Meeting another self is a rather terrifying thing. It is said that when one sees another self, he is not far from death.

There have been many similar records in history.

Russian Empress Catherine once saw another herself sitting on the hall in her later years, and she died not long after.

Coincidentally, on the eve of his assassination, US President Lincoln once saw another self.

Famous writers Maupassant, Goethe, etc. also had similar experiences.

But now, Wang Xin saw another self from this black hole and smiled at him.

This means, is he dying soon?
If this is really the case, then this blowing hole is undoubtedly quite terrifying, it can kill people in such a weird way!
"This place is too weird, we must leave as soon as possible!"

The fire monkey said hastily.

I also nodded slightly, I searched around the room, but I didn't find anything I wanted, this place was empty, there was nothing, there was no trace left by Eve, and there was no trace left by Yucheng Yao of.

The only thing worth noting is that there are many deep and shallow claw marks on the walls of this room.

It is estimated that it was caused by the monster that was previously locked inside.

In my impression, the monster was huge, and the movement was astonishing, but the space we were in at the moment didn't seem to be that big, two or three basketball courts, at best, it was like a small playground.

That huge monster must be very crowded in this place.

Of course, this is also in line with the setting of the cage.

However, what puzzles me is, if the monster is really kept here, what is its food?Where did his excrement go?
The cave was surprisingly clean, not even a trace of strange smell.

Maybe if there is any smell, it will be blown away by the wind blowing from the big hole.

There are so many incomprehensible places in this place.

We couldn't figure it out at all for a while.

"Wait a minute, wait for us to shoot, get some samples and go."

Both the fire monkey and I decided to go, but several researchers were very excited. They thought this place must have some scientific research value, so they wanted to take some photos and scrape some samples.

"Move as fast as possible!"

So far, there is no danger, so we don't want to be too tough, but as time goes by, the feeling of uneasiness in our hearts becomes stronger and stronger.

We had to order several inspectors to be very careful not to go to that weird hole.

They also knew that things were weird, so they all lowered their heads, and collected the claw marks around the stone room as soon as possible.

But not long after, something happened!

Seeing the other Wang Xin, he didn't know what was going on, his eyes became very empty, he walked to the entrance of the cave like crazy, and opened his mouth wide to meet the strong wind.

Looking at him, it seems that he wants to eat those winds with his mouth.

He opened his mouth very wide, almost reaching the limit of what humans can do, and he looked very terrifying.

The strange thing is that his eyes are full of hunger and thirst, like an extremely hungry person who has seen the supreme delicacy.

What was even more frightening was that the wind blowing out of the hole was so powerful that his mouth was dripping with blood after a few blows, but not only did Wang Xin feel no pain, but he became even more excited.

"Are you crazy?"

We yelled and pulled this guy over. He resisted wildly with astonishing strength, but the strength of the few of us should not be underestimated, and we managed to control him after all.

But this guy is struggling constantly, and it's hard for us to control him.

"Give him an anesthetic injection!"

Under the effect of anesthesia, Wang Xin gradually calmed down.But his mouth seemed to be dislocated, and he couldn't close it. Blood was continuously flowing out of it, making his face look weird and terrifying even when he was asleep.

"Go, this place can't stay any longer!"

Wang Xin's strange behavior gave us a great shock, we left this ghost place immediately without saying anything.

After we left the monster altar, we continued to walk towards the edge of the foggy area. About a few hours later, Wang Xin woke up.

We've healed his mouth, and this guy finally looks a little normal.

Knowing his strange behavior just now, Wang Xin was also very scared.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. It's just that my head was buzzing at the time, and I felt very hungry. The food seemed extremely delicious, and I couldn't help but think about it."

Saying this, Wang Xin licked his lips subconsciously, as if he was meditating on something.

My heart moved, I always felt that this guy was a bit strange, so I couldn't help but quietly pulled Fire Monkey, "Be careful Wang Xin, his situation is still not right."

When he was in a coma, I had already fed him my blood, but it didn't seem to have much effect. Wang Xin shouldn't be poisoned so simply.

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on him."

Fire Monkey nodded, and he always felt that Wang Xin's behavior was a little different from usual.

As time goes by, we discover more of Wang Xin's oddities.

This guy used to be a left-handed left-hander, but now he suddenly became right-handed with chopsticks. He always licked his lips subconsciously, and his appetite began to increase, as if he would never be full.

"What's the matter, why are you all looking at me like this, I'm just a little hungry, and I just want to eat more."

He didn't seem to notice it, and asked us strangely.

We mumbled a few words to him vaguely, but our hearts became more and more vigilant.

And even weirder changes happened after we left the foggy area.

Although Wang Xin is a geographer, his skills are also very good. After all, being able to enter our team is not only about knowledge.

His body has always been very well-proportioned, but after only one day, we found his belly and started to put on weight.

Even, it doesn't look like getting fat, but like being pregnant.

What's strange is that we wanted to check his stomach, but Wang Xin showed great hostility and even took out a weapon!

"I have noticed that your eyes are wrong, tell me! Are you trying to harm me!"

He yelled hysterically.

This guy has become an unstable factor now, and it seems that he may shoot us at any time, so I shot him without saying a word.

His skills are indeed not bad, but he is by no means my opponent.

Soon, I took the gun from his hand, and he himself was knocked to the ground by me.

A shot of anesthesia was injected into his body again.

"Check out what's in his belly!"

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