Soon, several engineers came to clean up the soil in front of them, but everyone saw that after the floating soil was cleaned up, the exposed rocks seemed to be just the corners of some huge existence.

"This seems to be a huge stone gate, keep blowing it up! Blow it out for me, blow it up!"

Catherine said indifferently.

At the moment where they were, there was originally a layer of stone slabs laid, and Catherine directed the blaster to blow up all the nearby row of stone slabs.

After digging all the soil, a huge stone gate appeared in front of everyone.

The stone gate is about two meters high, and a line of ancient characters is clearly written on it.

"Those who enter die, those who stay away live!"

The simple and thick ancient characters give people a very vicissitudes of feeling, and the warning meaning contained in them makes people feel chills down the spine.

But Catherine obviously wouldn't believe this, even if there was really something underneath, she wasn't afraid.

This girl is very violent.

Not surprisingly, she asked the blaster to bomb the stone gate again.

But at this time, the bombing went wrong.

To be more precise, there was no problem with the bombing, but the stone gate couldn't be opened.

After several times of bombing with high-yield explosives, although the stone gate was blown out a large gap, what was exposed was still thick stone.

Catherine and the others soon discovered that this stone gate was not actually a stone gate.

Rather than a door, this thing is more like some kind of cylindrical stone, with a thickness close to six meters.

It sloped downwards, blocking the way forward.

I don't know what kind of stone this kind of stone door is, and its hardness is also extraordinary. Even the most lethal explosives can only explode three to five centimeters at a time.

It is undoubtedly very difficult to blast through the entire door.

Soon various blasting, exploration and construction experts gathered together, they discussed with each other, and immediately rejected the proposal to bomb from behind the stone pillar and enter directly.

Because after their detection, they found that if they were bombed directly from behind, it might cause a large area of ​​collapse, and the underground space might be directly buried.

Entering through the stone gate is the best way.

There was no other way, so Catherine and the others had no choice but to carry out crazy bombing above the stone gate.

The sound of the explosion was endless, resounding throughout the fog area. Many monsters were frightened and rushed out of the fog area.

I was in Moon City at the time, and I also noticed the change. Affected by it, I went to the nearby villages to deal with some escaped monsters, such as the monster Kula.

Hearing this, I realized that the people in the company at that time bombed indiscriminately in the foggy area, which is what happened.

It's just that what Catherine is going to say next is even more beyond my understanding, and it's extremely weird!

In this way, the bombing continued for about a day.

The six-meter-long stone gate was blown open by them for nearly two meters, and a huge hole appeared on the stone gate, which looked very strange.

"Rest tonight, everyone pay attention to vigilance!"

Seeing that the people in the team were very tired, Catherine frowned and gave the order to rest.

This woman is like a tireless machine, and she is very tired of human beings needing rest.

It can be said that there is such a ruthless and ruthless cyborg team leader, the people of the company, it is very miserable.

But on this night, when everyone was asleep, something very strange happened.

It was about three o'clock in the morning, and Eve suddenly heard a loud rumbling noise. She just got up and was about to rush out of the tent to see what was going on, but she immediately heard screams coming from outside.

Of course, accompanied by the screams, there were bursts of rumbling noises, as if some huge monster had attacked.

Eve rushed out in a hurry, and sure enough, she saw a huge figure four or five meters high, flashing away in the darkness. The monster was so huge that every step it took on the ground made a loud rumbling noise.

The giant monster disappeared quickly, and a pool of blood was left in their camp.

Three of the tents disappeared, and Catherine surmised that they had all been eaten by the monster.

However, Eve and the others were discussing the monster when suddenly some team members screamed.

"Look, the stone gate at the entrance of the cave is gone!"

Eve and Catherine rushed over to take a look, and they found that the huge stone door blocking the entrance of the cave had disappeared. At this moment, there was only a pile of gravel on the ground, and a dark passage appeared in front of us.

At this moment, the cave under the altar is almost the same as when we first came here.

Undoubtedly, this is very strange. Could it be that when the monster came over, it touched some mechanism below, causing the stone door to shrink?

But the strange thing is that the people from the company checked around, but did not find any mechanism. The stone door seems to have been taken away violently, because the countless rubble left in the ground seems to prove this point.

"I might know what's going on."

I suddenly said, Catherine's words made me suddenly have some speculations.

I'm afraid the stone gate was not taken away by force, but stood up by itself!
That thing is not a stone gate at all, but a living creature!
That's right, silicon-based organisms!
Generally speaking, it is difficult for silicon-based organisms to live in a normal environment where humans live. In addition to the inappropriate temperature, the gas they need to breathe is ammonia.

It suddenly occurred to me that the fog zone is full of poisonous gas, which is probably rich in some kind of substance needed by silicon-based organisms.

In addition, it is said that the excrement of silicon-based organisms is also some kind of solid, so the stone gate is so huge, six meters long.

After it got out of the passage, the gravel that fell on the ground was its feces.

Of course, this is just my whimsical guess. It seems to be explainable, but there is no evidence for it for the time being.

"After we found out that the stone gate disappeared, although we couldn't find the reason, Catherine was very happy and quickly asked the scientists to collect a lot of stone specimens. She thought that the stone gate might be related to the Stone of Origin."

Catherine continued.

After collecting a large number of specimens, they did not continue to go deep, but chose to rest first. In the next morning, when everyone was refreshed, they started to move down.

However, it is worth mentioning that this night, the bottom of the cave was not quiet.

From time to time, there were waves of creepy and strange howls, and even the sound of huge footsteps.

Therefore, Eve and the others suspected that Shimen might have been dragged away by some kind of giant monster underground.

The huge monster that attacked us just now may have come out of this underground.

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