The number of those transparent monsters was extremely high last time, but this time there seems to be no difference.

We knew how scary this thing was, so we ran out without saying a word.

This time the battle was almost the same as the first time.

I tried my best to protect Eve and the injured fire monkey. The five of us went through a lot of hardships and finally got out of this area and came back to the periphery of the deck.

At this moment, the light around us has returned to normal. When we looked up, there was an endless blue ocean around the ghost ship.

It seems to be daytime at this moment, the deck is empty, there are no shadows of those mice, there are only mountains of corpses of birds, it is quiet and very gloomy.

Seeing that no mice appeared, we were all relieved.

At this moment, we have been fighting for too long, and we are very tired.

If he still had to fight the rats, the fire monkey would most likely die here.

After we rested for a while, we got busy again.

Although it is safe for the time being, there is not much time left for us.

Calculating from the sun in the sky, the time we are in at this moment is about ten o'clock in the morning.

In other words, there are still seven or eight hours before evening.

As soon as it gets dark, the mice will all come out.

Our numbers are too small, and it may be quite difficult to deal with those rats.

We must find a way to leave the ghost ship within seven or eight hours!

We quickly looked around the edge of the deck, and sure enough, there were no lifeboats around the hull.

However, for this situation, we have considered it when we were in the dormitory.

So, at this moment, we have a bed board brought out from the dormitory in our hands.

A wooden plank that can accommodate two lying down side by side.

Putting this thing into the water can serve as a temporary resting place.

However, what makes us feel very helpless is that there are five of us, and Abu doesn't care about it for the time being, because he can swim in the water for a long time.Moreover, as a last resort, Abu's back can still carry a person.

The remaining three people sat on the bed, which was still too heavy, and the buoyancy of the wooden board was probably not enough.

"We must find materials to enhance the buoyancy of this board."

Fire Monkey frowned and said.

We looked around and quickly had an idea, those bird feathers!

These feathers are very light. We glued them together and fixed them around the board in circles. The whole board quickly changed its appearance, fluffy, and looked very strange.

The only pity is that those feathers exude a stench, which makes the board also smell bad.

However, I think these smells will gradually disappear after entering the water.

In the end, we found several long and narrow metal bars, which were used as paddles.

After finishing these tasks, it was around three o'clock in the afternoon.

We don't have much time left.

We immediately came to the edge of the deck and dropped the feather plank over the water.

I, Tana and the fire monkey, sat on the plank, and Eve sat on Abu's back. The five of us finally left the ghost ship!

There is no doubt that Abu can move freely in the water, so sitting on his back is the safest position, and I reserved this position for Eve selfishly.

The process of our departure was not easy. Some underwater transparent monsters came to attack us, but we repelled them.

In the end, the ghost ship gradually disappeared and became smaller in our eyes. When night fell, it finally completely disappeared from our sight.

This made us all heave a sigh of relief, relax our whole body, and feel like we are alive after a catastrophe.

We survived!

In order to celebrate this thrilling survival, we took out some food from our backpacks and ate it with big mouthfuls.

In fact, we don't have much food, but at the moment we have no intention of saving, the reason is very simple.

Abu is here!

For him, going into the water to fish is really too simple.

For us at this moment, what is urgently needed is water.

We have flamethrowers, of course, and sunken metal contraptions to make distilled water, which is scarce but never dies of thirst.

This makes me very emotional, taking a risk with a professional team and equipment, the situation is different.

If he had encountered such a situation of drifting at sea before, he would have died here in all likelihood.

The only trouble we have now is that everyone doesn't know where we are and where we are going.

That ghost ship is wandering between hell and the world, and we have traveled through time and space. Maybe the sea we are in now does not belong to the world, but the sea of ​​hell!
Fortunately, this is just my unfounded speculation. At least we have checked that the seawater around us is no different from ordinary seawater, and the fish and shrimp in the water are also very normal.

This kind of uneasiness disappeared completely when a huge modern fishing boat appeared in front of our eyes.

This is a small fishing boat with a carrying capacity of only a dozen tons. The reason why it is said to be huge is that it is compared to us.

Its flight path seems to coincide with ours, and it is approaching us rapidly.

"Throw away the special equipment and call them for help!"

Fire Monkey said excitedly.

We quickly threw protective clothing, flamethrowers and other military equipment into the sea, shouted and waved at the freighter.

The people on the boat also quickly found us, looked at us in surprise, and waved to us.

Soon, we were rescued by them.

Of course, Abu had dived into the water at this moment, quietly following behind the fishing boat, and Tana also dived into the water with him.Tana can't stay in the water for a long time, but it's okay to show up after the fishing boat has left.

"Who are you and why are you at sea?"

The captain is a blond white man who asked us in very standard American English.They also brought us hot water and food.

"Our ship is wrecked and adrift at sea."

We responded quickly.

After some conversation, Fire Monkey and I looked at each other in blank dismay, and we were also very surprised.

At this moment, we are located in the eastern waters of the Pacific Ocean. According to the fishing boat, it is only a few hours' voyage from the United States!
You know, our previous location was from the Gulf of Thailand, which is the southwest of the Pacific Ocean. From our current location, it can be said that it almost spans the entire Pacific Ocean!
"Welcome to America, this is a free country!"

Captain Chels raised his glass to us and warmly welcomed us.


I don't have a good impression of the United States in my heart. The damn company headquarters is probably the United States, right?

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