Because of the terrifying experience of the marsupial lion attack this time, we will live more and more cautiously in the following days.

That afternoon, I dug out a new toilet inside the cave.

The toilet is dug very deep, directly connected to the underground river waterway below the cave, our excrement will be washed away by the river directly, and it will not cause trouble in terms of sanitation.

What is gratifying is that Song Qi's illness gradually improved under Xiaomeng's careful care.

Although the girl is still very weak, her fever has subsided, and she is much more awake. At least she can eat by herself without any problems.

I have to say that she was really lucky to survive this time.

Song Qi was very grateful to Xiaomeng and me. She wanted to kneel down for us several times, but Xiaomeng was at a loss and her face was flushed.

However, apart from this good news, things are going in a bad direction.

Our days are getting harder and harder.

The first is that food is becoming more and more scarce, we have to save money every day, and many times we go to bed hungry.

Although I spent a lot of time searching for food, in order to prevent the monster from attacking again, my work efficiency was greatly reduced.

That night, the thylacine was thwarted in our cave, but not far away.

Sometimes, I can find the sharp claw marks left by it on the trunks of some woods.

Similar to squirrels grinding their teeth, thylacines seem to have the habit of grinding their claws.

Once this guy appears somewhere, it will inevitably leave claw marks.

This gave me some early warning. Once I saw fresh traces left in the woods, I would leave quickly.

The habit of noticing these marks should have saved my life many times over.

These days lasted for about eleven or twelve days, and I suddenly realized that I hadn't seen any new claw marks for four or five days in a row.

This allowed me to judge that the monster had probably left the woods.

I breathed a sigh of relief, and my whole body relaxed.

On this day, we took out a few pieces of bacon that we had stored before, and had a delicious meal to celebrate the good news and our remaining lives!
Only at this moment can I dare to say that the shadow of the thylacine has really left us.

During this time, the monster has been hovering nearby, and we are like a small boat in a storm, which may be capsized at any time.

Now everyone really feels calm.

We are safe!
It is said that misfortunes never come singly, and it seems that luck is the same. During the time when the marsupial lion left, the continuous blizzard has gradually subsided, and the harsh winter is about to pass!
Perhaps, there is also an internal connection between the two. It was because the blizzard was about to stop that the thylacine left the woods and returned to its former territory.

The darkest hour is finally over!
We were so excited we wanted to laugh.

The blizzard is over, which means, our bamboo raft plan can start again?

The next morning, when we got up from the bed, we found that the long-awaited sunshine finally shined on our eyes again.

The weather was still very cold, and the sun also looked pale and dim. This kind of morning sun couldn't even give people a feeling of vitality, like a sick person.

But at this moment, it is in my heart, more beautiful than anything.

Because, this sunshine is the hope of living!
"Go out and have a look!"

"I want to go too!"

Xiao Qing and Xiaomeng held hands and rushed out of the cave excitedly.

Several other people followed behind them with me.

After I went out, I saw Xiao Qing and Xiao Meng hugging each other with tears streaming down their faces.

Those of us who used to live in the city never thought that one day, we would be so excited that we would cry for a sliver of pale sunshine.

There is no way, this period of time is really too bitter.

The tyrant of the wind and snow is constantly killing our body temperature and hope of survival. Every day, everyone is cold and hungry, suffering bitterly. Every time they watch me leave the cave to find food, Xiaomeng and the others will even cry secretly.

Because, once I leave, I may never come back.And when I collapse in the snow from exhaustion, they will hardly escape the fate of death.

In the snow under the sun, a group of us cheered and wept bitterly, like a group of fools.

Someone once said that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

I think, if one day, I can really return to the city, I must be very different from the previous me. With the experience on the island, my body and mind are extremely strong.

Moreover, I don't know what's going on, I have a strange feeling that during this time, although I often don't eat enough, my body seems to be getting stronger, my reaction speed has become faster, and my strength has also been enhanced.

"Maybe it's because a lot of sports beyond my own limit have stimulated the potential of my body?"

The thing can only be explained in this way, I feel that if I meet my original self now, I can knock him down with a few punches.

This sunny day lasted for two consecutive days, and we could clearly feel that the temperature was gradually rising.

The thick snow on the ground also began to melt.

Xiao Qing and the others have been holding back in the cave for so long, and now they all want to go out for a walk and relax.

I hesitated for a long time, and finally agreed.

After the clearing, the woods are still very quiet. Without the violent snowstorm to cover the sight, the woods look quite beautiful. We seem to be walking in a pure white world, which is very pleasing to the eye.

The group talked and laughed, and soon came to a small valley near the beach.

Before the blizzard came, we put the bamboo raft here.

At this moment, we are all worried whether this treasure is still there.

It's a pity that the snow hasn't melted yet, and only thick snow can be seen here.

"Brother Zhang, why don't we dig out the bamboo raft today!"

Money can't wait.

Sister Man and Xiao Qing were a little moved when they heard this, and they all looked at me eagerly.

Originally, the bamboo raft was built, and everyone thought they could go to sea, but there was a blizzard, and it was delayed for so long. Now the girls are a little anxious, feeling a little hopeful.

I touched my chin and thought about it, but didn't agree.

"Now the snow layer has just begun to melt, and the ice below is very hard. It will take too much effort to dig it. Why don't we wait a little longer. Let's go to the beach first and see how the wind is. If it is suitable, we will dig first, otherwise It's better to wait."

What I said is undoubtedly very reasonable. Although Qian Ke and Xiao Qing feel sorry, they have nothing to say.

So, everyone quickly came to the beach again.

After arriving at the beach, we couldn't help but get excited when we saw the scene on the beach, and we were very pleasantly surprised!

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