We have reached the point where we are struggling, and with every second of hesitation, the dehydration of our bodies will become more serious. It can even be said that we are wasting our lives and thinking here.

"There may be water ahead, that is our only hope, let's go, if we still waste time here, we really have no hope at all."

I licked my chapped lips.

It is impossible not to go, even though there may be dangers ahead, there is a high probability that we will find a life-saving water source.

Only in this way can we survive in the hundreds of miles of uninhabited desert.

And now, I am not in a hurry to lift the curse on my body. If there is no water to continue my life, I may die of thirst here before the curse completely breaks out.

"Fight it! It's been such a long journey, so be a fool!"

The fire monkey gritted his teeth, raised his gun and walked ahead, opening the way for us.

And Yang Hui and I followed closely behind. In order to prevent accidents that may happen at any time, each of us worked hard.

God knows what else there is in this place besides those deadly scorpions.

As we went deeper, the lifeless Populus euphratica forest gradually became sparse, and the field of vision gradually widened. We could clearly see that the end of the Populus euphratica forest was [-] meters away.

The entire Populus euphratica forest is a slope. We walked very fast and came to the end in less than 10 minutes.

However, what we saw disappointed us.

"What about playing with me?"

You can have a panoramic view of the endless flat desert, and from the left and right sides, the lifeless Populus euphratica forest stretches for miles in an arc.

It must be a wonderful thing to sit on the edge of the Populus euphratica forest and watch the sunset.

But what we need is water.

There are sand and carbonized dead poplar trees everywhere, even the air is dry, and the temperature is still as high as usual, evaporating the only water in our bodies all the time.

This is a huge blow to us who are full of hope.

But we didn't stop.

"Let's go further, maybe we'll be able to see a river after walking a little further. By then, it's fine to take a bath, let alone drink water."

To boost our morale, I said half-jokingly.

But I don’t even believe what I said. The principle of looking for plums to quench thirst is no longer feasible for us now.

The pain of dehydration almost drove us crazy, and every step was extremely difficult and slow.

I seem to hear the sound of the wind blowing and rubbing the gravel.

But strangely, my body didn't feel any wind force.

Could it be that the lack of water in my body has become so severe that I have started to hallucinate?

I pinched my thigh fiercely, and the pain made my brain clear instantly. I glanced at Fire Monkey Yang Hui and the others, and their expressions were also very strange.

"Did you hear that too?"


Including Wang Gang and his team members, they also nodded together.

It is impossible for several people to have the same hallucination at the same time, but if it is not a hallucination, where does that sound come from?

"It seems to be coming from under our feet! It can't be the kind of scorpion that lays eggs on people, is it coming out? Get the weapon!"

As soon as Yang Hui's voice fell, she suddenly became half shorter.

The place below the waist is sunken in the sand, and it is still sinking.

I stepped forward quickly, grabbed her wrist tightly and tried to pull her up, but before I could exert any strength, I realized that I was also sunk!
In just two seconds, my whole body sank uncontrollably, and the sand even flooded up to my waist.

Mad, what the hell is going on with this damned idiot?

"It's over, we are likely to encounter quicksand, and we are really going to die now!"

I looked back and saw that Fire Monkey's and Wang Gang were also stuck in the sand, and their condition was even worse than mine.

As for the team member, he had only one head exposed, and he could not make a sound for help with his mouth open.

And at the place where our camel was, there was only a big hole left.

In a few seconds, the sand had flooded the bridge of my nose. I could only hold my breath and close my eyes. A large amount of sand flooded from all directions, trapping my whole body in it as if trying to squeeze me flat. I even She couldn't hold Yang Hui's hand anymore.


The moment I let go of Yang Hui's hand, I heard her scream. The sound appeared and disappeared in less than two seconds, and I couldn't hear it very clearly.

Suddenly, the squeezing sensation disappeared.

But I didn't relax because of this. The wind in my ear told me that I was falling downward.

I wanted to open my eyes and see, but falling with me, and the constant stream of sand on top of my head, forced me to keep them open.

This feeling didn't last long, not even ten seconds.

I fell on the ground, to be precise, I hit the ground. Before I could recover, the sand falling from the top of my head buried me. The friction between the rough sand and my skin was really uncomfortable. to feel pain
After digging away the thin layer of fine sand covering my body, I crawled out easily.

It was pitch black all around, except for a spot of sunlight above the head.

It seems that I fell into a well. I roughly estimate that I am at least ten meters above the ground. If it weren't for the pile of sand at the bottom, I'm afraid I would have been thrown to death.

Not dying is a blessing in misfortune, but what makes me headache is how to get up?

"Ahem, bah, where is this?"

At this time, Fire Monkey and the others also crawled out of the sand. Judging from their appearance, they had suffered some skin trauma at most, and there was nothing serious about them.

"Where's the camel? Find the camel quickly, there should be something like a hook and lock in the bag on the camel!"

The fire monkey hurriedly looked around for the trail of the fallen camel.

"Don't try too hard. It's useless. Even with a hook and lock, you can't catch the sandy rock on the top layer. You probably have to fall down before you can climb up."

Wang Gang sneered a few times, looked up at the top exit, and shook his head.

"Damn it! It's just unlucky to go to grandma's house. It's fine if you can't climb up. Now even the camels are gone!"

The fire monkey wandered around in a hurry, came over dejectedly, and said bitterly, "That's all right, not only fell here, but now even the camel and a lot of tools are lost, it's completely over."

Pretty much everyone except me was overwhelmed with negativity.

It's no wonder that no ordinary person can withstand the successive blows, and only I, after experiencing all kinds of things on the desert island, can still remain calm.

I still had a few portable flashlights in my backpack, and after handing each of them one, I began to observe the place with the faint light of the flashlight.

After a while, I discovered something remarkable.

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