Listening to the hoarse roar coming from inside, I faintly felt a little uncontrollable excitement, I quickly took a deep breath to stabilize my mind, and couldn't help but wonder, what's inside?
Although I don't know if I can get out once I go in, but since I've come here, why don't I go in and have a look.

Stepping through the entrance, there is a very spacious passage inside. Every few meters on the top, there is a fist-sized night pearl embedded, emitting a gentle white light, which makes people feel strangely comfortable.

If you can pry one off and take it outside, you may be able to sell it for a sky-high price...

Unfortunately, I didn't come in for treasure hunting.

Visually, the passage is only about ten meters long, and the end is a right-angle turn. After two consecutive turns, I finally saw the end of the passage.


Here, I hear a little more clearly.

The melody of that hoarse voice is like an ancient ballad. Although it is very vague and I don't know what it is singing, but I feel a trace of unwilling anger from it.

Listening to the ancient singing, I came to the end of the passage carefully, and my vision became wider.

There is a long staircase going down, and the surrounding walls are full of traces of manual excavation. Under the stairs is a place similar to an exhibition hall. The entire exhibition hall is similar to a fully enclosed square space.

To my surprise, the exhibits here are actually coffins.

There were eight pitch-black coffins, seven of which had already been sealed, and only one coffin with the lid still on the side, and the inside of the coffin was empty.

At this time, hundreds of living dead surrounded the fire monkey and were walking towards the clear spring built in the farthest corner.

I watched quietly, and suddenly a terrible thought flashed through my mind, which made me gasp suddenly.

This scene was very similar to a funeral. The coffin was probably prepared for the fire monkey, right?

Could it be that this is the price for Fire Monkey being mistaken for Prince Loulan by the living dead?
Seal it in a coffin and live forever?
Seeing that the fire monkey had already taken off his clothes and walked into the spring water, when he came out, he would probably be forced to be sealed in a coffin by these living dead.

"damn it!"

I'm a little anxious, although I can't think of any good solution for a while, but I must not just watch the fire monkey being buried in it like this.

But now, what can I do?

Rely on the gun with few bullets left, or my cursed life?

Just as various thoughts kept popping up in my mind, the fire monkey had already walked out of the spring and put on the dragon robe again.

From his expression, one can see his complicated mood, unwillingness and indignation intertwined, but in the end, it all turned into a helpless long sigh.

I finally understood why he was so determined to ask me to leave before.

Probably he knew his fate long ago, but he didn't want to implicate me because of it.


I cursed secretly in my heart, then raised the gun, aimed at a living dead man behind the fire monkey, and pulled the trigger on its forehead.

But what surprised me was that when the bullet hit the golden helmet on the head of the living dead, it bounced off directly!
The sound of 'ding' resounded throughout the tomb, and the undead surrounded by the fire monkey walking into the coffin also stopped, and the fire monkey looked directly at my direction.

When he saw me, his eyes froze slightly, but he reacted the next moment.

"Are you an idiot! Let's go!"

This sentence sounds like he squeezed it out from between his teeth.

Just as he spoke, hundreds of living dead turned around in unison, staring at me with shriveled eyeballs.

The chilling feeling that made me shudder instantly penetrated my whole body, and my intuition told me that if I fell into their hands this time, I would definitely be torn apart.

Da da da!
A shuttle of bullets poured out, but the effect was almost negligible.

The bullets couldn't even pierce the armor on them. Only a small part of the bullets penetrated through the gaps in the armor and hit the flesh of some of them, but it was useless, as if they were tickling them.

Suddenly, the living dead closest to me took a step towards me.


I stopped the hand that had just replaced the magazine, and my nerves tensed up in an instant.

As I expected, in the next second, hundreds of undead were running towards me, and their speed was surprisingly fast.

After running for two steps, I even threw away the gun on my body, lightened my load as much as possible, and ran away.

Fortunately, when I came in, I didn't move the wheelchair blocking the passage back to its original position, otherwise, I would be miserable now...

The moment I emerged from the tunnel, I heard their footsteps following.

Play big now!
There is a long area of ​​open space outside this palace. Given my lack of physical strength, I am afraid that I will be caught by these living dead within a short while.

How to do?
Hearing the approaching footsteps behind me, I became irritable. I looked around and suddenly saw a pillar leaning against the wall.


A bold idea suddenly popped up in my mind, but I'm not 100% sure. If I don't succeed, I will definitely die a miserable death, but it seems that there is no other way at this time.

Anyway, it's dead anyway, why don't you try it!
Climbing this cracked pillar was easy for me. I climbed to the top of the pillar and climbed to the edge of a wall in three or two strokes.

The wall was about [-] centimeters thick, just enough for me to lie flat on it.

Coincidentally, as soon as I got down on the ground, those living dead rushed out of the passage one after another, but when they came out, they stayed in place like stunned logs. Soon, the dilapidated The palace was filled with the living dead.

Fortunately, they didn't find me.

I lay on my stomach quietly like this, even breathing carefully, but soon I discovered that things were different from what I expected.

I was thinking of luring these guys out of the tomb, and then I went back to rescue the fire monkeys.

But they are all crowded in the palace, and I can't move.

I can only fight again!

I slowly touched the flashlight hanging on the belt with one hand. It is a waste product after it runs out of power, but it is no problem to use it as a stone.

I used my small movements, exerted the greatest strength, and threw it hard.

The flashlight crossed a perfect parabola and landed not far in front of the palace.

The sound was not loud, but at the moment when the flashlight came down, hundreds of living dead turned around in unison, staring at the open space outside the palace, and then rushed out one by one.

"good chance!"

I lay on the top of the wall, quietly watched the living dead drift away, and then carefully slipped down the pillars and returned to the tomb.

On the way, I picked up the rifle I had discarded earlier and slung it across my back.

When I came to the location where I shot again, I saw the fire monkey sitting next to the opened coffin, staring at the black ball in his hand in a daze.

That's... a grenade!

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