the shot just missed.

This made me worried. In our camp, I was the only one who was still capable of fighting. Sister Man could barely fight with others, and the others were the type who were too scared to move.

If we really had to encounter those bad guys, I'm afraid there would be more than good luck!
"Who is this girl and what happened to her?"

Xiao Qing and the others were very surprised to see me carrying a wounded woman on my back, but when they saw the wound on the girl's body, they all covered their mouths and almost cried.

This girl with the crescent moon tattoo really suffered too much inhuman torture.

"Let's see if you know anyone?"

Seeing a few girls rushing over to take care of her, I was silent for a moment, then took the time to ask.

Xiaomeng wiped the girl's face, Xiao Qing stared at her for a while, then frowned and said, "I seem to have seen her on a cruise ship, but it's been too long, I'm not sure..."

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