According to Yang Hui, that strange snake was raised in the stomach by Huang's admirer at all, and it was not wild.

Of course, for us now, it is not important to explore the origin of the strange snake, what is important is how we should go next.

At this moment, the dozen or so caves in front of us all look similar, but we believe that there are probably not many correct paths, or even only one.

"If only the ultrasonic detection device could be brought underwater, then we wouldn't have to go through such trouble now."

I sighed and said with emotion.

Yang Hui and the others, the professionals, came to those caves and inspected them carefully.

In a short while, they made a judgment based on the direction of the water flow and some tiny details in the cave, and ruled out almost half of the roads, leaving us with two roads to choose from.

"Both of these caves may be our destination, just choose one."

The fire monkey looked at me with a smile.

I nodded and took the lead to walk forward based on my feeling.

Compared with the previous water pool, this cave is much narrower, only one or two meters wide. There are nine of us, and it is quite crowded when walking in it.

Because I was injured, I was placed in the middle of the team. Yang Hui was taking care of me. The leader was Fire Monkey and another agent named Wang Yue. Both of them were very skilled.

The one who cuts off is also a good player in the team.

Along the way, although there were some small dangers, but generally speaking, nothing major happened.

However, after we walked through this long and winding passage for about half an hour, the environment around us gradually changed strangely!

We gradually discovered that the road under our feet began to soften. We walked on it, as if we were stepping on a balloon, which was extremely uncomfortable.

I don't know what kind of weird material the ground is made of. Everyone carefully collected some and prepared to take them back for research.

Fortunately, we are in the water, even if the ground becomes soft, it will not have much impact on our actions. After swimming in this winding cave for about half an hour, we finally found a surprising discovery. !

A deep hole appeared in front of my eyes!

The hole is about three or four meters wide, and the bottom is very dark. We threw a lighting stick used underwater, and the light went down very deep until it disappeared!
"It seems that the place we are looking for is probably here!"

"Go down!"

Everyone looked at each other with excitement in their eyes, and finally found a place!
We were near this cave, rested for a while, ate something, regained our strength, then filed in and jumped into this deep pit!

Because there is already a downward flow of water here, coupled with the effect of gravity, we sink very quickly.

Before long, though, we ran into a little trouble.

First of all, the cave began to become very narrow. At first, it was three or four meters wide enough for several of us to sink at the same time, but now it can only allow one person to pass through.

We hurriedly used the flying device and supported the nearby cave wall with our hands, adjusted the distribution of the team, and continued down.

But our troubles are far more than that, and soon something even more terrible will happen!
"No, I feel something pulling me!"

Shen Lin, a team member behind us, suddenly shouted.

We hurriedly looked back, but saw a very horrifying scene. On the walls around the cave, a pale arm stretched out and grabbed Shen Lin's clothes.

Under the illumination of the searchlight, the strange hand was so pale that it looked like a ghost hand from hell.

"Go to hell!"

Shen Lin yelled in fright, and hastily chopped off the strange hand with the bayonet on the end of the gun, only to hear a puff sound, the strange hand was cut off immediately, but the strange thing was that no blood flowed from the broken arm, Instead, bugs fell from the broken cuts one by one.

Those bugs showed a kind of off-white color, twisted and twisted, and were extremely disgusting.

"This is not a human hand at all, but a kind of gathering insects. Be careful, everyone, since there is one, there must be a second!"

As soon as Yang Hui's voice fell, the walls around us seemed to understand her words, and all of a sudden, strange hands stretched out and grabbed us!

Three or five of them caught me.

In this narrow cave, when such a situation occurs, it really feels like coming to hell.

However, we are now going underground from this sloping passage, in a sense, we are going to hell.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this passage is the road to hell.

At this moment, the strange hand was quite close to me, and I finally had the opportunity to see the real appearance of this thing clearly. Just like Yang Hui said, this thing is not a real arm, but a collection of white bugs Formed, but the special thing is that these insects also have insect kings. The insect kings are about four or five centimeters in size, and they act as thumbs at the front.

This thing is relying on their mouthparts, biting our clothes, trying to keep us.

Because the cave is very narrow, we can't use underwater flamethrowers, we can only chop with knives. I don't find it difficult to use knives, but the other team members are in a very bad situation.

The protective suits of several team members were bitten out.

Our protective clothing is quite thick and has a double-layer design. It doesn't matter if the outside is bitten, but if the inner layer is also bitten, the strong water pressure in this place can kill us.

Sure enough, not long after, a member of the team got hit and was bitten through the inner layer by insects. He screamed, his eyes, ears, mouth and nose began to bleed, and his eyes protruded outwards. He died on the spot. The death condition was terrible. We even Can't bear to look more.

"Everyone speed up and rush down!"

We shouted anxiously, regardless of my injuries, I held a sword in both hands, slashed wildly, and tried my best to help others.

I don't know how many monsters were chopped off and how many bugs were killed. After we lost two people, the water flow around us suddenly accelerated.Our heads were dizzy from being rushed.

Those bugs were also washed so badly that they couldn't attack us.

This feeling is very familiar, and it was the same when we entered the stomach from the throat of the wild colossus.

"We're coming!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, knowing that we must leave this ghost place and reach the bottom of the ground!

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