The deep hole symbolizes the throat of the barren. We swim in it, and it feels like we are being sent to the door and looking for a dead end.

However, something even more surprising happened to us.

"The current below here is actually very urgent!"

Fire Monkey said in surprise.

You know, we are in the Devil's Lake, there is no ocean current in the lake, and the flow of the water below the lake is very weak. Of course, the Devil's Lake may be connected to some sea areas, and in some places, there is still exchange. lake water flowing.

However, where we are, in the middle of Devil's Lake, the fluidity of the lake is very weak.

But now, when we enter the throat of this statue, we can feel the strong fluidity of the water around us. More precisely, the water is constantly pushing us towards Huang's abdomen.

"It is very likely that there is a passage below here, we have come to the right place!"

This corroborated our previous guess, which made everyone very excited and couldn't help speeding up the trip.

But, we soon sensed the danger.

Because as we moved forward, the speed of the water flow became faster and faster, from slowly pushing us away to a huge torrent that swept us forward crazily.

"No, there may be a leak below here, everyone be careful!"

The fire monkey shouted anxiously.

According to his guess, if the place where we are is a pool, then there is a water outlet below us.

This outlet, which may be small and almost insignificant compared to the whole pool, which is the Devil's Lake, is a terrible vortex to us.

As for why the water flow is slow at first and then fast, I guess it may be related to the special structure of the statue's throat.

In short, under the huge force of the torrent, we were rushed forward crazily. It didn't take long for us to hear the sound of rumbling water in our ears.

"Be careful everyone, we're going out!"

As soon as the fire monkey's voice fell, I felt the scene in front of me change suddenly, and I was rushed to another world by the fierce current.

Following a huge jet of water, we fell quickly, like a few bugs rushing out of a faucet.

Following the strong light of the searchlight, I vaguely saw that we were falling continuously in a dark and empty place.

What's down there?
Will we be thrown to our death?

At this moment, we have nothing in our hearts.

"Open the flying device!"

The fire monkey shouted anxiously. In fact, we didn’t need to shout. We all quickly turned on the flying jet equipment. This time our equipment is much more sufficient than last time. All players are equipped.

However, in such a fierce water flow, our flying device is also extremely limited, and the momentum of this flight hardly brings us any buffer.

If there is a hard rock below, I'm afraid we will be smashed to pieces on the spot!
I felt like my head was roaring, the huge pressure gave me a strange feeling of weightlessness, and it took me a while to gradually recover.

I realized that I was still alive, and looking around, the other team members were struggling to regain their mobility.

After clapping, the slightly malfunctioning searchlight allowed me to see everything around me clearly.

It turned out that we fell into a huge pool of water.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, there is a 90.00% possibility that the bottom here is a water pool. After all, this barren statue has existed for thousands of years, and the water column has naturally poured for thousands of years. For such a long time, even a drop of water can wear through the stone.

Even if there were rocks below, it should now be a pool of water.

"Everyone is alright!"

The fire monkey greeted the team members. We quickly emerged from the water, gathered together, and counted the number of people. Although this trip was exciting, everyone was unharmed. The only regret is that the searchlights of some team members failed. pieces of equipment.

After confirming that there were no casualties, we hurriedly looked around.

But at this moment, the water pool we are in is very huge, roughly estimated to be as big as more than a dozen basketball courts. This place, probably the abdomen of the statue, is so empty that our words echo.

Except for the water pool in the middle, there are some very narrow stone banks on the edge, with some moss and fluorescent plants growing on the banks, making the underground look very beautiful.

Of course, this beauty is mixed with a gloomy atmosphere, which makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

"Look, there seems to be some kind of mural on the wall!"

Historian Yang Hui exclaimed in surprise.

We looked in the direction she pointed, and we found some mottled and crooked huge murals, but unfortunately, the walls were also covered with moss-like plants, making those murals extremely blurred.

If it weren't for the special materials used for these murals, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to see anything.

Yang Hui immediately manipulated the flying device, got out of the water, and wanted to clean up the moss.

Among our team members, there are quite a few people who are interested in those murals, and at least half of them immediately went to help.

And the rest of us started looking at other places around us.

We want to find a way out.

For thousands of years, water has been flowing from below, but this place has not been filled, which means that there must be a passage here.

Follow the direction the water is leaving, maybe we can find something.

"The water flow in this pool seems to be a bit weird, there are several different flow directions."

After checking it, Fire Monkey and the others couldn't help but feel a little tricky. It seems that we need to look in several different directions to find a suitable place to go deep into the ground.

However, when we were thinking about this, I suddenly felt something was wrong, and a huge crisis suddenly emerged in my heart.

"Everyone be careful! Fly higher!"

As soon as my words fell, I saw a huge shadow suddenly emerge from the water.

The shadow was small at first, but it expanded rapidly in an instant, and it turned out to be a huge boa constrictor, which rushed out frantically from the water!
The thing that jumped out of the water looked like a python, but unlike a snake, its mouth was more like a crocodile, with a mouth that was three meters wide!

One of our companions reacted a little slower, and was swallowed by the monster in one gulp!
"What the hell is this!"

We couldn't help but exclaimed, raising ourselves up crazily.

The strange snake only pounced once, and after biting our companion, it fell back into the water again, making a loud pop, and countless splashes of water splashed on our bodies, as if we were splashing water.

We roughly estimated that the part where this thing jumped out of the water just now was more than ten meters long and nearly two meters wide!

This is at least two or three times larger than an ordinary python, which can be called terrifying!

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