After Eve hung up the phone, we immediately discussed it.

"They said they were here to greet me, but in fact they were there to monitor and control me, so there shouldn't be too few people coming. According to my experience, there should be at least ten or more."

Eve made a simple deduction.

The fire monkey and I nodded, and felt that the problem was not that big of a deal.

Mainly at this moment, Abu and Tana are still far behind us. If we want to deal with ten soldiers, the sum of us is more than enough.

At this moment, the fishing boat happened to be suspended for fishing, so we greeted the captain and jumped into the water.

Not long after, I saw Abu in the nearby water. To my surprise, Tana followed Abu and was able to act underwater for a long time.

Tana was also very surprised by this, she didn't know that she had such ability before.

This made their lurking much easier, otherwise it would be troublesome for Tana to show her head to breathe from time to time.

I speculate that this may be some kind of atavistic phenomenon, because I reckon that the tail people are descendants of the lizard people.

After notifying Abu and others that they would cooperate with us in attacking the company's ships, I returned to the fishing boat.

We waited for a short time, and sure enough, a small fishing boat approached us.

From a distance, we could see a few burly guys standing on the bow with serious faces, some of them didn't hide at all, holding guns in their hands.

Their battle frightened Captain Chelsea very much.

After killing a person at sea and throwing his body away, no one knew it, and it was extremely difficult to obtain evidence.

So sometimes the sea is still a lawless place, and many accidents have happened.

"What are you doing!"

Several fishermen including Cheers also quickly took out their guns from the cabin, sweating nervously.

If the other party really has some intentions, I'm afraid there will be a real fight.

Free America, gun battles every day, not just rumors, we have just arrived in the territorial waters of the United States, and we have not yet entered the land, so we are going to see it?

"Don't be nervous! Misunderstanding, we are just here to pick up a friend, and there is no hostility!"

The leading hunk man smiled, and said in a friendly manner, and raised his hands.

However, this guy looks really vicious, even if he deliberately pretends to be friendly, he still looks like a bad guy.

On the contrary, Eve stepped forward very cooperatively and explained the matter to Cheers and the others.

Seeing Eve say this, Cheers finally felt a little relieved, but he still didn't put down the gun in his hand.

But the fire monkey and I came to the stern of the ship, slowly climbed down the side of the ship from the blind spot of the company's people, and jumped into the sea.

After a while, we met Abu and Tana in the sea, and quietly came to the bottom of Chelsea's boat.

At this moment, their ship was about to speed up and leave, and there was not much time left for us. Without a word, I took out my bone sword and slashed wildly at their bottom warehouse.

I only heard a muffled pop, and I cut a big hole in the iron skin of the boat, and the water rushed into it immediately.

Of course I wouldn't stop there, and quickly made a few more sword strikes, and a huge hole soon appeared in front of our eyes.

We quickly got into the cabin along the current.

The soldiers of those companies obviously also heard the change in the bottom warehouse. As soon as we entered, two soldiers had already come to us.

The movements of these people are still very fast. They raised their guns at us and were about to shoot. Unfortunately, my movements were faster than theirs.

At this moment we are very close, I raised my hand with a sword, and cut off the hands of both of them.

They howled miserably at once, but the howling stopped abruptly, because Abu, who came in from behind, rushed over suddenly, and completely ended the two guys with two claws.

Other people in the company also rushed over quickly, but needless to say, under our strong fighting power, the company members on this ship died quickly.

We didn't take our guard off yet though, there was a comm voice coming over some walkie-talkie, presumably a company contact, asking what the hell was going on.

We quickly destroyed all kinds of communication equipment, checked the entire ship, and sent out possible monitors, so we felt relieved.

The reason for this is that if Eve is found to have betrayed the company, the chip in her brain may become a threat.

For us at present, this is indeed quite troublesome.

"After going ashore, we can contact the people from the organization and let Eve leave with them. As long as we return to China, we can definitely find a way to release the positioning chip in her brain."

We cleaned up the blood on the boat, and then we drove the fishing boat towards the coast.

When approaching the coast, Fire Monkey finally used a special frequency band to connect with compatriots in the organization in the United States.

With their help, we escaped the US Coast Guard and landed successfully!
The moment I stood on the land with my feet on the ground, I was in a very good mood. Even though the place I was at at the moment was not our motherland, I finally left the damn sea.

Considering Eve's special situation, we didn't stop, but quickly got into a car.

Some kind of shielding device has been installed on this car, so that the company's people cannot receive the positioning signal from Eve for the time being.

After we successfully boarded the car, we finally felt relieved.

This car looks like a truck on the surface, with a lot of space inside, and there are also things like tables, chairs, beds, etc., similar to a caravan.

The people in the organization warmly entertained us, we ate and drank, talking and laughing very happily.

There were three people who received us, all Chinese, two men and one woman, very talkative, perhaps because we have been in a foreign country for too long, and we are all very happy to see our compatriots.

However, the excitement at the beginning quickly dissipated.

Because our trip is relatively long, on the American road, we go all the way north, across the entire west coast.

I have to say that it is true that the United States is sparsely populated. On the long coastal road, we rarely see people, only the mountains and sea on both sides accompany us.

"First come to our base and settle down for a few days. Our organization is not very strong in the United States, so if we want to leave, it will take at least half a month to make arrangements."

We all understand the captain Wang Linlin's explanation, after all, we are all black households without passports at the moment.

And we are not ordinary smugglers, there are special members like Abu and Tana.

It is not easy to arrange a suitable identity to go to sea.

Of course, although Eve looks normal on the surface, it is troublesome to block the chip in her brain from going out to sea.

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