The situation has been reversed, the yellow-haired white man got up tremblingly, snatched the gun from the mercenary's hand, and stood behind the mercenary, using the mercenary's body as a cover. Even our muzzles are trembling.

However, what chance does a shotgun have against a cannon?

I don't even need to aim, I just need to pull the trigger to instantly turn them into ashes, but I need to figure out Eve's situation before that.

Eve still has the company's chip in her brain, so her coma must have something to do with the company.

"My mission is just to bring that woman back, and it has nothing to do with you! If you are sensible, hand over that woman to me, and get out of here. If that happens, the organization might be able to survive, you yellow-skinned pigs!"

The yellow-haired white man threatened life and death.

It's just that his threat is nothing to me. I have killed several of the company's top weapon bionic Catherine.

"Want to live?"

I said plainly, while raising the bazooka on my shoulder, the power of this thing is not covered.

The yellow-haired white man shivered suddenly, with a hesitant look in his pupils.

However, at this life-threatening moment, he finally made the right choice. After all, apart from some deliberately cultivated dead men, there should be no normal person who does not want to die.

"Yes! But you have to keep your word!"

he gritted his teeth.

I glanced at Eve, who was still sleeping soundly, as if her heart was being held by an invisible big hand, I took a deep breath and said, "Then tell me why she became like this, and how can I make her look like this?" She came to life? What do you know?"

After hesitating for a moment, the yellow-haired white man spoke intermittently what he knew.

Although in his few words, it can be clearly felt that he has concealed something, but even if I ask him, he probably won't say much.

But it also made me understand Eve's current situation.

It's not much different from what I guessed. The infrasound wave not only cut off the radio signal in our vehicle, but also activated the chip implanted in Eve's brain. The weak current emitted by it made Eve fall into a coma. .

As for this yellow-haired man, he is just an insignificant little guy in the company.

He just received instructions from his superiors saying that there was a clue of an important person. He didn't know that we were among the people who were traveling with Eve.

After the explanation, the yellow-haired white man swallowed hard, "Now can you let me go?"

"of course."

I smiled lightly and pressed the launch switch.

"You can go to your God."

Amidst the astonishing flames, the yellow-haired white man's venomous curses and screams came to an abrupt end, and the explosion and flames had already swallowed him to nothing.

After treating Lao Zhou's wounds briefly, I let the strong Abu carry him on his back, and Wang Linlin was also carried by Abu.

We have to continue on our way. According to Lao Zhou's description, the base is more than 20 kilometers away from here, a small town called Milton.

Once we get to the town, we're probably safe.

Along the way, the vast plain gave us only endless darkness, and the long road seemed to have no boundaries. Although we accelerated our pace, we could go until midnight, and after bypassing a fork, we saw the lights in the distance .

This is a small town. Walking on the street and looking at it, it can be roughly estimated that there are only about a hundred households, and apart from the center of the town, the population distribution is extremely sparse.

The base mentioned by Lao Zhou is a farm in the innermost part of the town.

However, it seems that this place is not as simple as it seems. Following the command of Lao Zhou, we went straight to the big warehouse on the edge of the farm, which contained a lot of sundries, and there was an old car in the center of the warehouse.

According to the instructions of Lao Zhou, we rang the horn of the old car.

Soon, the ground at the bottom of the car suddenly opened up and a downward passage appeared. The passage was not spacious enough for two people to walk side by side.

Why do these organizations like to build their bases underground?
Doubts are doubts. The severely injured Lao Zhou and the unconscious Eve couldn’t stand the delay. A group of us got off the base immediately. Abu could only bow his body here because of his tall stature.

After 2 minutes, the scene in front of him suddenly became clear.

Ample space has been opened up in the basement here. The decoration that first catches the eye is like a living room, and there is a corridor leading to nowhere on the left side of the living room.

Maybe it was the sound of our footsteps that alarmed the people inside.

Soon, hurried footsteps came from the corridor on the left, and a man and a woman came out quickly, they were two Chinese.

The man was about 50 to [-] years old, wearing a pair of glasses, and looked refined, while the woman was wearing a crop top with big waves, sexy and hot.

When they saw us in a panic, they were all taken aback, and quickly dispatched people to arrange for us.

Lao Zhou and Eve were also sent to the infirmary in this underground space.

From the mouth of the old man, I learned that this underground base has three floors in total, with a total area of ​​[-] square meters. It has all the basic facilities and a well-equipped arsenal, but it is relatively remote. If we want to arrange for us to return to China, It will take a while.

When I asked about the exact time, the old man shook his head.

At this point, it was inconvenient for me to ask more questions, and I entered the ward with the medical staff, and came to the unconscious Eve.

After a series of examinations, the medical staff looked at me and let out a long sigh.

"How is she? Can you wake her up?"

"The situation is not optimistic. The CT of the brain shows that there is a small metal piece similar to a chip attached to the back of her head. I suspect that this small piece of metal made her fall into a coma, but if an operation is required, I'm not sure it will What sequelae are caused, and the difficulty and risk are extremely high, even a slight mistake may make her..."

The doctor didn't finish the sentence, but the meaning was self-evident.

This news is bad news for me. Eve and I have been separated for a long time, but we only reunited for a few days. Is it possible that I will watch her coma like a vegetable for the rest of my life?
"However, it's not completely hopeless."

Instead, the doctor frowned and thought for a while and said, "Organize a large number of cutting-edge talents to gather at the domestic headquarters, and maybe we can find some solutions from the headquarters."

I simply said a few words of thanks and walked out, intending to find the old man, who is the number one person in charge here.

The doctor told me that he can contact the domestic headquarters!

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