Here, it is simply a tomb, where thousands of people are buried!

Their bodies were covered with a hard shell formed by dust and sand, and they looked no different from sculptures. Some sculptures seemed to be prostrating towards the center of the square, while others were looking at the sky, as if they were praying for something.

It should be some large sacrificial activity being held, right?
I always felt something strange, but when I got closer, I found that the expressions of these people were all distorted, so distorted that the facial features were deformed.

I can't even imagine what kind of pain they endured during their lifetime.

"Shall we take a detour?"

The fire monkey was afraid that the noise would startle the corpses, so it said in a very low voice, "There seems to be no way to cross the square here, so we can't step on these dead people and walk across?"

"There may not be roads in other places, just be careful"

I shook my head and said.

Afterwards, I crossed the fire monkey, carried Yang Hui on my back, and walked towards the square where thousands of dead people were kneeling.

Because there are too many petrified corpses here, I can only carefully turn sideways and pass through the gaps in the pile of dead people.

The fire monkey followed me nervously.

I think it might be the weirdness of the ancient city, plus the things we encountered along the way, which stimulated him, so he is suspicious of everything he does.

But it didn't take long before I realized that the fire monkey's worries were not superfluous.

"Wait a minute... this dead man is stuck with me!"

As soon as I passed between the two dead statues, I heard the voice of the fire monkey. Looking back, it turned out that the dragon robe on him was in the way.

It was a statue of a dead man bent over. Its right hand was congenitally disabled, with only two thin and long fingers.

And it was these two index fingers that hooked the corners of the dragon robe.
"If you're dead, you're dead, and you still have to be my stumbling block!"

Fire Monkey tried his best, but in the end he could only shake his head helplessly, "It seems that I can only throw this thing away, I, the 'Emperor', is really aggrieved..."

He had a helpless look on his face, which looked rather funny.

But after only a few seconds, I stopped laughing.

When the fire monkey was about to throw away the dragon robe, the rifle hanging from its shoulder fell and happened to hit the back of the dead statue, and the statue fell slowly, knocking down the other two statues as well.

Starting from the fire monkey, thousands of statues fell down one after another like dominoes!

Suddenly, the whole square was filled with smoke and dust, and there was a rumbling sound.

I couldn't help swallowing my saliva, and couldn't help taking a step back, but it was this step that made me step on a soft thing.

What the hell?
Subconsciously, I took a flashlight and looked at it. It turned out that what I stepped on was a human hand, but this hand didn't look very healthy.

The blue-gray hand skin is covered with corpse spots, and the long and curved nails are tens of centimeters long!

And the owner of this hand is a statue with a cracked shell, no, it should be a corpse!
It is a male in his early fifties, of course, his actual age is definitely more than a thousand years old.Perhaps because of the good airtightness of the dust shell, the corpse has not rotted yet.However, all I can see is a part of its profile and a dry, cracked scalp with only a few hairs left.

The most frightening thing is that it moved!
What is this riding horse?Can you still cheat a corpse after being dead for thousands of years?
Even though I thought I was well-informed and able to stay calm in the face of many things, at this moment, I was still terrified by this thing.

There are thousands of such corpses in the entire square.

If each of them "comes back to life", wouldn't we be the turtle in the urn?

The fire monkey was standing a few steps away from me. He stared at the slowly rising corpse in front of him for a second, then pointed his gun at the statue, smashing it to pieces.


At this time, he still didn't forget to yell at me.

With so many corpses, we have no way to resist. We can only run wildly by stepping on the dead people in front before they get up.

During the period, I saw a dead person crawling up. She didn't even have eyeballs in her dark eye sockets, but she could tell where I was, and walked towards me swaying.

Of course, my speed was much faster than that corpse, but in less than 2 minutes, a group of black corpses followed behind our buttocks.

At this moment, all I can hear are footsteps!

"You...why are you running so fast..."

Yang Hui didn't know when she woke up.

She leaned her head lightly on my shoulder, and she spoke weakly, but as long as she can wake up, it will prove that her fever has subsided and her physical condition is improving, which is a blessing in misfortune.

But at this time, I didn't have time to answer her question at all.

But after a while, Yang Hui asked again, "What are those...they run so fast!"

It seems that she should have seen those living dead who were neither human nor ghost.

"Put me down."

she said softly.

The indifferent tone seemed to be telling an extremely ordinary matter, and even the body began to wriggle uncomfortably.

I had no choice but to slow down a little, and hurriedly said to her, "Don't worry, I will definitely be able to escape with you!"

But Yang Hui still muttered idiot words that were not pleasant to listen to.

"Let me go, those weird things are about to catch up..."

How can it be!

I didn't believe it, but I turned around and took a look.

With just one glance, I saw dozens of living dead people gradually breaking away from the main force. They used both hands and feet, and ran towards us at a suffocating speed!
Did this Nima take drugs?
Immediately, I didn't dare to slow down any more, and ran forward with all my strength.

"Take me with you again, and you will die together!"

Yang Hui said anxiously.

While she was talking, a burst of strength came from nowhere, struggling desperately like a fish landing on the shore.

I can't even bear her back.

"Don't make trouble!"

I yelled at her.

The more she said this, the more she did this, the more I would not abandon her.

This scene made the fire monkey who was following us very angry. He strode forward, gritted his teeth while running, and said, "What the hell are you two idiots doing!"

For a moment I didn't even know how to answer his question.

So, I just kept my head down and ran forward desperately without saying a word.

At this moment, there was a tearing pain in my shoulder, and my arm was paralyzed for a moment, and I couldn't exert any strength at all.

It was precisely because of this that Yang Hui, who was always on my back, fell off!

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