We have now left the city of Jiangyuan, and have driven at least a hundred kilometers, but no matter what, we can't get rid of the off-road vehicle that is following us. It is like a cat teasing a mouse. Slow down, deliberately driving us forward.

In order not to implicate my beloved, I had to conform to its meaning.

But now, it's almost time for me to stop.

Because the fuel tank has bottomed out, and this is far enough away, there is no point in running any longer.

"Sit still."

I said to He Qing calmly.

I can't spend it with them anymore, I thought to myself, I slammed the brakes to the end, and slammed the steering wheel, you must know that we are driving at a speed of more than [-] yards.

The body began to shake violently, accompanied by a feeling of spinning, the front of the car and the body directly switched positions, sideways in the middle of the road.

Fortunately, I was wearing a seat belt and holding the steering wheel firmly so that I would not throw myself out.

He Qing was not so lucky. The moment I stepped on the brakes, the inertia caused by the sideways drift of the car threw him against the window.

This added another bruise to his originally bruised right cheek.


As soon as he groaned, I saw an oncoming off-road vehicle through the right side window.

Damn it, this is going to hit directly!
It was too late and then too soon, the huge impact force instantly deformed one side of the car body, the glass was shattered into slag, and the unlucky He Qing even slammed into me directly under the impact force.

It is precisely because he stands in front of me that the broken and flying glass will not scratch my skin.

After a while, the surrounding noises subsided.

I estimated that the impact caused our car to slide straight for tens of meters at least!
The toothsome grinding sound almost pierced the eardrums.

In this case, it is a miracle that our vehicle has not rolled over.

"Go and see if he's dead."

In a daze, I heard an authentic American accent, and all the cells in my body tensed up.

There is no doubt that [-]% of them are from the company.

They really have great powers. After chasing me at sea and failing to kill me, since they chased me directly to the territory of Huaguo!

This time tracking me is mostly because of Eve and Catherine's head, right?

I guessed that through the twisted window gap, I could see the off-road vehicle with a high base.

A pair of brown high-top leather boots were stepped on the car. I can roughly guess that the owner of this pair of leather boots is very tall, and the result is not as I expected.

Then, I heard the sound of lighting a fire, and then the man let out a long breath and walked towards me with big strides.

You must know that I have no weapons at all, and guns are also banned in Huaguo.

But I didn't, but it doesn't mean that the people in the company didn't either.

Maybe they have some way to hide from the sky, and it is very possible to carry some high-tech equipment. After all, the cutting-edge technology they master is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

He Qing who was lying on top of me kept humming, a piece of glass the size of a palm was stuck in his rib.

Thick fresh blood flowed out continuously.

I didn't want to be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, so I hurriedly wiped some blood on my face, grabbed the piece of glass and hid it in my hand, pretending to be unconscious.

A few seconds later, a brown-haired head poked into the car, looking around, it must be an American guy.

A smell of cigar smoke filled the air, a little choking, but at this moment I could only resist the desire to cough.

"This yellow-skinned pig is still angry, but just passed out! But there is another person inside besides the target person, how to deal with him?"

He leaned over the crooked car window for a while, then backed out and shouted.

"Our task is to bring him back. As for the other one, we should deal with it on the spot and do it neatly."


This American guy started to move. He first removed the door that my back was leaning against, then grabbed my shoulders and dragged me out.

I opened my eyes slightly and looked around.

The roads before and after are deserted, no wonder, I originally chose a road less traveled by.

There are four black marks rubbed by the tires on the ground, which are tens of meters long.

And by the window of the driver's seat of that off-road vehicle, there was a tall and thick man lying on his stomach.

The American guy who was supporting me was nearly two meters tall and as strong as a cow. In the pocket on the side of his trousers, there was still a hard thing hanging, but it was blocked by his hanging coat.

But the shape of the hard object protruding from under the cloth is not unfamiliar.

From the shape, it was clearly a gun.

Just when I was about to take advantage of the American guys relaxing their vigilance, my mobile phone rang unexpectedly. The ringtone broke the silence at this moment, and at the same time attracted the American guys' attention.

He let out a light snort, supported me with one hand, reached into my pocket with the other, and took out his cell phone.

After clicking to answer, he asked in very authentic Chinese: "Hello?"

"who are you?"

It was the old professor's questioning voice that came from the other end of the phone, and he probably sensed something was wrong.

The opportunity is coming!

I suddenly opened my eyes wide, clamped the arm that the American guy was supporting me, and twisted it. He was caught off guard and didn't have time to withdraw. There was a crisp "cracking" sound, and his right arm twisted 180 degrees.

I am worthy of him in close combat, let alone sneak attack when he is unsuspecting.


He didn't expect that I was faking it when I was unconscious. After cursing angrily and in pain, he threw away the phone, clenched his fists and yelled at my face.

But I wouldn't give him a chance, so I slammed my knee hard on his spine with all my strength.

"Hello? What happened? Hello?"

Faintly, I can still hear the voice of the old professor on the other end of the phone, but I have no time to take care of it now.

"Oh shit, you bitch bitch!"

The man on the off-road vehicle couldn't sit still anymore. When he raised his left hand on the steering wheel, I was startled.

Although he wore a black glove on his left hand, the metallic luster could be seen from the exposed wrist, which was extremely dazzling in the midday sun.

This prosthetic gave me a very uneasy feeling.

He pulled off the glove, and a two-finger-wide black hole appeared in his palm, pointing at me.

A bright and dazzling light emanates from the black hole visible to the naked eye. It should be similar to the laser sword used by Catherine, which is a laser-type weapon.

Familiar with the coming of a sense of crisis, I subconsciously lifted up the American guy who was being restrained by me, crouched down on the ground, and blocked me with his generous body.

"no no!"

He should know what it was, and his body began to tremble with fear.

But his spine had been broken under my knee just now, and the disabled central nervous system could not allow him to escape and struggle, so he could only watch the ball of light bombard him.

If I hadn't tried my best to support it, I'm afraid the impact of the explosion would have blown me away.

The scalding heat wave instantly enveloped me, and the hot and dazzling light made me squint my eyes.

I'm sure, if it wasn't for the fact that this American guy is tall and strong, I'm afraid I would have been roasted in just a moment.

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