If you don't even breathe, can you still be considered a living person?

Shock is shock, I am not flustered, after all, I am carrying a weapon, and I am not afraid of this thing that comes back to life after death.

My hand has already touched the rifle slung over my shoulder. As long as this standing dead man dares to take a step forward, he will be beaten to pieces by me.

"Huh, I was scared to death, I thought who it was..."

But other than me, no one seems to realize the seriousness of the matter.

Wang Gang had already walked towards the iron pillar. While wiping the water stains from the corners of his eyes without any trace, he cursed with a smile, "You bastard, I knew you would be fine! As long as I can go back safely this time, I will pay for the wine." Already!"

As he spoke, he gave Tie Zhu a bear hug.


Under the surprised eyes of Huo Hou and Yang Hui, I raised my gun, and I could already imagine bloody scenes in my mind.

Perhaps in the next moment, Tie Zhu might bite off Wang Gang's arm like a madman...

However, perhaps because of the bizarre things I experienced on the desert island, I am a little nervous now, and Tie Zhu's reaction is not that intense.

He pushed Wang Gang away.

Surprisingly strong, Wang Gang, who was half a head taller than Tie Zhu, was gently pushed by this man, staggered a few steps and sat down on the ground.

Wang Gang was stunned for a moment, he probably didn't expect that Tie Zhu's strength would be so great.

Seeing this, I put away my thoughts of shooting, because the dead man who stood up didn't seem to intend to hurt us, otherwise Wang Gang, who was hugging him tightly just now, wouldn't have been pushed away.

"Tie Zhu, what are you doing?"

The four of us stared at the iron pillar like a puppet. His pace was slow and steady, and he didn't stop for a moment when he walked in front of me, but passed me by.

Well, his goal is a well!
Just as thoughts were spinning in my mind, Tie Zhu's half body had already entered the mouth of the well, and if he hesitated for a second, he would become one of the corpses at the bottom of the well.

"Stop him!"

His appearance reminded me of a strange phenomenon in nature.

A mantis parasitized by iron nematodes will frantically search for water sources, and when the mantis finds water sources, its life will come to an end.

The iron nematode parasitic in the praying mantis will break out, reproduce and lay eggs in the water, looking for the next generation of hosts.


I was the closest to the iron pillar and had the quickest reaction. When he was about to sink to the bottom of the well, I grabbed his ankle.

But what I never expected was that Tie Zhu's body seemed to weigh a thousand catties, making me overwhelmed.

When Wang Gang and Yang Hui were about to join hands, the iron pillar had already sunk.

"You son of a bitch, he's my brother! You just threw him down like this? Why didn't you pull him back!"

Wang Gang's emotions have already collapsed, and he once again watched his comrades die, but there is nothing he can do.

A cavity of resentment was vented towards me, and my trembling hands held the gun tightly.

Looks like he's going to shoot me any minute.

For the first time, I felt disgusted with this iron-blooded man, Ma De, if I didn't let go just now, I'm afraid even I would be dragged into a well full of dead people.

I've tried my best, but you still blame me?

"Okay, Zhang Qi didn't do it on purpose, Tie Zhu is dead, it's useless if you blame him, and Tie Zhu looks weird..."

"Wang team, let's be sad, he is not the first to die."

Yang Hui and Fire Monkey on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and tried to persuade them several times.

"To shut up!"

Who knows that it doesn't matter if they don't say anything, Wang Gang will immediately hate the two of them when they speak.

"You guys and I are in the same group as him! Our brothers have been in and out of the desert so many times without incident, but this time we came with you, and they all died! You really want to frame us!"

Wang Gang's nervous expression was distorted, as if he had lost his mind and went crazy, and he laughed a little crazy.

His laughter echoed in the empty ancient city for a long time without stopping.

"The next road, I will walk by myself!"

After Wang Gang finished speaking, he took dozens of steps back with his gun in hand, and then turned around. In the hazy darkness, we could only see a faint light that was getting farther and farther away.

"We should have let him stay."

Yang Hui looked at Wang Gang's leaving back and murmured.

"I can't keep it."

I think I can probably understand his mood. At that time, unless the dead iron pillar climbed up from the well again, no one could persuade Wang Gang.

The direction Wang Gang left happened to be deeper in the ancient city.

As long as we set off quickly, we shouldn't be too far away from him.

"Who cares about him? Walking alone in such a ghost place is simply asking for death. If he wants to die, let him do it."

The fire monkey sneered dryly a few times.

Wang Gang walked very quickly, and as we spoke, he had completely disappeared into the darkness.

I shook my head and subconsciously glanced at the well where the clear water was gushing out.

The well won't provide us with drinkable water, so we'd better get going now.

We started to pack up our things, including the two big bags of tools on the camel, which we also wanted to take away.

It was only when I walked up to the camel that I realized that the big guy who was foaming at the mouth was dead. The camel must have also drank the water from the well. It arrived here before us, but after drinking the water, it was able to support us. Coming here must be related to its tenacious vitality.

The two big bags of tools carried by the camel are quite heavy. Even if averaged out, the three of us would have to add a lot of weight.

But this is also something that can't be done.

When we packed up our things and prepared to move forward with loads, the dead camel suddenly struggled to stand up, raised its heart-hearted neck, and plunged its head into the well.

The body of the camel is too wide to fall from the mouth of the well that is only as wide as a person.


We've seen this scene before.

However, what we didn't expect was that after the camel struggled for a while at the mouth of the well, its thick fur suddenly split, and what flowed out was not blood, but some black and slender things, like hair strands, which flowed along After climbing around the edge of the well, he got in through the gap at the wellhead.

It really looks like an iron nematode, but this thing is much larger than the iron nematode.

We continued to move forward, and after walking for about ten minutes, we came to a crossroad, and each of the three roads before us led to nowhere.

But the obvious and clear footprints on the ground told me that Wang Gang was walking to the left.

"Let's move on and leave that guy alone."

I agree with Fire Monkey's words, but Yang Hui doesn't think so.

"I think it's better for us to go and have a look. If he is in danger, we are the only ones here who can save him..."

It seemed to reflect Yang Hui's words.

The next moment, there were bursts of gunshots on our left side, and we could even see the flames and a faint light coming from the muzzle of the gun in the distance.

Wang Gang is in danger!

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